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Everything posted by overbit

  1. Anyone tried whether the humble coupon can apply to multiple times? Or one time only per account? If you can use it several times it's huge to discount bundle step ups.
  2. What upgrade price to Mcomplete you started at and how much did you spend include credits with that strategic buy? My upgrade price to Mcomplete is $917,way too far..
  3. It's kinda funny the only one who honored is the most ironic person in the forums.
  4. bazille is released at 2014 which seems a bit old synth. Is it still competitive to other modular synth? currently I don't have any modular synth plugin but phase plant is on my radar.
  5. damn this time FX collection upgrade is not $49. I'm not sure only 3 plugins addition is worth $69.. And V collection 10 will be released in months right? It was released every 1 year and a half recently.
  6. seems libraries I already have does not discount the bundle prices
  7. Sun Drums 49$ to moonkits owner is affordable. This low price is first time?
  8. I regret not buying when this bundle deal ended half a day ago. But when it comes back, hmmm
  9. https://teletoneaudio.com/pages/black-friday-2023 Other discount codes are not stackable. Until December 10th.
  10. I made purchase and got paypal receipt but they canceled the order for ran out of license..
  11. and other Xils Lab plugins. https://www.thomannmusic.com/xils_lab.html Until 2024/01/14
  12. overbit

    Output 56%OFF

    Portal - $66 Exhale - $88 and others https://www.thomannmusic.com/output.html Until 2024/01/02
  13. Audio Deluxe is better than PB for VAT and Deluxe bucks if not interested in the PB purchase bonus.
  14. I don't understand why they removed Batch Resave from plugin version?
  15. https://d-fusedsounds.com/deals/baby-audio-transit Transit is $43.47 here with code BlackMonth
  16. I only have movement and upgrade price to full bundle at output official is now $292. better than straight purchase the bundle at PB.
  17. I'm not sure but iirc that coupon was 33% off days ago. Anyone knows?
  18. V collection to FX Collection was $49 not 99. My purchase of FXC was 2022-07-07 and at that time V collection owners had $49 crossgrade offer. You had to wait for the lowest price that rarely happens. I guess it depends on release timing of new version? V Collection crossgrade could be $149 again next BF or new year sale and after that V collection 10 will be released because V collection is released every 1 year and a half recently. I don't know FXC's release interval then no idea. Anyway just my guess.
  19. The Only Neat Way to crossgrade arturia product is this Pigments($99 ) -> V collection($149) -> FX collection($49). My mistake is Pigments($99) -> FX collection ($99) -> V collection($149).
  20. Arturia FX collection 3 was $49 crossgrade for V collection owner and $99 for pigments owner...
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