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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. Marc Cormier


    ...and you're on the deals forum? What model year are you saving for...2056?
  2. Working great in S1 here but it definitely is CPU hungry. I print to tracks pretty early on so I’m not tempted to make the track perfect, and it’s no longer an issue once that’s done.
  3. I just logged off work to have a play with this and I have to say....it's really good. I love the cab updates - a ton more flexibility and more variety. The new amps are excellent as well - more options, and good ones to boot. Presets? Yeah, they took some time with these new ones. I've used Helix Native as my main amp sim for a long time now but still struggle with the layout. There's little joy in tinkering if you like to look at what the simulation is based on. It's just not my cup of tea but it sounds great for my purposes. With this update (and with the prior Amproom experience) it's just a joy to see the hardware so beautifully rendered. And the sounds are top-notch, to boot. I don' t make decisions based only on looks and sound, but on workflow, too. Having said that, I really appreciate working with software that has been tested with an audience that appreciates quality from a bunch of different angles. In this case, the design is definitely something that one should consider. Hard to believe they were selling Amproom for $49 earlier this year. I can't wait to jump into this more later in the week.
  4. Daaaaaaayum. I love me some Amproom - nice free updated, even though it doesn't look like CPU hit has been addressed. I have to find some way to keep the current version so my presets still work. It's not exactly clear what happens to your instances of Amproom already in projects.
  5. Audiotonix, a global market leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of professional audio mixing consoles and ancillary products, acquired sonible. sonible will join the growing Audiotonix brand portfolio of leading audio technology and solutions companies that includes Allen & Heath, Calrec, DiGiCo, DiGiGrid, Group One Limited, Harrison, KLANG:technologies, Slate Digital, Solid State Logic, and Sound Devices. https://www.sonible.com/blog/audiotonix/ Not sure if I feel lucky to have maxed out during their anniversary sale or if this means better days ahead. At least it wasn’t Francisco Partners or whatever they call themselves now.
  6. They just gave me your code! Must be a proximity thing 'cos I could hear your lack of excitement from my patio, Larry.
  7. Skipping this until there's a discount on the upgrade - it's tempting, but $69 is more than I want to pay and I wouldn't use the new additions as much as the core plugins from the FX2 list.
  8. Delete your least favorite Soundpaint library and it will make room for X copies of Scaler. I haven't even scratched the air above the surface of Scaler and I'm blown away at what it can do.
  9. No reason to rush, either. I thought it would have been a mistake to include anything new in their freebies and would have jumped sooner to take advantage of it, but no. No rush.
  10. Dr. Larry will be with you in a moment.
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought! It's seriously good plugin for identifying trouble frequencies and masking. Super easy UI, to boot.
  12. Picked up the Dynamics Bundle for $40.75 from Everyplugin. Already have the Smart Reverb and Smart EQ3. I wonder if that will drop prices on other items once I register on Sonible. I have Entropy and Proximity EQs, too, so I guess we'll see. Great sale - I've been scouting KVR for a cheap Smart Comp license. And yeah, I have way too many plugins but my favorite color (today) is green, so Sonible...
  13. Actually, the record price was FREE at Bestservice a couple of years ago!
  14. They need to pay him more so he can get better (closer) videos of the hula dancers. Hope you had a great time, Larry!!!!!
  15. Exactly why I'll stick with TONEX SE.
  16. Just re-bought Native on sale two weeks ago. I love this.
  17. I’m looking forward to getting Prime Bass this summer when I upgrade to K14CE. Same company, similar UI, demos sound and look good. Anyone have experience with it?
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