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Dream Art Scientists

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Everything posted by Dream Art Scientists

  1. Good one Jesse! By the way, the song ends at 1:45, and then you have silence for the remainder of the recoding up to 3:06.
  2. Great sounding mix and great guitar playing! Nice job!
  3. Sounds like a really good tune with lots on interesting things going on in there, but the mix sounds quite muddy to me with the vocals kind of buried in the mix, as well. It's hard to hear the what the different instruments are doing in there and what words the singer is singing due to the mix being quite muddy. If you can clear up the mix some more you should have a great sounding tune there.
  4. Nice job! That must take a lot of work!
  5. I finally had a chance to look it up and figured out how to embed a Youtube video in a post now. For anyone else who is wondering, you put this in your post: [tube]Youtube Share link[/tube] - DAS -
  6. Yes, no doubt this style of music would not be to everyone's taste. It's meant to be more of a chill out style of music where the listener kind of zones out to some extent while listening, so having a lot of changes to really hold the listener's attention closely might tend to be somewhat counter towards that end, but I will take that into consideration. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks for the feedback on the song. Much appreciated!
  7. Sounds good Jesse! Mix sounds good to me, and lots of interesting stuff going on in there, as usual. Your "rice on the church steps", sounds really cool, as well. Good job on that one, as well!
  8. Sounds good! I am no expert on mixing, but the mix sounds pretty good to me. The main vocals could maybe be a little bit quieter in the mix, but take that suggestion with a grain a salt. My mixing ears are not so good, and it depends on what you are aiming for. ?
  9. Nice tune. Mix is maybe a little bit muddy sounding (or maybe that's just my ears this morning) , but a catchy tune nonetheless with a nice rhythm.
  10. Interesting sounding music style. The mix is sounding somewhat mono-ish and a bit restricted sounding. It was hard to hear the words being sung due to that, but still an interesting sounding piece!
  11. Nice piece with an old school synth vibe and nice mix!
  12. Nice relaxing jazz, and great playing! Mix sounds really good, as well. Good job!
  13. Fourteen Years (original song and video animation). Music Style: I call this style 'chill out' music. This song was recorded and mixed/mastered in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Comments and feedback on the song and mix etc much appreciated. Youtube video: - DAS -
  14. Really nice sounding mix and great singing! Good job!
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