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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. There is no such thing as Safe SAX
  2. Really if I was younger with more brain cells I would want to tackle Reaper more in depth for all it has to offer. But alas the little free time I have I rather actually be a musician and not an audio engineer. Reaper is one heck of a DAW. Mean and lean is Reaper and I have to give Justin and company credit but it doesn't seem to click for me.
  3. A couple of years ago we had skunks burrowing in the yard. That was not fun to get them to leave.
  4. But, but, but this is the internet. It was born so folks could hide out in the basement and argue about the little of stuff and call people names Like I want to use Reaper but I'm afraid of "The Reaper"
  5. I would be too if I had a rodent problem like you ?
  6. Now where are my Depends?
  7. You're good. I can't even remember if I have a coat ?
  8. Who needs a lawn anymore. Spend the money on plug-ins instead of water for your lawn ?
  9. Isn't Duct Tape suppose to be in everyone's emergency national disaster kit? Because it can stop nuclear warhead right? Can I have a government job so I can come up with this Sh** ?
  10. I feel like I'm looking at a cockpit with all the controls/options PT pro has I never got into the tweaking of PT before besides a couple of minor settings. This could be fun or dangerous ?
  11. So much software and so little HD space ?
  12. Now don't be to harsh Kenny on your Strats. Remember each child each has there own personality ?
  13. That is a great price. I went for PianoTeq Pro upgrade instead.
  14. I didn't say anything about Al........ just some flavored seltzer water
  15. The thing about Pianoteq for me is not much HD space compared to sampled libraries. Plus it is nice to see the improvements in PTQ even if they are not earth shattering. Now it will only cost me $ if a instrument comes out that I like plus the few dollars for version 8 in a few years
  16. Master you have failed us ?
  17. Okay I found the extra and upgraded to Pro from standard. I thought I was only going to get to pick one more instrument. They gave me two instruments to choose. With the JRRshop extra discount it was a really good deal. Don't know if I will ever use the extra editing in the pro version but if I do want to tinker I have them available.
  18. I think it happened in LV Bapu so it has to stay in LV
  19. Are there special rates for ARRP members? You know the old Fart rate? Asking for a..... who am I kidding I'm asking for myself
  20. Me think Milo wants his own chair next to you Kenny.
  21. Can we change it to Salt instead of sand. This way I can add a lime and have it with my......nevermind
  22. Hey I got an idea. Learn how to play the piano (jk) Of course you all could say that to me about learning to play the guitar. ?
  23. Unless you go the RME route. Wish I had the money to go the RME route with how they update drivers for interfaces that are over 10 years old! @John Vere How do you like your new MOTU unit?
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