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Kreveta Puket

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Everything posted by Kreveta Puket

  1. These effects are really great - as ex owner of some hw from these series - which i used with modular and hw synths - i first taked freebie on PB month ago +- than now delay wait for order quality is absolutly here - for people whos worked with real hw this is so so close - for me same quality as eventide, arturia fx etc.. what is cons for me is registration proces via moog site .. but its not nightmare.... i can rec these efect alot. Nice day ,) And moog aps on ipad are one of best on ios platform - Animoog, Animoog Z, moog modular 15 etc - absolutly fantastic sound and hq here...
  2. https://audioplugin.deals/product/syntronik-instruments-j-60-by-ik-multimedia
  3. Many thx for ansver, i looked at these videos few days back ? too... but thx anyway, nice day .)
  4. anyone have this one? i looked few days ago on it, but no much demos on net, this is first muze product which i thinking about it... others olders was not so much good... i try free versions and all deleted quickly ... thx for tip nice day
  5. oki i choosed pulsar smasher than i will wait ? thx to all
  6. for IOS: FRMS - Granular Synthesizer - 9.99 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frms-granular-synthesizer/id1381392223 VS Visual Synthesizer PLUS Retina Refill pack - €9.99! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vs-visual-synthesizer/id1560330289 DRC - Polyphonic Synthesizer PLUS ALL PACKS - €9.90! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drc-polyphonic-synthesizer/id973055710 LK - complete set of all modules - €9.90! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lk-for-ableton-live-midi/id944972221 K7D - only 0.99 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/k7d-tape-delay/id1460245991 almost all in-ap purchase are heavy discounted - many are only 0.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ on desktop - Spend €9 and get 90% off your next order! Complete an order of €9 or more via our website store between 5th and 14th June 2023, and we’ll email you a code to get an EPIC 90% discount on your next order! https://www.imaginando.pt/
  7. Hello i take survey more than 72 hours and choose pulsar smasher and nothink.. if someone have spare licence, please pm me, many thx to all. I think it was part as free many times..
  8. same The serial I got didn't activate in Native Access. - 3.6.2023 update worked
  9. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_meter.html BX-MTR-FREE-AZ45H8 redeem here https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/activate.html
  10. As user k13 ultimate + many 3party kontakt instruments like choirs, strings etc, i only bought today Kontakt 7 update - others are balast for me - bambilion hip hop balast... - only playbox looks fine + 1 machine exp body mechanik, but i dont need this..... save my ssd space too. I will wait for komplete 15 ultimate with hope that CREMONA QUARTET all collection will be there, same as arkhis, choir omnia + many more etc.... Spend now 5 hours to ad pictures to third party libraries in kontakt 7 and its fine ? works like charm - offer good night
  11. As owner 13 ult i will upgrade k7 only too for now....
  12. i use it hardly on ipad .-) very nice and deep drumsynth with very deep seqencer ?
  13. i can recommend this .-) beauty https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/10487-Speldosa its 10 but better than somethink about 5
  14. Moog's Moogerfooger MF-108S Cluster Flux https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1925-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Moog-Moogerfooger-MF-108S-Cluster-Flux
  15. and its generic or individual can someone can send me pm with code if i can try use it - im registered but havent email or anythink, i looked at spam etc and nothink thx so much
  16. hi yes pls how to get one? its generic code if its can someone can send me pm please, so much thx
  17. https://www.waproduction.com/sounds/view/free-anniversary-collection-vol-9?fbclid=IwAR20jMReL2Sn64z3hDiVRj-m6L9TaD_bm4rwQ-UesnJxNdpzingKZdGHrdk#a_aid=61cca0659c290
  18. wow for 4.. this is first time i think... can someone pls send me pm with upgrade code to truepeak? if its universal? thx
  19. third : MEGA-20-OFF Next voucher reset will be on March 29 at 11:59 pm PST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- for me ANY-20-OFF voucher not work - hope someone find solution
  20. MEGA-20-OFF plugin alliance 20 usd voucher no minimum spend - voucher reset use it again https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  21. Like sonokinetic so much... and this is another reason, why... they try help.... same as sonuscore - i hope it will do early donation spring too... / or you can support country directly via Red Cross https://www.icrc.org/en/where-we-work/europe-central-asia/turkiye
  22. hi ansver yes ? i use on ipad together in Aum - Egoist, Loopmix. Drumcomputer, Playbeat 3, grooverider 16 etc and all works well and yes egoist is still very nice instrument
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