Hmm. Guitar bundle says it’s cheaper than it is when you get to checkout.
edit: same with synth bundle it seems.
Instead of giving a bundle price both just seem to add up the sale prices for the plugins.
have contacted support.
Thanks again. Yeah. I know. I’m already covered a million times over for the sounds. Pokémon syndrome or Stockholm Syndrome. Not sure which. Thanks for keeping me strong.
I do really want Slammer for some reason though. Even though it’s “just” samples. Was the same with Ting which I bought before Adam gave them away free.
Should I get Tomofon? I mean...I could put the money towards a Boss Waza CE-2w. But I have so many pedals already. But I have so many synths already. Should I get Tomofon?
But here's the thing...I installed the Model-T 1.2 update and now my license code won't work. Written to them and will report back in case anyone else has the same issue.