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Dream Art Scientists

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Everything posted by Dream Art Scientists

  1. Pretty wild. I thought it was an interesting piece of music overall!
  2. Thanks for the the feedback on the mix! I didn't have a proper mic stand so I was sitting a ways away from the mic. I think that gave a roomy kind of unclear sound to the vocals. Next time I will try to have the mic closer to my face. Thanks very much for listening!
  3. Hi Freddy j. Thanks very much for the feedback on the mix! What you are saying about the bass makes sense to me and I think you have identified one of the key problems areas in the mix very well. The drums were played on a Yamaha digital drum kit, but recorded to one single stereo audio track, as my brother was not set up to record the drums in multiple tracks to a multitrack DAW. What you say about adjusting the drums in the mix makes sense to me as well. Thanks again for those excellent mixing tips! Hi Mark. Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments! The feedback is much appreciated.
  4. Great playing and singing! Very cool song as well!
  5. Nice playing and nice mellow relaxing tune! The mix sounds really clear and professional to me.
  6. Nice playing and the mix sounds really good to me!
  7. I notice my audio mix sounds quite muddy and flat sounding compared to many other people's audio mixes here. ? If anyone can give me any basic tips on how I can make my very muddy sounding audio mix sound more clear it would be much appreciated! I know my audio mix probably has lots of problems, but are there a few specific key simple things that I could do to the audio mix that would help to make the mix sound more clear? Am I not using enough selective frequency EQ cutting on instruments? Is that why my mix sounds so muddy? Ed
  8. Nice playing and cool tune. Yes, I think it could definitely use some bass to give it a bit more low end drive.
  9. Very cool piano playing and nice tune. The mix sounds great to me.
  10. Nice playing and singing! Mix sounds really good as well.
  11. Good clear sounding mix. Nice playing and singing!
  12. Nice playing, and the mix sounds really good to me.
  13. Nice tune. The mix sounds nice and clear to me as well. Good job.
  14. Nice! Reminds me of 70's southern rock.
  15. Nice playing! Lead sounds really good and fits the song well.
  16. Nice high energy rock tune. Mix sounds great!
  17. Sounds really good Mark. Very clear and professional sounding mix. Instruments are jumping right out at me!
  18. Baby Please Don't Go - cover. Just having some fun jamming with some of my family members. Obviously we are not professional musicians. Audio was mixed entirely in Sonar. Unfortunately my mixing skills are not the greatest. Sounds not too overly bad in headphones, I think, but maybe not as good on my monitors. Any tips on how the audio mix could be improved would be much appreciated. Baby Please Don't Go - cover (Youtube)
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