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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. I see what you did there 😄
  2. Free again at APD. https://audioplugin.deals/product/mixbox-se-by-ik-multimedia/ref/21/
  3. https://teknovault.com/collections/preset-packs for 24 hours the preset packs are available a little cheaper, and you get an additional 30% off with the code TECHNOFLASH
  4. https://ml-sound-lab.com/pages/black-november-2024
  5. https://kilohearts.com/blog/black_friday_2024
  6. Yes, the link has expired. I don't have any other link for it. Some coupon codes that should actually already be expired still work. They reduce the price to $5: Rudy Ruler - regular price $99 Dudes Tubes - regular price $99 discount code: valter8 Bang Box - regular price $119 discount code: valter8bb All Artist VST-s bundle (6 Pack) - regular price $84 discount code: valter8artist
  7. Looks like a list of software that you'll get for free anyway every now and then. The plugin bundle is only for annual subscriptions, I believe. You currently get 12 months for the price of 6.
  8. Somebody did post it here in this thread. And it got removed. Also, the person who started the other forum told me that some users even got banned from the Cakewalk forum for mentioning his forum. I don't know if this is true, but I'm not risking that.
  9. I like that they have a fully functional demo version. I tested it, liked it and bought it. It makes it really quick and easy to test different arrangements without having to move clips around all the time or enable/disable them all over the place. Quite intuitive too. Now you can even get a FREE license, just by achieving a score of 25000 or more in their browser game that's on the "About" page. See https://arrangerking.discourse.group/t/arrangerking-the-game-released/39
  10. I bought it too. I believe owners of Babylon 1 don't need to rush, the upgrade price is $9.90 too. I kinda regret buying it though. I'm not saying it's bad, but damn, why do I keep buying cheap synths when I already have plenty of top notch synths? I guess I'm not really cured from GAS yet 😭
  11. Depends on the plugin, I guess. I've read nothing but good reviews for Deres, for example.
  12. I think it's alright. Doesn't sound bad. The factory presets often have generic names which isn't cool. But if you have the Babylon & Expansions you get plenty of genre-specific presets. I'd never buy it for the full price though. In fact, I got it for free with a coupon that's floating around the internet.
  13. I tested it right now. I'm not impressed. It's still beta though, so maybe it will become better. You have very little control, so it's almost like a "Make me a random preset" button. The only control that you have is the ability to tell it what timbre you want (like bass, lead, pad, ...). Everything else is just rather technical. Net version: Currently there's only one Net version. That's the current version of the AI. It has four Models: Contriver 2023, Contriver 2024, Large 2024, Hybrid 2024. Timbre: Here you can select what type of preset you want to have (bass, pad, pluck, etc.). Depending on the model that you've chosen above, the options will vary. Mode: Experimental or Polished. Experimental adds randomness and grit, Polished offers fine-tuned parameters for more refined results. Seed: Different seeds will generate different results. So, if you leave all other parameters the same, make sure to hit the randomize cube, otherwise you'll just get the same presets that you've already created before. DNA Q: Use high numbers for accurate results, low numbers for more randomness Corrector: Off or Normal. With Corrector set to normal it will perform final tuning of parameters in the resulting preset. Presets amount: You can let it create multiple presets at once, up to 128 at a time. You can create 2048 presets per day. So, that's it. No prompt to describe the type of preset you want to have, no audio upload button to show it what type of sound you want. ☹️ I'm a bit underwhelmed. Nevertheless not bad because you can quickly create tons of presets.
  14. Has anyone here tried the new preset generator yet?
  15. I'll send you the one that Kreveta sent me
  16. That's kind of you, but I already have the synth. When I wrote "I still don't get it", I meant that I still don't understand GTsongwriter's joke.
  17. Someone on KVR Audio wrote: So I guess you're right that you need to use SM2 to import the banks in order to use them in SM3.
  18. I still don't get it. Maybe my English isn't good enough.
  19. That was probably the pre-release price. It's not unusual for prices to jump up when a product leaves the beta-testing-phase and gets officially released. Synthmaster often had sales in the past though, so maybe you'll get a better price in the future.
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