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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. You are right, is for one-time deal, but the prompt appeared always However, it seems that they deleted the option to add the coupon now
  2. I answer the last questions For @abacab the coupon prompt was present always For @EC and @BTP ... yes! They removed the coupon prompt. I suppose that a lot of people were using the code to buy products...
  3. Firefox is the "diablo" Chrome works at 99,99%
  4. I have checked now and it's working https://www.waves.com/plugins/lil-tube
  5. To give more information... (I hope not be wrong because I have bought it today) The idea behind this plugin, is combine multiple plugins giving you the possibility to create a set of new patches, combining them, modifying them, organize and manage the chains and plugins... It's a helpful tool when you want to combine and work with multiple instruments or plugins... that is something that we all do
  6. Coupon: webinar15 $15 off $44 Verified! ?
  7. I link with this other too where was mentioned
  8. The plugin is ready! Waves said that I will receive it in 2-4 hours... They changed the info https://www.waves.com/lpn/black-friday-2022/free-plugin GET IT HERE => https://www.waves.com/plugins/lil-tube#introducing-lil-tube-magma-series
  9. Completely agree! I hate to Waves by that
  10. Well,... it seems that is part of the new Magma collection and I suppose that is a promotional plugin about the collection
  11. Yes, they have problems with the site A big amount of people were buying there creating saturation problems
  12. Someone revealed the plugin... ?
  13. Buying in lootaudio this Kontakt library (1.50€ VAT included), I got Bubbles https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/acousmatic-sounds/kl-pad-1 Not too bad!
  14. I was thinking in a VPN too... and I am seeing that... Thank you for the feedback
  15. How can I download it? When I do click in the Free button, nothing occurs...
  16. In theory... should be the 25th... but all is possible with PA
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