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Everything posted by TerraSin

  1. I gave that code a try and it says it applies but still doesn't drop the price to $149 for me. That was just for the collection upgrade which I have already. I don't have a code for just the Triton.
  2. And publisher is a dream to work in. It's completely replaced Microsoft Publisher for me. Everything they have been making is top notch. I heard they are working on a Lightroom style photo management software so I'm pretty excited for that.
  3. I'll have to make sure to post next time Affinity is on sale. I like it so much better than Photoshop.
  4. Their online shops have always seemed a little outdated. They did say they planned on updating the GUIs for the legacy stuff but it never happened yet.
  5. Especially now that they are actively adding new things to it. I do hope they revisit the issues with the original plugins and at least make them resizable soon. It's really difficult to work with them right now. I need to have Korg check my account. I went to see what my discount price was and apparently my purchase from the original Collection has been stuck pending for the past two years when we had to move to the new site so the price isn't giving me the discount for owning Korg Collection.
  6. That's really over the top since there are only a few really good detection engines out there that give accurate results. I'd be amazed if you can download anything most of the time because some give so many false positives or flat out miss things.
  7. Not sure what you're issue is there. I ran it on the master of all my tracks and all my songs went quadruple platinum.
  8. I mean how they got their servers working so well this time. lol
  9. For passwords I use a manager like KeePass, 1Password or LastPass Excel for all my serial numbers
  10. They need to take some notes from Sonokinetic.
  11. So how are we supposed to know if we have it to upgrade? lol
  12. Hum, I thought I got the Proximity EQ this year but apparently I didn't since it's not in my account.
  13. I'm simply explaining something to someone obviously unable to grasp the concept. Nice deflection to the subtle insults though. All because you didn't get something free and are bitter about it. You do you, I guess.
  14. It's not that hard to figure out. They want to do something nice for their customers so they give away 1000 copies as a gift. Those quick enough to notice it (their email goes out the second it's up) can get a chance for a copy. They could just as easily do no free copies but they want to as a nice gesture so hey, good for them. Being that it's not even something you care about, I don't know why you're complaining. The company wants these to go out to people who actually want and will use them.
  15. I got it this time. I've missed them in the past. I didn't whine about it, I accepted I missed it and moved on. Company has to make money on a brand new product. You could just as easily buy it on discount if it's something you need instead of being a choosy beggar.
  16. Why? It's a giveaway. The sale happens the same time every day so people know to check it. They happen to be nice and give away 1000 copies which is more than generous of them to do.
  17. If it's just an app and no screens are included, then they are crazy to think that $1000 is a good price. Or that any price is good for it when it should be a free product for people who have AA plugins (which aren't that great to begin with so why bother with a console of their own?). If you buy the AA plugins, this should come free or other way around, you buy this you get the AA plugins with it which it does seem to have some but $1000 worth? Someone there thinks higher of their plugins than they should.
  18. I'm super confused. The website makes it seem like it's a Slate Raven competitor but then it seems to be only software based? Am I missing something here?
  19. Well that's a Greek tragedy in the making. You should use a password repository like 1Password or LastPass. If someone hacks into a site and manages to obtain your password that you use everywhere, you could lose quite a lot.
  20. Glad I'm not the only one with a wonky password. I've brought this up with them before and they responded like I was crazy. I have to change it every damn time.
  21. Provided it's part of the group buy, registering a new product counts as buying said product so it qualifies for free stuff. I'm willing to bet they won't allow it next year though.
  22. I don't like these new marketing methods. Now you have no idea what you're even buying and are supposed to trust them?
  23. Their invasive DRM is what has kept me from buying them in the past. Shame because they sound damn good.
  24. Did they put microphones in the concourse of the building this time?
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