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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. @Wookiee Thanks , a room correction box is something I could use as well .. @morenoises Thanks Rik , I believe calm is the main thing going for this one. @KSband Appreciate the listen and comment. If you had a choice between an eletric guitar or piano which do you think would work better for a melody instrument ? @jack c. Thanks , I really like working with minor 7ths. I guess you are in agreement about boosting the melody line. I'll see what I can come up with without stepping on everything else. @subvibe Thank You for weighing in. I appreciate the guitar comment. There was more of it , but the song was getting too long and I ended up cutting a section out. I had a little trouble with the transition afterwards. @Lynn Wilson Your comments are always inspiring. ? I usually don't know what to expect myself. They're never written before I start recording. This one started as a vocal song (again).. I'm back on it with completely different backing but the same vocal ideas. Another one with an Indian vibe.. @jwnicholson78 Thanks Jeff . I was typing when you responded. I appreciate the conformation. Maybe you could 3d print me a Sitar .. I once owned one made out of some type of plastic . ? Thanks guys for the comments and suggestions .. mark
  2. Will Sonar run on win7 ? I know it's not the best option for the graphics but "will it run" ms
  3. Hello , here's an instrumental I've just finished up. I'm sharing the melody with a nylon acoustic , cello , and bass guitar. I'm not sure of the genre ?? It's got an Indian feel. I've been on that kick lately. Any suggestions for improvement , crits will be appreciated. Thanks .. mark https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14745974
  4. JonD , I downloaded the new "Sonar" for a quick look around. It opened up with a dark theme that I thought was Very Impressive! It was quite shocking to see the improvement compared to the dark CbB theme. I can easily see the flatness of things like the knobs and the drab looking record button on the individual tracks. I think with some minor tweeks I can easily live with the new UI. This was just a preview on a laptop instead of my large Daw monitor and things will probably look different there . I usually use a lighter mercury theme from "Scook" but I can probably adjust some colors and get close . Good luck to you .. mark ps: I was referring to the same page you posted on , just below yours. ? ms
  5. Amazing video. I did a little plastic injection molding in a GM plant decades ago. I cannot believe how much the technology has changed in such a short time. For some reason I assumed the holes had to be drilled and didn't think you could cleanly print them. Enjoyed the song and video. The Uke sounds real Nice .. mark
  6. SubVibe , I'm loving the more minimalistic approach you've taken lately. This one is Fantastic ! mark
  7. I've mainly played acoustic (and do have an easily played Yairi) for 50 years, and I still haven't found much use for full barred chords. ms
  8. mark skinner


    Hello SubVibe. Love the song and mix. As stated above the vocalist is Exceptional. I think it was a good suggestion about the intro and outro using the Oohhs section for the intro. I'm not hearing it in your second link. It sounds like the same file. Anyway .. Fantastic production that highlights your mixing skills. Enjoyed it .. Mark
  9. @JoeGBradford @John Vere I remember that vidio Very well , but at the time .. Mike seemed so bummed out (and bummed me out) by the future of Cakewalk, that he actually did get Very close to luring, and in my opinion he took it real personal. I think he was upset that Cakewalk wasn't making major changes to the workflow putting it in real contention with Studio 1. I think he's over it now and he realized he shouldn't abandon his followers. I'm glad he's back , whatever the motives .. mark
  10. Very Nice one Jack. Some pretty Cool changes in this one. I thought your vocals were Excellent ! I really liked your choice of reverb on them . I'd make a note of the settings. They were Very clear and sat well in this type of mix. Enjoyed it .. mark
  11. Cool song and Very nice playing. I enjoyed the flowing melody lines. I wasn't crazy about the choice of the chorus effect on the main melody guitar. I think it de-tuned too much putting some unneeded tension in the phrases. Just my 1st impression. Agree with @Wookiee about the width. Simple wider panning would help it. I'm also a fan of Infected Mushrooms "wider". I use it extensively and think it sounds much better than Ozone imager. I've never used it on an entire mix, but I'm sure it would be a quick fix at low settings. I Really Enjoyed the song and production .. mark
  12. I would think you could mute 2 of the midi tracks. Freeze the "synth" , bounce the audio. Unfreeze , mute different tracks , freeze and bounce . repeat .. ?? ms
  13. Great job on All of the vox Lynn ! I thought the intro panning was perfect , it really set the song up nicely. Enjoyed All of it .. Great Chorus .. mark
  14. mark skinner

    Too Sweet

    Hey , I love the sparse mix and laid back vibe. This would be a nice song to drive to. What kick are you using ? Sounds Nice. The entire mix sounds pretty quiet though .. Glad to see you got a Sound Cloud account. Enjoyed it .. mark
  15. I Loved your vocal style on this one ! I Totally agree about the Great drum track as well. I thought this was a Fantastic production. mark
  16. @jack c. Thanks mate. The link now reflects a Final mix. I'm calling this instrumental version "done" . I did a basic cleanup removing a few unneeded short parts. Did some work on the kick and bass and put a little more snap in the snare. I also added some percussion to help drive the beat. Cowbell for one .. (mixed back). Thank's for the listens and comments ! mark
  17. I havn't been seeing their posts. I've only got one user from this forum on my "ignore this user" list. Click their profile and you can select to hide their posts. It's been a more enjoyable forum for me. He no longer exists .. mark
  18. @noynekker Thanks my friend . Higher energy songs are a lot more satisfying while tracking. Good idea about a lyrical path. I'll play with it .. @Bajan Blue Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen and comment. Means a lot .. @freddy j I Appreciate the listen and wonderful comment. This one has been fun indeed. @DeeringAmps Thank You for the comment(s). I actually wanted to do more harp work. It turns out I really didn't get the right keyed harp to be able to cut loose on the higher notes. My pile of harps is so old , most are unplayable .. @daryl1968 Thanks , I was surprised finding this one myself and wondered why I never finished it. Must have gotten distracted with another project. I ended up removing 58 of them from my projects folder. Sure gained some hard drive space. The link now reflects a Very mild remix. Put a little bottom end in the Twangy Tele sections. I also renamed it , per @Old Joad catching it's actually a G# funk song. Nice catch. mark
  19. Nio , The mix sounds plenty wide enough now after this listen. What is sticking out to me in this mix is the high percussion instrument that comes in right about 1/2 way thru the song. It's pretty brittle , like you need to roll some highs off of it. It comes in again close to the ending and it's a little distracting on the my normal listening headphones. I also think the vocals could have a little more impact. They sound like they were recorded well , timing and pitch is spot on. The copy you have to work with may have been a little too compressed. I think now it's a reverb adjustment that could bring it to life. They sound a little flat without much depth. Maybe a more agressive reverb with a fairly long pre-delay would do it . ?? Sounds like you are willing to get this sounding as good as possible. I'm sure your former bandmates will appreciate it. mark
  20. Daryl , That was a Fantastic clean production. I for sure got some Steely Dan impressions. I Loved the low harmonies you laid under the main vox and the main was smoooth. I liked the synth work especially that change at the outro. Enjoyed it .. mark
  21. @hsmusic , Thanks .. that means a lot coming from someone with your talent .. mark
  22. Thanks for the reply. Yes it's G#. Before I got very far into recording playing with some vocals , I just tuned down a 1/2 step as I normally do. Didn't bother to rename the track.. @KSband Appreciate it. I actually did enjoy doing the different (for me) electric stuff. I Really enjoyed doing the harmonica . I had to wait for one to arrive in the offset key. I remember when good blues harps were cheap ! So .. I had to buy a new soldering station , a pack of usb connectors and a harp just to get this one done. The party never ends .. mark
  23. Hello , backing up files and removing them from my projects folder, I found this one I put on hold. I remixed it and used some better plugins. I added a synth track and had to stop half way thru to replace the usb port on my controller. (Fun Job) I'm pretty heavy on the guitars and harmonica. Three different acoustics and 3 tracks from my G&L. It's a pretty short simple instrumental for now. Been playing with some vox.. Hear anything that gets your attention needing work , don't be shy , let me have it ! Thanks .. mark -Remix- 3 https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14734816
  24. I thought that was Very entertaining ! The smoothness of the song was Outstanding. Loved it .. mark
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