Hey fellow travelers, long time no see.
Apologies for resurrecting this from the second page, but . . . I just got to know, I know everyone's different, and it depends on what you already got etc etc, but is this thing worth it? I think to myself 'you've gone this long without it' I could have got it at any time. I've looked through the contents etc, but I'm still at a loss.
Will it just sit in my collection collecting virtual dust? I know only time and myself can answer that.
Like is it's Synths, Piano's etc for example, so much better than everything else? is the included Bass Guitars so much better than Trilian, MODO BASS etc? the included Drums so much better than BFD, SD3?
I know there will be, is a lot of stuff in there I won't use, but then there's Kontakt, supposedly good, but then that will open another bottomless pit of potential acquisitions, which could be good or bad. Is the Kontakt stuff really that good? I mean the price you can get K13 is, as you know less than the price you can get Kontakt for.
Take into account I'm primarily a Guitarist, and I have owned Guitar Rig before, thought it was a steaming P.O.S and never used it, so it's not an attraction.