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Kreveta Puket

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Everything posted by Kreveta Puket

  1. i try put sweden as my main home, prize is glitcher , no april joke but when i try payment i have error - only try lofi reverb
  2. it depend , if you need these samples ? phrases etc, its little old and these days there are many newest alternatives - but prize 29 usd is great nice day
  3. Olympia Noise Co. has entered the ‘Spring Sales’ offering “Patterning for iPhone and Patterning 2” for $1.99 EACH! Sale is for a limited time! One of best drum machine on ipad ( no auv 3 ) but superb https://apps.apple.com/us/app/patterning-2-drum-machine/id1332154350 more info https://www.olympianoiseco.com/apps/patterning-2/ update end today - sat midnight
  4. i waiting for 20off voucher / with no minimum spend / for many months and no one comes.... only 10off with minimum 20 spend etc, i think i will unsubsribe from list.. after 4 years .... i have almost all what i want from pa from kvr and directly.... hope they make some new type of sells in future , who know...
  5. super thx so much, great freebie, site is overload but works... ?
  6. Hello , Save your money we have two in friend studio, with custom woodsides etc... And my friend after 3 years sold both. IT save your carpal tunel but not your eyes ... If you want touch controler for your daw - iPad Is cheaper solution And more practical in many ways. For sample if you use Ableton - you have two super APS for control live - Touchable Pro - you can use As many ipad as you can And run on oldies too or Live kontrol from imaginando - i use both with Push 1. Others APS for midi Custom control Are Lemur, DAW control - which Is emalation of MCU midi controler - Its fine im ex User of first Black version with 2 expanders
  7. If you dont have it with komplete ultimate etc - this is real no brain deal, hope for something new for this prize ;))
  8. Working now - melda fix cart bug fixed
  9. Yy Luke Bartos Is in Prague i send HIM msg. We wrote in past some msg via kvr.. IT must be bug
  10. Hi im from Czech Republic And still not work, It must be bug oř region lock? Who know ... Offer Nice day
  11. Hello i have same message, cannot make order via free fastspring
  12. Yy great synth, but in year 2024 we have many great alternatives ( Like hive 2 - i think best to competite these two - for someone was competite dune... But Now we have pigments, massive x etc ) ( for me this Is instant edm, trance synth with milion presets on net ) presets browers Is great upgrade... And prize Is low agains standart 99 sale
  13. TRY THIS ? FAST plugin purchase codes: FAST Limiter: fastfeb2024-limiter FAST Equaliser: fastfeb2024-eq FAST Compressor: fastfeb2024-compressor FAST Reveal: fastfeb2024-reveal FAST Verb: fastfeb2024-verb
  14. Hello, its better about 2 weeks - still in reconvalization but better ? offer nice evening to all ?
  15. i like it so much too, if you need work fast, they are so good ?
  16. https://www.gog.com/en/game/mordheim_city_of_the_damned Offer ends on: 06/02/2024 09:59 EET
  17. woooow Arturia best - multicore ? for pigments and again free update --- love these company / musicians
  18. Good that yamaha start make grooveboxes again - after RS 7000 and rmx 1 its was nothink good , but i never understand why they cannot put displey on this unit - it remember me very op-z - which is not bad but quality build is bad and if you need all - you need external mobile, ipad etc....
  19. Wusik never more - they spam after unsubscribe from others mails, vst Is sh...t unstable, never never more .. i unsub 5 years ago after milion emails i send HIM ... He was banned from kvr for this
  20. Happy new year 2024 - Hope they Will be better than 2023
  21. If you have iPad IT cost about 20 USD And Its same with touchscreen ui - one of best on ios ( And has unlimited trial )
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