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Everything posted by jkoseattle

  1. It's not that, nope. Now that I zoom in on the clip I see a whole bunch of envelope lines on the clip in addition to my regular volume envelope which is separate. The lines extend beyond the clips and therefore seem to be track related. I decided to see if I could just duplicate the track and copy the clip to the new track and maybe the problem would go away. But when I try to drag the clip to the new track, it wants to move the clips from ALL tracks, as if they were all selected. And if I simply delete the clip, everything in the project is deleted, including Arranger sections. This now looks like the file is corrupted, but I'm hoping this behavior is an indicator of something recognizable to someone here.
  2. Ok great, That solved that, thank you! ...and so I'm listening to this masterpiece, and watching the volume knob bob up and down in sync with the envelope, and all is right with the world. Then the track gets inexplicably louder and softer quickly, though the volume knob did not move, and my envelope is flat at that moment, and then I look at the track and I see ANOTHER line in there that has a big crest in it and clearly is what is making the line move. And even though I have enabled the button that splits the envelopes into their own lane below the track, this little red line is still sitting on the track. What is this line?
  3. I have created some volume envelopes on some tracks, which IIRC I created by turning on Write Enable (which I then remembered to turn off when done). But I'm not positive it was all done that way. In any case, none of them are changing the volume. There are these R-with-a-slash-through-it icons, in the toolbar and on each track, but it's confusing whether turning it on means the volume envelopes are NOT obeyed, or vice-versa, and in any case, toggling them doesn't make any difference. I can drag the actual volume knob to change the volume, but normally the volume envelope makes that knob move on its own, and this is not happening. What am I missing?
  4. Oh ok, both good things to remember. I'm also surprised that I can't move around sections and have the track contents move with them. I can drag the section itself, but the content doesn't also move. I notice that I can click on a section and the content is also highlighted, though I can click on it a second time and just the section is highlighted and not the contents, but I find that in either case, I can't seem to move around a section and its contents together. Is that right?
  5. That was it! not tricky at all, but I'm sure not surprised I couldn't remember it. Thanks!
  6. I thought that there was a way to make Arranger Tracks automatically based on existing Markers, but I can't find that feature now. Wasn't that a thing or was I just wishing it?
  7. I know there is a way to permanently enable Auto Focus in PRV. I've done it before. Now I have to manually turn it on every time. Does anyone know how to make it sticky?
  8. Thanks. I installed BandLab Assistant, but still can't see where to install SI. It looks like SI does not come with CbB because if it did I assume I would see it.
  9. OK, well I went to look at the Studio Instruments Drum thing, and it said I needed to buy SI, but there's no way to do that. So I'm confused and starting to get a little worried. How do I make drummy sounds come out of my computer now?
  10. So there is no drum plugin with CWB at all? Do I have to go buy something?
  11. I am opening up some projects that are multiple years old, and I have since completely re-installed windows 11 on this machine, and therefore CW and everything else. This old project had a Session Drummer synth in it, but not only can I not find SD, I find very little about it on the web. It's like it's gone completely. Searching my machine finds a few straggler files but no install or VST or anything. More broadly, this particular project has a dozen or so synth tracks in it, and although they are mostly Opus, and I still have Opus, Cakewalk doesn't recognize them so I am having to rebuild them with new synths based on the track names and the original mp3. Is there a better way? And what happened to Session Drummer?
  12. Well, I remembered the first one of these. Since no one answered I'm thinking people don't know about this feature, and it's extremely useful! Normally, when working on an arrangement, you can only start at the beginning of a section by highlighting that section and clicking the arrangement's play button. But if you want to play the arrangement starting at someplace in the middle of a section, set the Now time to wherever you want to start, then Ctrl-Click the arrangement's Play button. Playback will start at Now and continue in the current arrangement.
  13. Oh wow, I've never known about that. It WAS the controllers! I have pedal and velocity panes up, and simply hiding them made all the difference! Wow, has it always been that way? Weird, and I've been using CW since 1989.
  14. Oh I was so happy to see so many responses. I do have an Apple phone and for all its shortcomings, 1) It's what the rest of the family uses, and 2) I had an Android phone and truth be told, is was too configurable, and I couldn't stop messing with it. I found I prefer the Soviet Russia that is the Apple ecosystem. I don't want to configure anything. Apple, just make it the way you think it should be and I'll do it your way. I've got other things to think about... Anyway, I'm glad I asked because I hadn't heard of those apps and that sounds like just what I need. Thanks everybody!
  15. If you're like me, your projects take a lot of iteration. Laying down a draft, listening to it a while, making changes, rinse, repeat. What I've always wanted to do efficiently is export audio for my in-progress piece, then listen to it on my phone for a day or two, then go back to the studio and make changes, export, listen on phone, etc. I know HOW to do this, but in the past what I've done is pull my exported audio into iTunes and then sync my phone and listen that way. Painintheass. I'm wondering what other people do? Ideally, I'd love to just export my project to an audio file, then go right to the phone and be able to listen that audio somehow. I'm sure this is something people do. What's YOUR method? If you don't find a need to do this, don't bother making up how you would do it IF you needed to. I'm interested in what people actually are doing that works for them.
  16. So are take lanes something I can disable somewhere? I will but I didn't know I could.
  17. I prefer the Space key to return Now to where playback started, and Ctrl-Space to move the Now marker to wherever I stop. That's how I've always had it. But for some reason those keys have swapped, and Ctrl-Space rewinds while regular Space moves Now to the stop point. What did I did to did that?
  18. Yes, it turns out it was about Take Lanes. Things were pasting on top of an existing take. As soon as I highlight a take with empty room for the paste, it will accept it and not erase anything. I still don't know what's causing this, but at least I see what's going on. Ideas?
  19. If I copy notes within PRV from one track, then paste them to another track, still in PRV, existing notes on the target track are REPLACED with the pasted notes, rather than blended in. So I went to Preferences to Editing > What to do with existing material: And "Blend Old and New" is selected (like it has been for years, btw, I've never done anything else). For good measure I checked a different option, hit Apply, then selected "Blend..." again, hit Apply and closed Preferences. Same behavior. This makes me EXCEEDINGLY NERVOUS. So I tried pasting the notes onto the same target track in different places in the project, and sometimes it erased existing material and sometimes it didn't. After experimenting a while I finally went to Track View and took all the takes in that area of the piece and Bounced to Clip. This seemed to fix the problem. But I don't understand why. I seldom bother with clips, and am constantly applying trimming and bouncing to clip, mostly just to simplify track view. Now I'm worried I'm going to inadvertently erase something because of some misunderstood behavior going on. Can anyone elucidate here?
  20. jkoseattle

    Mute notes in PRV

    Is it possible to select notes in PRV and mute them with a keystroke? I can select the Mute tool from the toolbar and click on any selected note to mute all of them, but that's more steps than I'd like. I didn't see a keyboard shortcut for it.
  21. I remember at one time I learned how to begin playback in the middle of an arranger section by clicking in some special way on the section label in the Arranger window, but I can't remember how that is done. Can someone refresh my memory? Also, is it possible to see the Arranger Track while in PRV?
  22. jkoseattle

    Slow PRV scrolling

    Scrolling horizontally in PRV is mysteriously really sluggish. Using Ctrl-mouse wheel to scroll, the PRV screen goes chunk-chunk-chunk about 2 chunks per second. Dragging from the measure number bar to zoom in and out also seems really sluggish, as does scrolling left and right with the thumb. Vertical scrolling seems unaffected. Anyone know why this is? The piece is 10 minutes long but only consists of two midi tracks.
  23. I'm using Opus pianos. Good question though because I just installed a track of Cakewalk TTS and it does NOT exhibit the issue! So it's something to do with Opus. Thank you!! I'll go ask their tech support next.
  24. jkoseattle

    Loopback issues

    Yes that is the model. In Audacity, the input and output are set up "Speakers (Focusrite USB Audio)" and that's all I've done. If I try to set Recording to something else from the list, it doesn't work at all. But if the Focusrite doesn't have a loopback feature (something I vaguely recall come to think of it), then how might I have been doing it in Cakewalk before??
  25. jkoseattle

    Loopback issues

    I am unable to do loopback recording in Cakewalk. I am using a Focusrite 2+2. I am not sure what settings I need to enable. I can record in Audacity, but the resulting recording is poor, full of pops and clicks. When I try recording in Cakewalk, I am recording nothing at all, but I STILL get pops and clicks from the audio source, which continue for a few seconds even after stopping playback. I used to do this all the time, but like so many of these kinds of things, it's something I got set up in like 2017 and forgot all about it. Now having to reset it all it's like I have to learn it all over. I probably don't have all the things you need to know to diagnose this listed here, so ask away.
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