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Stephen Power

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Everything posted by Stephen Power

  1. I've got myself into a bit of a mess when using the piano roll view. The first issue was that (for some reason) I could only see the notes o the active track, and now I've managed to get this jumbo keyboard as the display! (see photo). Could someone kindly advise me on how to reset the PRV to the 'standard view'. UPDATE: I had some extra questions here, about viewing multiple tracks in the PRV, but managed to RTFM on those topics. But I'm still stuck on losing that mega keyboard view. Thanks for any advice.
  2. Thank you very much for your reply, it encouraged me to have another go. I had, in fact, used highlight/ctrl/left-click to move the notes, but when I saw the 'empty' note shape, I assumed that it was moving the notes and not copying them and decided that was the wrong shortcut. I've just tried again and found that the original notes stayed in place (DOH!) That's my reminder about what 'assume makes out of you' done for today.
  3. I play keyboard, saxophone, EWI (midi wind controller), guitar, trumpet, bouzouki, mountain harp, flute, and Irish tin whistle. My band (Bad Rabbit) has a hit track on Spotify. I am trying to get to grips with the software, and that's why I asked a technical question.
  4. Just tried it, thank you! It works a treat.
  5. Hello from Ireland I've very new to Cakewalk and I hope you'll excuse the basic question, which I'm sure you've tackled many times. I have tried several attempts at solving it myself, but all to no avail, so here goes... In the piano roll view, I'm trying to select the notes of a simple chord (e.g. root, 3rd & 5th) and move them in the PRV to form the same shape, but starting on a different root (e.g. G to C). For the life of me, I can't get the selected notes to move (or copy), despite trying various keyboard shortcut combinations. I have a feeling I'll kick myself when I hear the simple answer. Thanks for your time, in advance.
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