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Everything posted by marcL

  1. I wonder why I can post here in this forum as I am no general at all! And if we have a general forum, why is there not a soldier forum?
  2. If you want a really good Vibraphone, then there is the one of Soniccouture that runs in Kontakt/Kontakt Player. Another option is the one contained in the Magix Independence Sampler.
  3. I do something similar before every mix. I decide whether I want the bass sitting above the kick (mostly my choice) or vice versa. According to that decision I reduce the one of the two at 50 Hz and increase at 115 Hz and for the other both values conversely. Most of the time that sets the base for the mix. But as Lord Tim explained in more detail you have to make frequency space for each instrument/voice, i.e. cut other tracks in that area. The first time when I was really working with frequency cutting I realized that this is the way to make other tracks coming through. But what made me hugely surprised, was the fact that sometimes even that track with the cut frequencies gets louder and more distinct to my ears, very strange (our ears)!
  4. I believe you! I just wonder what went wrong on my PCs that they are missing? By the way I use 2017.07 (build 37), because I felt it is more stable than the last version. I will try to reinstall on my laptop. Okay, I understand now what you mean. You set the time and pitch independently of each other. But in my case I want the physical dependency of the two to stay intact, i.e. when I restore the original pitch, I want to get the matching (original) tempo automatically. But thank you anyway for your answer, because I like the elastique Timestretch dialog, it maybe surely useful for other applications.
  5. I hope they don't do that, because I like those plugins (especially the strips) whereas I almost never use the Style Dials. I generally don't like those one knob plugins!
  6. In both of my Sonar Platinum installations (Laptop & Tower) I cannot find the file Stretch.ax. The only file I find is Stretch.hlp. So it seems that this was either an optional installation or it was only a part of pre-X3 Sonars (I started with X3). The elastique Timestretch in SoundForge seems not to meet the requirements that I described above as I want a pitch change that ALSO AFFECTS the clip length accordingly (tempo). My test with elastique TS resultet in a pitch-changed clip without any length change. But maybe I just don't understand to set the values correctly? By the way, the Pitch Shift effect of SF does the job!
  7. Thanks Kurre, I have never noticed the "midi only" possibility at the bottom! But you are absolutely right, this provides exactly the functionality I was searching for.
  8. Although this sounds best to me (it's exactly the way I would like to do it) I did not have success with these instructions. First I had to change my menu layout to "Sort by Category" to find a "Pitch Shift" submenu (proud, I got it! ?) and then I could not find "Time/Pitch Stretch 2" in my installation, maybe it comes from an additionally installed plugin? Thank you! I think this is the way I go for as I have SoundForge 11 installed on my system and I have already included it in Cakewalk's Utilities menu. Also, I have found the "Effects > Pitch > Shift..." effect in SF that should be able to do what I want. I'll give it a try!
  9. Thanks Mark! But I thought more of a way of stretching that maintains the inherent pitch change (like in Audacity with Change Speed ...). The reason is that I have some older wave files (multitrack tape recordings) that have been played with the wrong speed (recording the waves) and I want to recover the original speed/pitch. Because I know the songs' keys I know the target pitch. All tracks belonging together have to be adjusted the same way (also percussion even if it has "no real" pitch).
  10. Good hint, but IMHO the +1 is not that severe concerning forum cluttering than THREAD HIJACKING !!!
  11. Is there a simple way to change the length of an audio clip so that the pitch is also affected? Something like running a tape recorder faster or slower (like it was available on my Tascam 38 recorder) or like it is available in Audacity (Change Speed ...).
  12. The same goes for me! But I have tried right before to use drag'n'drop from the plugin browser and I must admit it is quite comfortable for multiple plugins. Maybe in the future I go more this way?
  13. Thanks a lot scook, that works perfect! It is even possible to set the audio tracks to zero if you have already one for your instrument. The only thing that irritates me is the label "Port:" instead of Out/Output, but that's no problem so far, you can choose the output synth. Shame on me, I always overlooked this menu entry!
  14. I have not often used the add multiple tracks functionality, but lately I wanted to test several versions of a MIDI measure to an instrument track. For me the easiest way to do that, is to add some more muted MIDI tracks to the same synth and unmute one by one to listen to the versions in conjunction with the preceding MIDI. Then suddenly I remembered this wonderful "Add Track" button (usually I use the menu "Insert ..."), but when I clicked it I was disappointed. There is no way to insert multiple MIDI tracks, only audio or instrument tracks! So please add the choice MIDI track to the "Add Track" button with the possibility to choose the output instrument(synth).
  15. By the way the only workaround that I have for this "mis-design" is that I make the looping area a bit longer (either at the end or beginning), so that I have a chance to stop within a not relevant point. And then I have to cut that unnecessary part in all the takes after the recording and delete it (by hand). This could be avoided by a better design.
  16. Yes, the purpose is comping, but this does not mean that when I loop record a part 5 times, that all the clips should be split at the stop position. This doesn't make sense from the user's perspective and I never managed to stop precisely at the end of the loop! When you do comping then you want to choose either one whole clip of these 5 takes or you split them musically by your taste and combine them together. I think you almost never want to combine 2 different takes by the arbitrary stopping split point! This is nonsense (sorry for the hard word)!
  17. Well, it sounds all very familiar and brings those nostalgic feelings back! In the 80s and 90s I worked with a DX7II, a TR-707 and a Yamaha QX3 sequencer (they still run, but I rarely use them). Then I wrote a C program to save all my MIDI songs/tracks on the PC. My comrade in the band had also a real Jupiter 8, that's why I really like the Arturia Jup8V softsynth, a very good imitation!
  18. But you can insert in any position empty FX chains that are similar to the "normal" FX bin into ProChannel and then add the plugins there . The only disadvantage is that they take a whole lot of space and if you minimize them, then it takes always 2 clicks to open the plugin.
  19. Thanks Jesse, you taught me something else of this great DAW! Thank you Noel, again I have learned a very useful thing!
  20. I like to use instrument tracks, because they make the track view better arranged. But I am missing 2 important settings on them (not visible): The audio track input The interleave button Today I use the work-around that I split the instrument track, set the 2 things above to my liking and then remake the instrument track. That works so far, but I have no visual control about those 2 settings anymore and so it happens that I forget to set them. So it would be a great improvment if the 2 items would be visible on instrument tracks!
  21. Great! Finally something for me, too!
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