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Everything posted by Technostica

  1. That's the one that is tempting me, although I can't get EDU prices so it's about £168.
  2. There are now 4 Albion bundles with deep discounts and further discounted if you own parts of a bundle. Links in this post: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/spitfire-the-albions-orchestral-selects.161300/post-5694904
  3. They all work individually as stand-alone libraries in the Opus Player which comes with any purchase. The Orchestrator comes with a lot of presets and they require the libraries. In theory, they could allow it to work with a subset, but then it gets complicated in terms of marketing it.
  4. Instruments Combi Textural Combi Pads Combi Leads Synths Textural Synths Pads Synths Bass Guitars Electric Cello Electric Violin Vocals
  5. Most of their libraries are Kontakt and they still release new ones Although, most of the newer ones use their player, which as you say, can have issues. This one is about 4 years old.
  6. This is a Kontakt library and you are referring to issues with libraries that utilise their own player.
  7. If you want to upgrade, contact them and they will give you a code to get it discounted.
  8. I replied to your first message with the license details but you sent a further two separate PMs after that!
  9. I have an unused Ozone 11 Elements that you are welcome to have.
  10. They seemingly have a 60 day grace period, so free for you.
  11. Select never includes Kontakt or Reaktor if I recall correctly.
  12. It’s expired presumably as version 7 has been released recently.
  13. "Due to popular demand, we've worked with IK Multimedia to sweeten the bundle. Tier 4 of the IK Pro Sound Bundle now offers a massive 88 products, 600 GB of sounds and grooves and over 18,000 instruments." Thanks. A bit disappointing for people that bought the bundle earlier and missed out on the upgraded ST bundle. Ridiculously good value at this price.
  14. It states that the top tier comes with ST 4 Max V2, so are there different versions of that?
  15. Didn't work for me earlier today, so I logged out, used a VPN, added it to the basket with the code and then logged in whilst standing on one leg and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra into a reverse delay pedal. That did the tick.
  16. If anyone has a PA $25 voucher and wants to swap it for something else, I have a bunch of stuff up for grabs. Please send a PM.
  17. If anyone has a PA $25 voucher, drop me a PM please as I can trade for it. NI Massive etc.
  18. Larry might be in Paris winning the gold medal in the new GAS Enabler category. Wherever you are, hope you are having a good one.
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