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Everything posted by e-cue

  1. Shipping to CA works out to about $13 per unit if my math is mathing.
  2. I am, yet again, reminded how terrible their website is. I copped this in the bundle a while back. I consider it good, but rarely use it since I have several others that tackle the same duties that I'm just more familiar with. Not to sound greedy, but it bums me out that I cannot seem to get another auth of this during the free offer when I already paid for it (even when attempting to"buy again"), but could use it on other rigs at our facility. Waves pulls the same stuff. I'm guessing this is to prevent reselling somehow.
  3. The guitar collection is decent at about $8.17 each, but yeah that deal before was fire. Between what I already owned with the hardware, and the current collection (across 5 rigs), my brain shuts down everytime I have to think of this.
  4. Bowers & Wilkins - CT Series 1000W 1.0-Ch. Subwoofer Amplifier - Black $400 for one channel, but... guessing this might go fast...
  5. At the time, it gave me that "order now, shipped when back in stock" option or whatever it was called at the time, so it's still kinda iffy here but no cancelation yet. At $117, I'd still cop it, and I even circled back to get a 2nd one for a gift today but only see the "add to list" option. I tried reproducing the StockUp discount with a bunch of other behringer items with no luck. These types of things have been known to come back, so if someone see's that option, maybe report back here.
  6. it just showed up in my cart... I am a prime member- dunno if that matters.
  7. For me: Item(s) Subtotal: $117.35 Shipping & Handling:$0.00 Spring StockUp Sale:-$15.00 ----- Total before tax:$102.35 Estimated tax to be collected:$9.72 ----- Grand Total:$112.07 Thanks.
  8. Phoenix is a dead giveaway that I'm a PT user. Still- Dave Hill (rest in peace) was one of my fav gear designers and I think he hit a slam dunk with it. I've used it, literally, on every mix I've done since it came out unless I was in a situation where I didn't have access to it. It too is pricey. Dark Essence; Opal- absolutely broke any threshold I had about mixing ITB. As for the MAS- I was familiar with the hardware unit so diving into the software version was real easy for me. I tend to use both of these for subtle changes that add up within a mix, where the others are like "Okay, I'll add the Kush Neve to my snare and, holy moley- that sounds thick and full now!".
  9. Cranesong Phoenix & Acoustica Taupe. It'll probably change next week, and then change back the week after. I use the Kush one knob series a lot, Decapitator, and the Black Box Analog Design HG-2 but for more specialized applications.
  10. I'd buy if I didn't already own it. One of my top 3 saturators/distortion plug ins. Also works in Modular(big deal to me) and Amp Room. The add on's are also great. But yeah, $90 on sale can be a bit much for some.
  11. The lack of booze, nudity, or both in this thread makes me feel like Christmas was cancelled the day of. back to casemates, I guess...
  12. bunch of the bundles for $40 https://www.sweetwater.com/ik-multimedia-amplitube/series?sb=low2high
  13. When I login : What it says I’d get for it (which is weird because I own Aural Comp):
  14. I already got mine. Was posting in case someone else had issues with their browser. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
  15. Also, here’s a code: GREY_1HVBJMEGE5BUC
  16. Vocoder on the 2 mix, brah. All bout that y33t y33t, ya hoyd may? Skrrt skrrrrt.
  17. 1st come, 1st served: Code: CYBER-UPGR-UDKUJ6ZNPNMNZ Link: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/activate.html Well, that was fast. Gone.
  18. I own everything Arturia except the stuff in the new collection. I own 2 Collection 9s, Collection 8 and Collection 7 separately (long story considering you get 4 machines per). Upgrade is $199 for me. How many days till Black Friday again?
  19. I do enjoy me some Synplant2.
  20. You aren’t missing anything- agreed they are long. But I have a lot of IR’s beyond 8 seconds. In the Past to Future H8000 bank (20 IR’s total), half are over 8.2 seconds, for example. Delays are another potential long one (in say, the URSA stuff for example). And don’t get me started on the IR’s I captured when urban spelunking. Hell- one of my fav IR’s ever, mostly for reverb throws at the end of songs, is the King’s Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza in Altiverb. And that’s 13.2 seconds. While I just load that in Alti on my rig, it would be great to install across several rooms at our facility without dealing with auth hoops to jump through. The work around is to re-convolve, or set the IR back into itself in a feedback loop, but most of the time the results end up sounding wack IME.
  21. I've been disappointed by many an IR loader. Some there are sonic issue, some stability, etc.... I copped this based on the mention here (and the aIR one), and I have been able to get some good sounds out of it, and it is packed with a nice wallop of features but.... in the list tab, once I have an IR loaded, is there anyway to bypass the IR on that channel? Seems like clicking the icon in the upper left of each IR should do this, but it kills the whole channel. I can disable it, which then means if its the only IR loaded, I have to enable one of the blank channels to hear audio, otherwise I have to bypass the plug in altogether. Or I can unload the IR and just have to remember which one I loaded and reload it later if desired. The reason I’d want to do this is to hear what’s being done on the channel without hearing the IR. It would also be one mouse click to bypass for quick a/bing vs 2 mouse clicks at different locations. Also when you solo and mute on the same audio channel- audio still plays (bug?). Am I missing something here? I should also note that there is a 8.2 second limit on the IR’s it can load, so it really is designed for cabinet work.
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