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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. AndyB01


    Excellent job all round - enjoyed the listen Andy
  2. AndyB01


    It was well worth blowin' 20 years of dust off this - sounds pretty fresh to me. Enjoyed the listen - cool guitar chops Andy
  3. Raise a support ticket with Focusrite - their tech support is top drawer. Be patient, they will respond and they may suggest stuff that seems trivial or that you've already tried. Stick with it, they're just narrowing the options. I had endless problems with BSODs with my old Gen1 2i4 on Windows 10. It would crash on a whim, but by uninstalling the software as instructed and installing the updated driver file they provided, they managed to fix it. Hope you get it sorted, well worth giving their support guys a shot in my experience. Andy
  4. Not good, I have twin EVOs in my main DAW. If they go pop, you don't want to be without a solid and up to date backup strategy. Hope you're back up and running soon Andy
  5. So much to like here: drums, guitar, vocals, BGVs, unexpected chord changes to name but a few and great chops all round. Incredible mix - sounds brilliant on cans - and I absolutely adore that animated AKAI reel to reel - wonderful! Andy
  6. Depends on the bot, who put it there and what their objective is: data harvesting, cyber reconnaissance, financial fraud, identify theft, disruption attack or phishing to name just a few. Normalising your profile (as a bot) is all about looking legit and cultivating online relationships - you never know when you're going to get the chance to pull the trigger or deploy your payload. Or maybe just sit, watch, wait and keep dropping those likes - you never know when a person of interest will light up your radar screen. ? Andy
  7. +1 for Cactus Studio tutorials, also CBBTV and Creative Sauce - all very knowledgeable (and talented) folks who produce really helpful videos. Welcome to Bandlab btw - the learning curve is worth it. Andy
  8. Agree with others - this was excellent - super enjoyable listen. Andy
  9. I've just abandoned SC - too much spam and too many ads. On BL - every time I create a new upload it immediately gets about six or more likes and zero plays (go figure) ? My conclusion: bots I don't overthink it - one listen and constructive crit from someone on here who's opinion I value is worth a thousand anonymous likes from accounts that may not even be real. Andy
  10. +1 for the Focusrite, I have an ancient Gen 1 2i4 - still rock solid. Andy
  11. I spent my late teens listening to Genesis and God alone knows how many drummers they had playing on some of their albums - so I guess I think anything is possible. ? Some great insights on this thread that have been a really interesting read - so as the OP that started it - thanks to everyone who has contributed. Andy
  12. Much grittier, much edgier and all around much better than that 'other' version. ??????? Andy
  13. AndyB01

    The Way I Feel

    Definite Eagles vibe - another superb addition to a long list of excellence - harmonies around 2 mins are terrific. I really am running short of superlatives to describe your stuff. Andy
  14. Norton utilities for DOS were class leading, especially with an 8088 CPU, 32Mb storage and a whole 768k of RAM to work with - Norton for Windows however - er not so much. Norton AV on Windows was renowned for being a terrible resource hog.
  15. @bdickens I love your outlook on life ?
  16. Interesting replies and thoughts - I reckon I am over-thinking it but appreciate the links, I'll take a look at those when I get the time. @bdickens - as for what's stopping me learning the drums - how long do you have... ? wife space cost noise neighbours lack of talent too many instruments already (wife's opinion) time work chores did I mention the wife? ????
  17. So, as a non-drummer, I was wondering how folks approach drum tracks? I definitely don't give these the attention they deserve, my go-to VST of choice is EzDrummer and I tend to (fairly quickly) pick a groove I like (based on what sounds right in my head for the track in question) then I use the variations available to build a song track. I might add a few fills and a few hand-played cymbals for effect and that's about it. I'm not sure many of my drum tracks are humanly playable by one drummer on one kit; after all there's only so much you can do with two hands and two feet - right? That sort of bothers me, I wouldn't knowingly program a midi guitar to play a chord that couldn't be physically fretted or play notes on instruments that are out of their natural range - so why should I be less careful with drums? I guess my test is, if it sounds good, I'll run with it; but my lack of attention to detail still wrankles a bit. Do the drummers on here listen to tracks like mine, pick up on those passages where I defy the laws of natural humanity and get bent out of shape about it? Or do they just roll their eyes and think, there goes another eejit who couldn't hit a cow's a*se with a banjo to a beat - let alone play or program drums and keep time. ? Am I alone in my crimes against drum tracks or are all non-drummers guilty as charged to a greater or lesser extent? I do love the drums as an instrument and wish I had learned to play - kudos (and sincere apologies) to all you real drummers. All tips on how I can improve or resources where I can learn to do better gratefully received. Andy
  18. I've got a pair of the LSR305s + had them a few years now and no complaints here (although I mainly mix on cans in order to keep the rest of the house happy).
  19. Late to this one - very clever stuff - the added whisper track absolutely nails it, the drama suits the topic. Enjoyed this Andy
  20. The symphonic swells on this are breathtakingly good and the light and shade across the instruments is truly superb - what a fabulous piece. On your feed I also happened upon a new version of one of my favourite tracks from a certain @PhonoBrainer (A Bridge To Somewhere) - sounding as good if not better than ever with some added strings, a cool percussion track and - of course - that sax. Fabulous work ?????? Andy
  21. I have Pianoteq Stage and I love its sound - which is crisp and clear, it really cuts through a mix if you're trying to showcase the piano. However, Synthogy Ivory sounds more like an actual piano to my ears at least. Horses for courses I guess and I use both in equal measure, but when I'm practising or just riffing for fun - Pianoteq standalone mode is my go-to. Andy
  22. Had a look, from what I can tell and recall it was in the settings and there's a section on bandlab re-authorisation. Mine had expired and when I re-authorised it solved the problem. That's all I have unfortunately.
  23. I had that issue, I'll be damned if I can remember how I solved it now - but it took me ages, much googling and a journey into the darkest depths of the settings. I'll see if I can retrace what I did.
  24. AndyB01

    Walk Beside You

    Yes the capo works as well but that is not quite what I meant here. I quite like leaving the unfretted strings just open and play them as they are (doesn't work for all chord voicings but works on A and B chords played at the 5th and 7th position). It is easier to play - as you don't need to barré the chord - and contrasts nicely with the higher fretted strings (especially when used as a secondary rather than a main guitar track). It's a matter of taste I guess, whatever you do I am sure it will sound great. Andy
  25. I like this - real folksy feel - reminds me of guy called Mike Silver (folk singer based in the UK that you've probably never heard of). Anyway, great vocal, nice guitar tone and the bass guitar sounds just great. I like the occasional surprises in the chord track and lyrical craft - tells a good story. Andy
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