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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. "Very nice" I really enjoyed it. I could tell I was going to like it just looking at the waveform .. I think some Tablas' would fit in nicely for some drum variety .. Great job . mark
  2. "Thanks" for the comments and for giving me a listen. Midi keys and cello are both new to me , wish I had more time for the cello it's a really versatile instrument for Any type music. mark
  3. mark skinner

    River Ride

    Great "Moody " song , I really liked the Feel . The tone on the lead guitar was captivating and all the backing was spot on. I also enjoyed the drums and choice of reverb on them. For me .. "Sundays" were always reserved for whitewater kayaking (in my younger years) , and I had many trips worthy of a song. Great job ... mark
  4. Hey , Loved it ! I thought the mix and playing was great. I also think Gale "nailed" the head moves. Very cool family. mark
  5. I don't really know where to start on this one .. That was by far the most interesting interaction between the guitars and the vocals I have ever heard. Killer vocals and yes , I did hear some "Yes" I think it was the harmony's and your vocal range . That was a Very cool ending I couldn't figure out the next move .. Great Song and production . mark
  6. After giving up on violin , I traded it for a cello. Mainly using it for backing on singer songwriter type stuff , but I thought I'd try something different. I've been having a hard time mixing for mp3. Sounds good in my room but the online conversions have been pretty rough . Way too bassy and highs were weak. I could also hear the compression . I think I got closer in this instrumental , "any" feedback would be appreciated ... Thanks markhttps://soundcloud.com/user-810058643
  7. mark skinner

    Funk Cello

    After giving up on violin , I traded it for a cello. Mainly using it for backing on singer songwriter type stuff , but I thought I'd try something different. I've been having a hard time mixing for mp3. Sounds good in my room but the online conversions have been pretty rough . Way too bassy and highs were weak. I could also hear the compression . I think I got closer in this instrumental , "any" feedback would be appreciated ... Thanks markfunk-cello[1]
  8. Well .. he got it downloaded and installed after spring break , but getting a missing win-crt-runtime error and it won't open. Supposed to try a windows update today. I didn't want to just leave this hanging after the help I got from you .. I'm sure I'll be back .. Thanks .. mark
  9. "Thanks" for the quick responses , you guys are great .. I have a much better understanding now . Later ... mark
  10. If I export a pair of mono tracks , bounced to a single stereo track , do the pro channel effects export with it ? Same question with frozen tracks. (2) If a frozen track is bounced to a new track , do the pro channel effects bounce with it ? I've been doing some file sharing and tracks are sounding a little different .. Thanks .. mark
  11. Thanks for the info . I'll bet the installer was deleted after aborting installation a few times .. I think we'll clean his pc up and start over per your suggestions. I'm sure I'll be back . Thanks .. You have all been a great help . Later .. Mark
  12. I gave him a call , he said he downloaded from bandlab site after creating an account. Doesn't have anti virus/turned off firewall/ran assistant as Admin... I'll see him this weekend and see for myself . I may put mine on a flash drive if I can't figure it out. Thanks ... mark
  13. A friend of mine has been trying to install CbB for days with no luck. He said the installer from the assistant spins forever or comes up with some kind of authorization faults. He's tried multiple downloads of the assistant. Does Cakewalk download with the assistant ? If I can find his Cakewalk file should the application .exe OR the config .exe be run ?? Thanks .. mark
  14. I've asked the same question in multiple forums with no good results. I've got an AW16g that I bought new when they first came out . No usb so probably an earlier version of the 1600. It's completely silent and great for portable recording , but a "pain" for any editing. I use mine as a mixing board , just for all the inputs . It's lined out to my interface . After working inside of a pc daw , I really couldn't see using it for any other reason . I believe the majority of the reply's I got was , only the "transport functions" would work as a controller .. These are "GREAT" machines that bridged a wide gap between the analog units and pc daws. Mine was 1,100. US. so I refuse to box it up or sell it for nothing. Good Luck . Later .... mark
  15. "Thanks" Scook , that sure was easy .. Mark
  16. It would be a big help to be able to reference a downloaded PDF file of keyboard shortcuts , for new users and those of us that always work offline .. Mark
  17. Hello , if I install the SSd5 Free version , is there a way to play the samples thru the "studio instruments drums" ?? There are only 2 kits with the SSd5 but a huge kit list with SI drums. Also has anyone tried the SSd5 free version ? Thanks .. Mark
  18. Never mind ... I just found a plugin that does this. Ambeo Orbit , and I see it is mentioned in the "coffee house section. MS
  19. I opened up google chrome this morning and the search box showed a few pages of animation you could scroll thru celebrating Steve Irwins birthday. At rest , it looked like a normal drawing. When you clicked the side arrow to move to the next one , the items in the foreground panned way Faster and Further than the items in the background . It was done with several layers sliding across to the next drawing. This created a Great 3d effect. Has anyone tried panning audio like this ?? Seems you could create a deep binaural depth effect , using only variable panning from foreground to background clips. ??? Mark
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