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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Enjoyed that David, a slight Henry Mancini vibe at the start there - I had images of the Pink Panther in my head for a minute. Nice changes and some cool progressions - a really nice feel. Well done. Andy
  2. Seriously good guitar work - really enjoyed the listen. Top drawer as always. Andy
  3. Mike I'm in awe of your productivity but so grateful for this series - I'm working on a song at the moment and I am trying to put your tutorials to good use. I must have watched the one on vocal comping so many times - well if it was on VHS, I'd have worn the coating off the tape by now. I literally had not the faintest idea how to do this but after watching this on repeat I have not only comped my vocal five times, I am now splitting and auditioning takes to select the 'best' one (no mean feat trying to find one decent take when you're 'blessed' with a voice like mine). ? Please keep up the great work and I'll do my best to try and keep up. Thanks again Andy
  4. Another very good vid (and the more detailed one on the same topic). However, I can't get that FreeG plugin to work the way you do - for some odd reason the RMS and peak meters don't reset when I click them, they just spin to some random value. I strongly suspect it's a 'Layer 8' problem so will take a bit of perseverance and trial and error on my part. Andy
  5. Well I was definitely impressed; great funk on the guitar, bass and loving those horns - teriffic work. Andy
  6. Scratch that - went back into RTPMidi to check the settings - I think I may have forgotten to press 'connect' ? I'll get my coat...
  7. I simply cannot get this to work - followed the tutorial to the letter but when I fire up the app - nada - just no connection whatsoever. If I click on TouchDaw to initialise control of DAW I get a message saying 'no response from DAW'. Very frustrating as I could really use this as it seems to echo the Studio One Remote Control app and that works really well for me - be great to have similar for CbB as well. Andy
  8. I've watched all these now, they really are very good indeed, I love the guitar layering, that's a great effect (note to self, learn how to do reverb sends) and overall I've learned a lot already. Highly recommended. Andy
  9. Cheers for doing these Mike - just watched Vid 1 - very good. Markers #WhoKnew ? I can't imagine what else I'm going to learn from these. Andy
  10. One of my fave Beatles tracks and you did it proud Steve - I agree with you that you just can't mess with their stuff. Andy
  11. I love me some Floyd so this is right in my zone, I don't know what to say except that this is at least as good if not better than anything I have in my CD collection of this genre. Great stuff, I don't know how you manage to be so prolific and maintain the same high quality of output - just keep 'em coming. Andy
  12. AndyB01


    Great song and vocal - that hi-hat didn't bother me at all on studio cans. Slightly reminiscent of Mike & The Mechanics to my ears - loved the harmonies too btw. Great job. Andy
  13. AndyB01


    Very nice Wookie, very atmospheric - I like the changes and the bass - hope the furry paws are on the mend. ? Andy
  14. Nice work as always, am I allowed to say a little Ritchie Blackmore-esque in the guitar? Great track to rock out to. Andy
  15. AndyB01

    Warm Heart

    Good song, lovely harmony track, I just wanted a nice fiddle solo or blues harp to come in at some point - maybe one for a future version eh. Nice work though, thanks for sharing. Andy
  16. AndyB01

    Empty Rooms

    You had me at the opening riff - then a great vocal track and the guitar chops... - great stuff. Slight Dire Straits (and early 10cc) vibe for me. Great song - very nicely done. Andy
  17. Tom this is slightly bonkers - but in a thoroughly good way - I love your power to surprise, gets me every time. Please never stop writing - loved this. Andy
  18. Ouch Wookie that's a tough one - wishing you all the best in your recovery. Andy
  19. Wow - this is really something else - just blew me away. Anyone who has dabbled with orchestral strings, brass and percussion (as I have in the past) knows just how difficult it is to achieve any kind of result. This is truly astounding. Well done. Andy
  20. AndyB01

    High Road

    Very classy Dan - post more soon please - great to have you back. I really enjoyed the listen - right in my zone this. Andy
  21. AndyB01

    This Is Your Life

    Really enjoyed the acoustic version too but I think the plugged original just shades it for me. Sounds even better on a subsequent listen - teriffic song - really great work. Andy
  22. Agree with those sentiments entirely. That's a neat bit of software. The only thing I have seen similar is Guitar Pro that will 'play' active gpx tab files but the ensuing results are usually terrible - though generally just about good enough to help if you're trying to learn a piece from scratch. Whatever you're doing - I would say keep doing it. How about the infamous Prelude in C Major - I'd be interested to hear your take on that? Andy
  23. That really is an interesting arrangement and very well done. If I was to be allowed a couple of nits or suggestions, it would be that the timing doesn't feel entirely natural in places - especially where there are grace notes - sounds like it has been slightly over-quantized. The second suggestion would be to add a little more light and shade in the instruments, especially in varying the individual levels. All that said, you did a great job with this. Andy
  24. Nice groove - simply stunning vocal - not sure there's a lot more to do to this tbh - certainly doesn't sound somewhat preliminary to me Great work, Andy
  25. AndyB01

    This Is Your Life

    Hmm - I like - lovely guitar riff. The lyrics really drew me in - very dark stuff and great story telling - I get the feeling it doesn't end well and I'm glad you leave that out there. Terrific stuff. Andy
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