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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. ChannelStrip MK3 is a must in my opinion https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-channelstrip-mk3/
  2. Well done but... Ops! Exists other similar plugin named AutoGain Pro MK2 (https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-autogain-pro-mk2/) that uses the same processing code of the AutoGain Pro plugin I got the AutoGain Pro MK2 some months ago... now has an excelent price with this offer
  3. I have bought him a lot of plugins... 25!!! With this, I tell all about these plugins About the discount codes, they disable some of them very fast and obviously, don't work. With others codes, they don't take any action during a long time. I have two codes from the last December, one for a 10% off and other for a 20% off, and both are working at the moment. You can use them or not. Is an option, but you are not doing anything bad.
  4. And the code 20220620 works with an additional 20% off
  5. Well, just easy... If the links are interesting... I do click on them...
  6. There is a little mistake TURBO has the link of HAZARD, TOXIC, LETHAL And Memories does not work
  7. Hi Oskar Good luck with REACH and your work! One suggestion about your demos In my opinion, would be interesting to have a demo of the sound without the plugin, and the same sound applying the plugin,... and better applying the four effects
  8. Ver nice! I like it, congrats!
  9. I think that they are the same prices that you can find at VSTBuzz https://vstbuzz.com/xils-lab/
  10. Me too And... if you have some of them included in V Collection, the upgrade price is the same for you and for the rest of the people that did buy none or less products than you
  11. And here the link to the upgrade option from the Lite version (about $20) https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/9109
  12. Differences between the full version, and the lite version
  13. I have the sense that they upgraded some prices, not for all products but yes for some of them... For example... from $49.99 to $69.99... so the discount amount is a cheat really, to force you to buy So, review the prices before click in the purchase button These are my thoughts...
  14. Yes, is for subscribers only... but the link is the same for all people... ?
  15. Realizer from Analog Obsession is a free plugin for Windows and macOS It's "transient based random value generator" for parameters FEATURES 5 randomized parameters triggered by transient Gain, Transient, HPF, LPF and Pitch Each knob will set range for parameters. Narrow to wide Volume knob is simple output knob Touchscreen support Resizable interface. Simple "Bottom Right Corner Handle" to resize. 50% to 200% https://www.patreon.com/posts/realizer-77091774
  16. I have other $15 off if someone wants mine Send me a PM too for get it
  17. Ok, I have found the link of springVerb https://oscaudio.gumroad.com/l/springVerb/IntroPrice And as "bonus track", don't forget that we have other plugin free: plateVerb https://oscaudio.gumroad.com/l/plateVerb/IntroPrice
  18. Zoom H1n is a great product, and the price is really cheap It's a pity to live in Europe https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1387916-REG/zoom_zh1ng_zoom_h1n_digital_handy.html
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