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Everything posted by jkoseattle

  1. More data: Cut/Paste is the example above (simple drag). Copy/paste (ctrl-drag) does not exhibit this problem. Recorded a brand new third track. Tried cutting and pasting from the new track. Same problem. So apparently not corrupted clips
  2. Here is a second simplified experiment. It is not a PRV issue, turns out. https://360.articulate.com/review/content/d3d824e9-e56b-4c88-b127-84681ae36c90/review
  3. I tried the same procedure after Bouncing to single clips and no improvement.
  4. Never! At least not reliably like this, if ever.
  5. Thanks. I forgot to mention that I don't want to do that because it breaks my flow, as I write in PRV almost exclusively. Plus, I'm doing a hundred other edits, often creating a hundred tiny little clips which every once in a while I have to merge together.
  6. jkoseattle

    Selection weirdness

    I'm wondering if this is unique to my situation somehow or is a bug, or what. Screencast of the problem, (with narration) https://360.articulate.com/review/content/9da08074-44b5-42d0-abe9-1e3ece158e73/review I have two tracks in PRV. I want to move a selection of notes from one track to the other. I select the notes I want to move out of one track. These are somewhere in the middle of the piece, let's say bars 14-17 of a 100 bar piece. I then go to the destination track and paste. I see that the selection bar with the green triangles starts and ends at the correct place, starting at the beginning of the first selected note and ending at the end of the last. I also ensure that the Now time is at the beginning of the selection, so that when I paste, the notes will stay in the same place in the timeline. I then go to the destination track and paste. But all of a sudden, what was once a 4-bar selection area turns into an arbitrarily long one, maybe 19 bars, and the paste wipes out everything in those 19 bars. I don't want ANYTHING in the destination track to be deleted, much less a whole bunch more afterward, I just want to add the selected notes to the track. I double-checked that "Blend Old and New" is checked in preferences, so nothing should be getting deleted at all, and for all these years, it wasn't. (Possibly related: when I use the Tab key to jump between markers, I am getting jumps BETWEEN markers sometimes. Is there something corrupted in the project?)
  7. I can never keep those track types straight, but it's the one with the little square keyboard icon. If I right click on one of them I have the option to "Split Instrument Track", so I guess they are.... Instrument Tracks?
  8. I've been doing this exact thing for years. I have a piece consisting of three Midi tracks. Each track is reduced to one clip. STEPS: 1. Select the three tracks, making sure the clips contained in them are selected 2. Export Audio 3. Select the preset I've used for all audio exports for years 4. Give it a file name and hit OK EXPECTED: Audio exported. Fast bounce is unchecked. If Audible Bounce is checked, I hear music. ACTUAL: Clips disappear entirely from track view (!), and while the progress bar at the top inches along like normal, the shuttle does not move. The resulting audio file is silent. When the "export" is complete, which takes the normal, expected amount of time, the clips reappear as before. What's going on?
  9. That's my assumption too. But if that's the case, then why am I getting the missing plug-in dialog every time?
  10. Well, too late for that. The question is where is this phantom clip that supposedly contains the missing plug-in?
  11. I've been ignoring this little nuisance for forever, finally getting around to asking about it. When opening any project based on a particular template I have, I always get the "Missing Plug-in" dialog which I must click out of before I can begin working. Normally, I would simply go to where CW says the plug-in was and remove it (i.e. in the Master bus, etc.). But I have a missing plug-in that says this: QL Spaces (Clip: '') "QL Spaces" is the name of the missing plug-in. I don't name my clips, so every clip in every project I own is called ''. The problem is that since the template has this missing plug-in problem, of course every project I base on it has it as well. Before you start typing that I need to open the template and un-hide every track and look for a stray clip I have hanging around, well I've done that. I can't find anything. How else might I go about removing this missing plug-in from this phantom clip?
  12. Thanks. This laptop only has one USB port anyway, so no problem there. I realize this is a bigger issue than only the Keystation. I'm plugged into a Surface Dock which has a Focusrite audio interface attached via ASIO. That's what I normally use. When I need to go mobile though, I need to change the driver mode to Wasapi Shared every time and then "jiggle" things in CW Preferences until sound happens. It's always hit and miss.
  13. Following up on this thread. I just bought a Keystation 32 for portable work, and I have gotten it plugged in, configured and working well with CW. However, it is inconsistent. Sometimes I plug it in and CW recognizes it and adds it, but then existing tracks which have the Keystation set as its input source still won't record input. And sometimes when I plug it in CW won't recognize something got plugged in in the first place. How should I work with this thing so that I can get reliable results with CW? If I am not supposed to do something a certain way, like don't plug it in while CW is running, I can do that, but I just want to know so that I'm not having to cross my fingers and hope.
  14. I'm aghast that no one spoke to the easiest and most effective way to do what you want. Select the passage you want to change in PRV. Then in the velocity pane, hover over any selected velocity, till the cursor changes to the bar chart looking thing. Dragging up and down changes the velocities of selected notes uniformly as you know. HOWEVER... holding the SHIFT key down while dragging up and down changes the selected notes by percentage instead! (For whatever reason you have to drag a lot farther to get them to move.) What's more, holding CTRL down while dragging makse it easy to create crescendos by affecting the velocity percentage more the closer the note is to where you are dragging.
  15. jkoseattle

    PRV Gradient

    That is correct. Bummer. I find that the 3D/gradient is distracting and adds to eye fatigue over a long haul, not to mention as stated, it makes it more difficult to see the velocity-based colors.
  16. jkoseattle

    PRV Gradient

    Is it possible to remove the gradient from notes in PRV? It would be much easier on the eyes, and also much easier to make use of the velocity shading feature. If not, can someone explain what function the gradient serves? Maybe it has some advantages I'm not thinking/aware of?
  17. Yeah, and hard as I try, I just can't hear the 'look' of a plug-in in the finished product. Maybe it's my ears...
  18. OK good. There's so much ink devoted to ProChannel I always feel like I'm ignoring something I need.
  19. On the other hand, I'm a long time (30+ years!!) Cakewalk user and have never gotten into ProChannel. I few years back I tried it out, and concluded that I wasn't getting anything different from what I'd already been using. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't see the advantage for people already using the other effects bundled with Cakewalk. All my effects are Sonitus. Am I missing something essential?
  20. It seems obvious to me that there needs to be a feature that turns the current timeline selection into a new section. Any way to do this?
  21. Thanks. It wasn't that, I was concerned actually with changing the track displayed in PRV by selecting tracks in Trace View. But never mind, it's working now. While we're talking about Auto Focus though, does anyone know of a way to keep Auto Focus from becoming disabled? I'm finding myself constantly re-enabling it. I don't understand what action causes it to be turned off.
  22. I clicked something which messed this up. How do you get it to that when highlighting a track in TV changes what's displayed in PRV? It's been that way by default forever, but somehow I turned that off, and not I have to go into the track listing in PRV to change what's displayed. Supposed to change when I click around in TV. What did I mess up?
  23. I am having the same problem, but in that registry entry I am not seeing anything that looks like Melodyne. In my BA, all the options are checked and the Install button is grayed out, though I also uninstalled Melodyne. Help?
  24. jkoseattle

    Won't stop playback

    For the recent project I'm working on, (not large but not insignificant), I'm trying to record some vocals, and things are working fine except for the fact that often I can't stop playback. Sometimes I hit the Space bar and there's a delay of a few seconds before it actually stops, and sometimes it doesn't stop at all. In fact, during those times I can't do anything else in CW. If I just let it play for a few minutes and then come back to it I can usually stop it though. Also, I get some audio artifacts I haven't heard before. They are probably dropouts, but it's not like it stutters or stops entirely, but playback kind of fizzles out and back in almost like radio static. ASIO drivers, 512 buffer size. About ten instruments, a dozen or so vocal tracks. Pretty annoying. Any idea why this is happening?
  25. I put these comments elsewhere but it looks like they belong here. LOVE the Arranger Track! A few nitpicks: * Sections definitely need to obey dragging of clips in Track View. Moving around clips and then requiring moving the clips to line up makes it hard to use. * As others have mentioned, arranger track needs to be visible in PRV, Staff View, etc. * "Compact mode" would be nice to show more sections in the arranger pane on the left side by having each tile take up less vertical space * When I hover over a section in the section pane, they highlight, but that's not useful. I would love it if you hovered over a section in the section pane, that everywhere that pane is used in the currently displayed arrangement is highlighted. SUPER useful * I find myself constantly selecting stuff in Track View or PRV, and then wanting to tell Cakewalk "Make this selection a new Arranger Track section". Then I realize it's not done that way and I have to drag in the Arranger track itself. Not a big deal, but I forget every time. * this is a v2 thing, but I'd love to be able to have overlapping sections. Should those last 2 bars be part of this section or not? I'd like to try both ways, and so I need to split it into two sections. * I'd like to click within a tile in the arrangement pane and have playback start there. (For example, clicking in the very middle of a tile would start playback halfway through the section, etc.) It's ok that I can only click on the play in the tile to play the entire section, but as a lot of arrangement experimentation involves transitions, I want to hear just the last two bars or one section to hear if it flows into the next section. Using the play buttons in the arrangement, I can only playback entire sections. * when committing an arrangement, I appreciate the warning, but I would like it to give me the option to save the arrangement as a different project name, so that I can export multiple arrangements as separate Cakewalk files. Here are things I love about Arranger: * Random colorization of tiles. THANK YOU! I wish that mechanism was available everywhere in Cakewalk! * General intuitiveness. Unlike many Cakewalk features, I picked up how to use the Arranger Track almost immediately without looking at help files. That was a delightful experience. * Clever font squishing in small sections - I noticed and appreciated that attention to detail!
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