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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. I manage all that I have correctly and I confirm that!
  2. New plugin free of Aurora DSP A pedal that could be interesting Made for chugging, the Unified Preamplifier will make your amp scream. Based on the original unit, used by 8 string pioneers. It's perfect for boosting medium gain amplifiers or unleashing hell in your high gain setup. Whether you use this pedal as a clean booster, or tone warmer, it'll always remain transparent to your tone. Clean boost with EQ Well-known sound and tone AU, AAX and VST recreation of the classic pedal More details https://auroradsp.com/preamplifier Download page https://auroradsp.com/download-files
  3. Happy Holidays for all you!!! Good health to all!
  4. Thank you for your comment Yes, it seems that is all the last 2 years...
  5. VSTBuzz has an interesting offer BEAT Magazine with 2 years, with a price of 119€ for 19€ with a 85% off 6 days to finish the offer https://vstbuzz.com/deals/85-off-pdf-bundle-by-beat-magazine/
  6. Have a nice and happy holidays We will try to post that here
  7. The soundbank has about 496 Mb The sample pack folder about 300 Mb
  8. Angel - Evocative Pad Design for Pigments 100 presets provided as a bank All 4 macros assigned for flexible customization of the presets Special ‘EVOLVE’ macro, present in each preset, to give an organic and evolutive feel to the sound 100 Pad & Atmospheric Loops, key and tempo mapped to suit your projects Thumbnail artwork to appear in the synth’s browser A more than 6-minutes Demo Mix which showcases the pack's potential PDF Guide of the pack. 100% Royalty-free sounds to use in your own productions Completely free via VSTAlarm (normally $19.99) https://vstalarm.com/product/a-n-g-e-l-evocative-pad-design-for-pigments-by-hydratek/ More information about this package of presets https://www.hydra-sound.com/product-page/a-n-g-e-l-evocative-pad-design-for-pigments
  9. Yes, it depends of the country and the laws of each one Some of them have laws very restrictive about it, and others... a mix depending the situation If you have time and want to fight about it, you can do it, and trust me, the customer wins a lot of times
  10. Thank you. I have it, but it was arriving like a...
  11. This type of errors are a vendor problem, and the price that the customer received should be maintained If not, the customer could open an action against the shop Other thing is if the customer wants to lost time and efford to do this, but the customer has their rights to do it and fight for it
  12. I thought that the text of Larry "Sale ends January 11th" was correct...
  13. I'm going to wait to January for the Free Plugin The current one is not a motivation for me
  14. Yes, is a little step… …but I suppose that if you use the developer tools of your browser (normally f12), I suppose that you could remove that impediment… but you should have some knowledge about programming
  15. HoRNet gives us a new plugin completely free Molla, a reverb for this holidays! https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-molla/ And if you put this free plugin into your cart and add other more, you can use the code 10ALLMOLLA for a 10% off
  16. No, no, it was a joke... Larry is in another galaxy far, far away. He is my idol Other people in this forum too, they have my respect! I have been in other forums, and this one is wonderful
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