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David Rossi

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Everything posted by David Rossi

  1. There’s a lot of Pink Floyd influence here, at least to my ears. The 2 things I would suggest is to reprocess the drums, they are too far back and overly compressed, and although I understand the vocal effect desired here, it is used throughout the song and muddying the mix and presentation. I would use it on certain parts of the song for affect, and then ditch it to get the vocals clearer, more up front. You’ll probably find it builds the drama a little more… My 2 cents. Overall nice tune…
  2. This is pretty wonderful. You do have a really nice and forward country voice and I like the vocal pads that fill it out. My only suggestion which may be a betrayal to its simplicity, is to add some color acoustic hooks / licks in the various emptiness under the strings. It’s a wonderful song, just maybe needs a little more break up the repetitiveness of the base tracks.
  3. Hey all, was an active member of the way old Sonar / cakewalk forum back in the day. Need a few mix comments for this. The parts seem there but the cohesive glue seems a little, eh, lacking? Buffalo Thanks for your time in advance…
  4. Weird behavior I am noticing with Melodyne plugin - When I create a region FX, the editor opens at the bottom dock. Workflow wise, I will then undock it and work free on my second monitor. However, if I undock and then minimize, there is seemingly no way I can ever seem to get the window back. Even new instances will not show the editor. I think it's there, I just think it's somewhere I cannot access. I would expect if I tiled or cascaded my windows it would show, but still, no avail. I have a project with 5 instances of Melodyne and none of the editor windows will now show. If I remove all instances of the plugin and then start anew, it will show up again at the bottom dock. But then I lose all my work. Using Melodyne 5.3.1 and CW build 21 / 2022.11 Helppppp
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