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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. and just think platinum albums were made with real musicians
  2. That is fine but don't expect us around these neck of the woods to say that out-loud. ?
  3. Natural or not how can we survive with out our caffeine. First Covid and now this ?
  4. I have been meaning to upgrade my license of Jamstix. I guess now would be a good time
  5. Yeah right like that is going to happen with us.
  6. Roadies I know you won't looking for that response ?
  7. How will you remember you got the new "I"
  8. Well on that front you won't find any in my house. I gave up drinking years ago and don't miss it at all.
  9. and you don't have to worry about the drummer not showing up
  10. Don't mess with the waiter
  11. How this I end up on your tombstone?
  12. Sorry Bill and Mike for bringing down you FRED.
  13. I'll take Norm69 or should I have dibs on Norm96 ? ?
  14. Sorry Mike you don't look like a Norm as I'm sure you are not Normal
  15. I have some $200.00 bills that are tinted Orange They are not Fake I tell you. You can trust me ?
  16. Blame in on the poor Squirrel I have in from good authority wink, wink, nudge nudge that it is the Covid Minks fault
  17. Me too. Do I think it is fantastic. Nope, but I think it is okay for my needs. Nobody at the church where I used it live to add some strings, etc thought it was bad and for what I got it for it is perfect. Would I like to have a $$$ orch library. Sure but not needed at the moment
  18. Notice you are hiding the plastic?
  19. Thanks Jim I can't wait to hear your thoughts. It is good to have competition. It certainly took AMD long enough
  20. If you have loose focus, try some kegel exercises?
  21. I was going to ask him what flavor sand..... nevermind Really all of these programs all have quirks to deal with one way or another. It is up to each user to decide what is their braking point.
  22. Must be Freddie Mercury wannabes and I guess you are write I did ask
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