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Everything posted by marcL

  1. And they have a really user-friendly authorization! Forever without internet, without trouble!
  2. It's the same with the problem that I mentioned above (learn function). The only work-around I see is making a copy of the audio into a new lane, cutting the selected area and muting or removing the rest. This is very time consuming and cumbersome, but at least it works.
  3. To be honest, I use also this theme! ?
  4. That is really true. A couple of years ago this was one of the crucial argument for me to make my decision for Sonar. I like this logical way of export where the user has all the options what shall be included. Also inline bouncing is that way. Those are the best solutions I have seen in all the DAWs that I inspected. Still I am not so comfortable with the Control Bar module and the new export dialog. It happens often that I overlook something and that the result is not as expected. Most of the issues are caused by values that I changed from the preset. With the new dialog those values are reset to the preset if you open export again. In the old Sonar dialog they were kept.
  5. That is your opinion! ? There are also a couple of things in Reaper you cannot do in SO, 2nd there is quite a price difference and last but not least SO cannot match Reaper's startup/plugin scan performance. Also installation and authorization is quite painful compared to Reaper! Do you need more arguments? ?
  6. This is also a problem if you have a plugin that has a learn function and the area is too small (e.g. a drum hit)! I've had such a conflict several times.
  7. Don't forget Reaper! The discounted license is only $60 for the whole functionality and that for years of updates (not like Mixbus that requires money for almost each update). Also, if I compare the performance of Waveform to Reaper, then I get sleepy with the WF's plugin scan and startup time! The functionality seems also somehow limited if I look at the track controls. Last but not least some of the text in WF is almost unreadable for me when I test it on my laptop. The complicated offline license workflow (by support) for WF Free is also strange IMO. All in all, it seems to be nothing for me!
  8. IMHO the problem is that the nice presets sound impressive on their own, but if you try to integrate them 1:1 into a song, then there are too many adjustments needed that you don't get a muddy, cluttered mix! That's why I prefer to have a clean, unprocessed drum sound from the VSTi. Then I am able to mix almost all kit pieces to my liking (with EQ, FX) and they really integrate into the song! Me too, I like the Fairfax Vol. 2 and the Vintage Dry!
  9. Thanks for the proposal! Yes, I don't have this one. Just now I have listened to the preview examples. It is definitely one of the better kits! But I think I should use all the drumkits that are at my disposal today (XLN and others)! It's the same with FX plugins. I've reached a number that is just silly, absurd! Furthermore I purchased the "Blue Acrylic Bass Drum" kitpiece pak (it's a Ludwig Vistalite Blue 22 X 16"). This one sounds quite okay (IMHO much better than the kicks in the Retroplex ADpak (Vistalite drum kit)!
  10. Yes, this is one that I have. It sounds somehow dry, but there is almost only the beater sound. Just now I have gone through all the AD kicks that I have (10 kicks) and frankly, to me none of them sounds roughly as realistic as for example the one of NI's 60s or 70s drummer!
  11. I don't argue for additional content, in the contrary I am glad if there are not too many updates. Though I own 6 AD drum packages today (I like them all) and a couple of MIDI paks, but frankly there is one thing that I would welcome: I am missing a kick with real dry samples (similar to the Kontakt nn-Drummer libraries, they sound more realistic to me, remind me of my old group days! ?). IMO the AD kick samples have too much room even in the base kick track (I mean if you solo without room/overhead). This makes it very difficult to mix if you want a dry kick and if you want to use your own drum room reverb! Yes, you can improve the kick base sound by changing the volume envelope or use transient manipulation, but it will never replace good dry samples!
  12. I think you are right with the Apple scourge! ? They caused a lot of trouble in the plugin industry (Fxxxing Apple!). With VST3 I am more careful, because there are several plugins that still have some issues with VST3 (e.g. most PluginAlliance plugins don't have easy accessable presets). And there is one IMPORTANT thing that you forgot: Many plugin developers change their programming interfaces. In general this shouldn't be an issue, but unfortunately it is today!! It seems many of those new interfaces are rubbish and cause more trouble than that they help! Also there are companies where the developer crew has been changed and it is not always a benefit for us users! ?
  13. To check whether an audio file from an export is okay I used Audacity 32-bit for a long time. Also for quick visualization of plugin results. When there came out a 64-bit version, first I was delighted, but after some tests I was really disappointed, because the start up is soooo slooow! Finally I have found out what caused this! I mean I don't know the real technical issue, but I found out how I can avoid it. I always defined a lot of plugins in Audacity and that's why I configured to sort them by providers. In the older 32-bit versions this was no problem, Audacity started fast to open any audio file. But with the 64-bit versions the provider sorting is a real performance issue on the start up if you have quite some plugins! Again, this shows that newer is not always better! ?
  14. I really don't understand people complaining that vst instruments/plugins are not updated all the time! I am glad if plugins are stable and do their job perfectly! On the contrary there are some developers that I have marked red, because I feel that their newest updates just bring instability, performance issues and permanent update chore. And there are more and more that get on my list! ? For them I prefer definitely to stay on older versions!
  15. AFAIK it does default to be selected, but if you opened the last synth without, then the next time it is also unselected!
  16. Not to forget the MONO export problems! Even after years of using CbB I am not able to predict in each variant of exporting a mono file whether the volume is increased by +3 dB or not!!!
  17. For those that have most what they want it's no good deal IMO! Still not interested in subs!
  18. It's also clear to me that they are in hard rock and metal, but I think even in those genres are real amps used and they behave completely different! Yes, I have tried (even purchased) this one and I agree that with some tuning you get somewhat better tones. I consent absolutely! YMMV, but I prefer the amps of Kuassa, PA and IK (though I don't like their installation/authorization). In former times I played some authentic, real gear, several of the sought-after icons (still have one left). That's why I always compare with their sound and behavior. Also, I still prefer to use a real amp for recording, even if it's something like my Katana 50 with a direct out.
  19. Frankly, I am disappointed of their newer amp versions! Yes, they improved the appearance and the cabinet emulation, but the sound is now more like distorted mash. There is almost no good, clean sound anymore. If you are not in hard rock or metal, then it gets difficult to find a pleasing sound now. E.g. they removed the (good) clean channel of Dominator. It is now distorted down to gain 0 (and I have never played on a real amp that behaves like that!). Also their distortion/overdrive effects went this way. What a shame!
  20. Sometimes, but I believe it does not matter as long as there is more than 1 MIDI track to that synth.
  21. I don't know whether you get the real problem? What you describe is all okay, but if I change a MIDI value in the event inspector and press enter there, then the solo button of the track is being disabled! That is my real problem!
  22. No reply? Sometimes I am surprised, it seems that there are features in CbB that I am the only user of! How else cannot one of the 1000s of users have noticed it? ?
  23. Yes, and this is not the only bad point! I have Stereoplacer3 and it is authorized with an iLok dongle, but if I try to run the newest 3 subversion it does not work (says not authorized). I guess the company name says it all! ? That's why it's often better to rely on older software and companies! ? Not to forget that their plugins are quite over-prized IMO!
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