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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. It’s not even on the GForce site under products yet, but it’s ok because I have profound hacking skills and breached all their firewalls to get this link for you: https://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/dmx/ However, there's no further discount for owners of the other Oberheim stuff. Note I don’t own the bundle but all of the single products but OB-EZ.
  2. https://www.jrrshop.com/pulsar-audio?dir=desc&order=special_from_date Some great deals using code GROUP. I pick Mu over compressors I have paid 2+ times as much for all the time. That oh so lovely glue.
  3. Own 600, use none. The Cakewalk deals forum way.
  4. I do. It’s one of the few really good libraries 8Dio have made, the others being the Claire and Greek Percussion ones. It’s well recorded, has lots of different tonal options and is extremely usable.
  5. I own WP Core so all of the continent ones and it's my most used library. Literally in every track. Absolutely phenomenal libraries. Asia and Africa for the most part. Don’t care for Europe much.
  6. Damn, it has expired. Just wanted to grab Poiesis Cello after being blown away by the demos.
  7. $59.50 for each region, mind you, so really $300. Free upgrade for World Percussion 2.0 owners, but they've moved the tuned percussion to a new library called World Percussion Tuned. In return, a bunch of newly recorded untuned stuff has secretly been added to the regular libraries.
  8. Now, block this forum on your router and never buy anything ever again because that’s all you will ever need.
  9. Oh most definitely. I paid $90ish in December and that was the lowest then. Reminds me I should probably start using it.
  10. You can get the Soundtoys bundle down to like $214 with KVR points. Not bad.
  11. I didn’t say above. Also, I tried it for like 5 minutes before going THEY BUTCHERED MY BOY!!! and uninstalling. BFD3 and especially the Dark Farm expansion is the deepest sampled and best sounding drum library I'm aware of. I mean, one particular Dark Farm hi-hat alone is like 9 GB IIRC. BFD Player sounds like they removed literally 90% of velocity layers and other details and went „this is good enough for the average user anyway“. And I don’t think it is. Let alone drummers and anyone trying to use it for more than quick demos.
  12. As far as I know, every single BFD Player library released so far has been created from existing BFD libraries (which is clearly stated on the product pages), and they are VERY MUCH reduced to have less detail and it is VERY MUCH noticable. It brings the BFD libraries down to an AD2 or even SSD5 level and this whole thing is a disaster and one of the worst business decisions I've ever seen. It's likely such a failure of a product that we might never see a BFD4 now.
  13. I forgot you only look at plugins instead of doing anything with them.
  14. And PlexiTape while you're at it, because that's by far the nicest of the "preamps that aren't really preamps".
  15. I would categorise that preamp as „fairly nice“ while BinAmp is world class. So you need both, clearly!
  16. jngnz

    Slate VSX

    Archon and NRG are pretty much the two best rooms so you arguably wouldn’t even need to upgrade to Platinum. Get this!
  17. One of the best saturations to tame highs. Makes its way onto 50% of master busses and like 100% of overheads. Highly recommended!
  18. First impressions: it’s another thing that goes SWOooOooOoOooOOoSH, has limited MPE capabilities and doesn’t get anywhere near Generate in sound or function, just like the other Dawesome synths. Not sure why I keep buying them because I could have stopped with Abyss and wouldn’t have missed out on much at all.
  19. Still upvoting Larry!
  20. I skimmed through like 6 points in the video and all I heard was a guy talking. Wallet says thank you.
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