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Per Christian Frankplads

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Everything posted by Per Christian Frankplads

  1. I didn't make music for a while, but I remember loving this effect. Really cool and chilled (literally!) sound. Check some audio examples, and I think you'll find that $19 is a good price for it.
  2. I own v1 (got it for free probably through SoundCollective), but even when logged in, I get £49.99 as a price. On the other hand I have never used it, and I own Cherry Audio Miniverse. So even if I get v2 for £25, I'm not sure I'd spend the money at this time...
  3. Also about the story posted on that page: "Posted on May 1, 2018"
  4. Thanks for this! Gonna make an alarm for it.
  5. Thanks for this! How do you know which games are free each week? Where do I sign up for a mailing list or something about this?
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