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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Be careful with the voucher if you haven't used yet, today is tomorrow
  2. Put a delay or reverb to your life!
  3. 2BFREE code to get FREE the 2B Delayed Classic... again!
  4. Yes, I have it in my library from the last February
  5. At JRRShop, Hybrid 3 at 50% ($15) and Mini Grand at $5 when you go to the cart to pay it!
  6. Hey!!! I found Xpand!2 for $5 Follow these steps: - Go to JRRShop - Add Xpand!2 to the cart - Go to pay it! A discount of $5 is applied directly I don't know if is an error... I think that yes! https://www.jrrshop.com/air-music-tech-xpand-2
  7. JRRSHOP for $49.56 with the code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/cherry-audio-gx-80
  8. Niky Serrano

    Dune 3

    I have Dune 3 and for me, is amazing
  9. For me is something similar... more than 40 plugins and I don't use some of them... to have a lot does not mean need them The amount is not important but also the quality
  10. I have a code too if someone need a $15 discount... but I think that the code is not working for discounted packages/libraries
  11. You can mix it with the Ambient Guitar for $3, and you will get an interesting mix sounds for $5 https://8dio.com/products/the-new-ambient-guitar-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instruments-samples
  12. Totally agree with this part of your comment Both, Serum and this one...
  13. They have Mandolin Extended Free with the code EPS_ExMandoBits_100 too https://sounds.eduprado.com/products/extended-mandolin-bits-free
  14. That's for you... that are a lucky person
  15. In Caelum Audio web site too https://www.caelumaudio.com/CaelumAudio/?Page=Dustbin
  16. I didn't know about this company The Reviber plugin is free https://1208audio.com/downloads/reviber/
  17. 91.25€ in my case with the code (VAT included)
  18. From 1.0 to 1.01 should be minor changes normally Some issue with some text, something without impact, or something like that
  19. Anyway... In AudioDeluxe you can find it too for $49.99 and using the code HOLIDAY22 for $44.98 with the FREE United Plugins Royal Compressor
  20. The link you posted is for Fluid Pitch The link for Fluid Chords is this one https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8983 But, Fluid Chords in Audio Plugins Deals is $24.99 https://audioplugin.deals/fluid-chords-by-pitch-innovations/ And... "After completing your order, $24.99 will be instantly added to your Rewards Wallet"
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