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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. Yikes. Just came back from 3 weeks in Wales. I’m screwed.
  2. Fleer sez…”Installed!”
  3. It’s a subscription. Those things at the end are the strings attached.
  4. Plus, I can actually read the numbers on the PSP modules. Mixbox is a mixed bag.
  5. Just threw a couple of presets on a drum buss and I was off to EveryPlugin to plonk me money down.
  6. What does everyone think of this library? Kidding.
  7. One of my favorite bands of all time is Opeth, who feature a B3 on a number of songs and albums. Oboe, too. Who’d a thunk death metal could be so refined?
  8. Where does one find or receive their downloads?
  9. I agree with you on everything except the reverbs. And I have no excuses. For everything else, yes, I've slowed down but am taking a more tactical approach and actually thinking of use cases before buying vs. collecting. This is the first year in a while I haven't upgraded to Komplete Ultimate or CE. I was talking myself into it based on the Stresov choir and Playbox. Then I realized I have FOUR choirs from 8Dio that I haven't used and LCO Contemporary Orchestra that does a lot of what the new NI multi-layer instruments do. And Playbox - it was intriguing as a fire starter. BOOM! Got Playbox and a bunch of PA plugins for a little more than a tenner a couple of days ago. I'm good for a while.
  10. I thought about loading 5 tuners and the Music Essentials bundle for $8 but opted to look more authentic.
  11. Yep. Is Playbox worth the $24? Anyone use it/have it?
  12. I just heard back from Ralph—just as helpful as ever, manning every desk in the shop. I did ask if anything was on the horizon but haven’t heard back. It was only an hour ago. I find it hard to get my head around it at times but that’s me bichin’ about the interface more than anything. The guy that did a multi-part in-depth YouTube series on Jamstix 4 was WAY too deep, and there’s not much else in terms of tutorials.
  13. Totally confusing unless you happen to have an answer. Please provide the thread name or search term.
  14. I just emailed Ray for help with a missing password. I'll post an update if/when I hear back.
  15. Tonebooster EQ4 has some pretty impressive features, too. All right around our sweet spot of 29 buckaroos. I have a bunch of their plugins and both this and the reverb are excellent. Great value, the lot. https://www.toneboosters.com/tb_equalizer_v4.html
  16. Yes, but if you got Essentials and something like the Friedman Naked library, you could go a loooong way. That expansion is killer.
  17. TH-U will always have a spot in projects here - the sounds are good/great, the layout is simple, it's extremely flexible, and that CPU usage is barely noticeable. There's really not a lot it can't do. If Helix had the interface of TH-U, I would stop looking for amp sims now. As it is, Helix provides great tones but is uninspiring to me. TH-U is so easy to pull on a track and do 90 of what Helix does, with a fraction of the CPU. At half off, it's a pretty good deal. Plus you get Supercabinet and the ability to use Rig Models. I quit the Rig Model rabbit hole because it was getting ridiculous and I couldn't trial the rigs, which would cut down on the ones I didn't end up liking.
  18. Yeah, this update was a biggie. Major cab update (!), a new amp head, etc. I love this thing even if it hogs the covers.
  19. Damn. I thought you were gonna say "you push this little button thingy and then its done."
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