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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Sleigh Bells Collection is valid for Kontakt 7 Player
  2. For Pocket Oscillator works aswell https://oscaudio.gumroad.com/l/PocketOscillator/youknowme
  3. Well done! I was preparing an email for support team too but I have a family celebration and I am with Internet access limited, so thank you so much to do this.
  4. Google gave me the link searching something related with Karanyi and coupon I suppose that is a SEO problem and was indexed by Google
  5. I have edit the url because I think that is an error from Karanyi and thinking about this after put it here, I would not like to generate a problem, so please, delete the url if you are agree I’m sorry
  6. Check before this link https://karanyisounds.com/xxx There, you could find a special code In my case, I have bought three products for free Wavesynth Glow, Technocolor and Vapor Dimension combining WELCOME15 and the code I have found there
  7. Anyway... Don't buy yet! Wait for my next message
  8. For me, with the coupon and VAT included... 32€ as final price
  9. Yes, I confirm you that the regular price was $99 and $75 with discount Anyway... any comment about Sordino Strings? Because I lost the opportunity to get it the last year but I wanted to get it... and I am thinking about it... Any comment is appreciated
  10. To avoid misunderstandings, there are two links Puncher 2 Lite (that appears in the free downloads) https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/puncher-lite Puncher 2 (that you shared and for limited time) https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/puncher
  11. 3000 licenses now until 9th of December In some hours will be 6000...
  12. Yeah! I'm confuse with the sites... Sometimes the prices are different and the size too... and I don-t know where I have to go or what I have to buy... or what are the differences between one and other... and the sites don't talk about it...
  13. In general... What is the difference between 8Dio and SoundPaint?
  14. I'm sorry... it works after add the product to the cart and try to pay it!
  15. If I get other,... I will give you!
  16. True. I'm as surprised as you
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