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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. I suppose that depends... In my case, I find it interesting and valid for the creativity of my works
  2. Nice to know that it worked for you @GaleOm and @Marc Cormier
  3. Here are two more codes for the fastest one... da505351-5f8c-59f7-a4ec-a7cff6d8309d 68fcbc40-4336-5526-863b-00b4fa24040a
  4. I think that you could get it at 50% OFF with some of the next codes (but I am not sure if it works more than 1 time): 6f2c70a4-7fff-5eb7-93ae-bb1ad995925e d302b939-0209-540d-a600-be1201e258ed
  5. Yesssss!!! In fact, hearing some demos I was seeing The Goonies film and something like that! I love it!!!
  6. Best Service gives us the possibility to get Trinity Drums for $10 too with the code GETYOURTRINITY22 However... we have the opportunity to get a free product including it in the cart before apply the code For example: The list of the products that you can select, can be found here: https://www.bestservice.com/deals/get_a_free_product_with_your_purchase_2022_4618.html
  7. ? They are from Amsterdam... but they were working at 17:00 to get the web site online, so you could wake up 10/15 minutes later
  8. The site is working In your user profile you will find the 12€ voucher to buy something above 13€
  9. I have been ready at 16:55 and the site was down... At 17:00 I received the email with the first offer... 504 Gateway Time-out (down, busy and saturated site, or both... can not serves the web pages...)
  10. You are right. Maintain the list has a lot of work behind... so, I will leave it as is, but I think now that is better to put the messages here in this thread editing the post.
  11. Here my 2 cents Put all and prepare this Excel file has been a little bit hard,... I was thinking to put this in a repo of GitHub,... but at the moment, I have put in an Excel file You can request permissions to add/modify this Excel. With 3, 4 people with permission to edit, delete, this Excel is enough I think https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vtBj3De_Kc9_yXTTNceyBaXUcFRGcCj5gfk58iJSJrQ/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Are you talking about Epic Shoir? https://www.spitfireaudio.com/info/faq/spitfire-originals/epic-choir/ If it is, yes!, it's great!
  13. @marled I forgot... thank you for sharing!!!
  14. There are a lot of people in this forum that don't recommend it...
  15. Confirmed with other browser an my 13" screen
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