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Everything posted by Tezza

  1. This is the one I was looking at, there is probably similar in US: https://www.amazon.com.au/13-27-Vertical-Monitor-Freestanding-Desktop/dp/B07GLKLDXN/ref=asc_df_B07GLKLDXN/?tag=googleshopdsk-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341791782407&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11054944499982934610&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9070976&hvtargid=pla-759840200760&psc=1 Maybe you have to use the clamp type one (like in the picture) rather than the stand if you want to angle the top one down, or it falls on top of you. And a couple of monitors with thin borders.
  2. I was thinking along these lines as well, you see the vertically stacked monitors on crime shows in the CIA/FBI/NCIS offices etc but you never see them much in DAW studios on the net or even in video editing. I shopped around for a dual vertical monitor mount but couldn't find one. Now there is one on the Australian version of Amazon. I think it might work better with the true 16:9 monitors, wider, not as tall. Great if you have limited space. The bottom one needs to be angled up and the top one angled down. Piano roll/mixer on the bottom and tracks on the top or for video editing timeline on the bottom, full screen playback on the top. I think I could even move to 22 inch monitors with this set up.
  3. Humans are the virus, Covid-19 is the beginning of the cure.
  4. I have just one 24 inch monitor, 1080p. I find that is enough for what I do. I have a 32 inch 1080p TV hooked up but that is for video editing, I don't use it for music.
  5. I've had a load of stuff on Gumtree, keyboards, guitars, audio interfaces, mic stands and suddenly I've been getting good sales, guitars and keyboards and audio interfaces all gone and I've got another 5 notifications on Gumtree for other stuff. This is a very sudden and noticeable change which seems in line with the recent "stay at home" mantra due to Covid 19. People being forced into their homes with nothing to do seems good for the sale of musical stuff.
  6. The toilet paper thing is a bit of a joke...until you actually run out. We are down to our last roll now and the only 3 supermarkets close enough to us have none. They've had adverts on the TV saying we have warehouses packed with it, but getting it out to the supermarkets is the problem. I've asked twice when it is coming in and they say "next couple of days". but it hasn't arrived. I also have a half box of tissues for backup. After that, we will have to walk into the shower with our pants down and clean ourselves in there.
  7. I don't agree with anything you have posted there Byron. I wouldn't describe my comments as irrelevant, they absolutely are relevant to the topic thread title. Your reference to the highway is flawed, if the road is permanently blocked off then it really doesn't exist anymore to the driver. Your saying free will still exists even if you can't access it, the whole point of free will is to be able to access it, if you can't then you don't have it. I don't see black and white thinking either. What I mean is if one doesn't have it, then we all have the potential to be that one, we all can be subject to that event beyond our control, therefore none of us truly have it. That's not black and white thinking, it is an observation based on logical extrapolation. We know if one person can get COVID-19 (an event beyond our control) then all of us can get it, therefore none of us are immune to it. By religion, I mean organized religion. There is a relationship for example, between Christianity and the term "free will". People may argue for the existence of free will because they are a Christian rather than because they have made an assessment by themselves based on their personal interpretation of the evidence in relation to free will. Thereby not really exercising their free will to assess the issue of free will. Some might say "I am a Christian and God says we have free will, I believe in God therefore I believe we have free will". I don't have a problem with this, the person is being open and transparent about their underpinning beliefs. I may not agree with it, but I won't argue with that person because they are highly unlikely to change their views and their views can be seen in that light which might have relevance or not, depending on the setting. Others won't make their underpinning beliefs transparent, for example, that they are a Christian, and instead, ridicule, demean and belittle those who oppose them and provide misinformation, disinformation and deliberately confuse in order to try to sway the issue into line with their beliefs. Smoke and mirrors. They are not really expressing their personal free will but rather working as a hidden agent for an organization. I am not attacking Christians specifically, just using this as an example. Others may use the same mechanisms just to win an argument, they just want to win, their motivation is ego based. They are not exercising their free will either, just reacting mindlessly to an emotional drive to beat someone. A pissing contest. I don't respect this approach, it turns everything into a mess. That's what I am dealing with at the moment in this political party, people with vested interests using smoke and mirrors to try to get into power, and then when they are in power, their true motives are expressed. Not just religious people but people with an agenda to ultimately direct Government funding to their personal businesses. People with hidden political agendas etc. However what surprised me was the egotistical and narcissistic people. They just want a title for their name and power over others. No plan, no hidden agenda, just a title, power over others and recognition for themselves. These people circulate around the political system joining different parties at different times trying to attain power. It's no wonder that our political systems are in such a mess. Are these people really exercising their free will or just acting as agents and emotional automatons, merely responding to external or primitive drives. Some of them are not even aware they are doing that. If people are not even aware of why they make the decisions they do, how can they have free will. This is too serious and too much for the coffee house, and I have had more than my fair say. Some of my posts were a bit dogmatic but this is the coffee house where normal posting rules seem not to exist, it's different upstairs. An argument over free will can go on forever, therefore, I am well and truly out of this thread.
  8. Australia just doubled the payment to the unemployed. It was about $500 or so a fortnight now its gone to $1100 or thereabouts, they are calling it the Coronavirus Supplement that will be in place until further notice. The unemployed also get rent assistance etc on top of that. They have also said they can earn another $1000 per fortnight without it affecting the payment, if I got this right. This is pretty staggering, I've got some unemployed/part employed mates and they still cannot believe it. To be honest, I can't believe it either, the Government has resisted raising the unemployment rate at all for some time now. It's pretty good news for part-time musicians that might juggle their income with their benefit. It's also good news for the rest of us who are not unemployed, we won't have to worry about looting and crime going up.
  9. You edited your post to include this. Can you tell me what thread this happened in? I would like to have a look to see if I have over stepped the mark. If I have, I will acknowledge and apologize.
  10. From my reading of the entire thread, there seems to be an abundance of opinions, however it is clear to me that my contribution is overly verbose. There is a reason for that. I am currently on a number of other discussion threads battling to take control of a political party and we are discussing issues related to party direction, some of them are cross matching with this discussion which is confusing me. When some others think about free will they think about a well functioning human making good or bad decisions and taking responsibility for those. When I think about free will at the moment, I think of a quadriplegic on a bed or a Schizophrenic having an episode. I don't like the term "free will" because I would never use that term with clients and the use of that term to me signals a lack of empathy for those in difficult circumstances not under their control. Almost dismissive of those in difficult circumstances. The ability to exercise free will to me, rests on a persons situation in life firstly, but I would prefer to refer to that as their "decision making capability". That can change at any time for anyone. The quadriplegic has severely limited "free will" or decision making capability. With the Schizophrenic having an active episode, they must have pretty much all of their free will taken from them and decisions managed by others or they could be a danger to themselves or others. Given that any of us at anytime could end up in these or similar situations then we don't really have free will because we can't control it. If one doesn't have it, none of us have it. My questions about origins related to trying to determine if someone was religious or not. If they are religious then the term "free will" can be commensurate with that so that puts it in a different perspective. Where a person lives, their culture, impacts not just on their ability to exercise free will but also on what they would regard as good or bad decision making. This would be influenced by their faith and culture etc One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
  11. Your no slouch with the mouth either Kenny, so don't preach to me. Please do not make this about us, it's like a broken record. Your bigger than that Kenny, quite a lot bigger from what I know ha ha, sorry couldn't resist it. Not playing the victim, just pointing out that I have also unfairly taken some blows. And where would this forum be without robust debate. Everyone just agreeing nicely with everyone else would turn it into a tasteless, odorless blancmange
  12. I knew it wouldn't be long before my old mate Kenny turned up to stick the boot in but what your saying is not factually correct. It's the other way around, I am the one that has been personally attacked. If you read the thread, you would see this. It's pretty obvious really. I know full well that what I am saying may not be popular amongst some but that doesn't mean it's not true.
  13. I hear you with the annoyance of software updates etc I run my DAW offline and all of that is disabled. I start it and it goes, no pop ups, no reminders, no internet. I don't constantly update, no point if it's all working well. Over time, I have chosen instruments and plugins that I like and tend to just use those. Stuff I don't use has been eliminated from the system. Do you really need 40 different reverb's from 7 different manufacturers with 20,000 presets or maybe just 3 great sounding ones that you actually know how to use and like the GUI. I do the same with instruments, recently tried about 7 different acoustic guitar VST's, gave them all a good go and then settled on 1 and that's it. Perhaps you just need to thin the herd and setup a bare bones offline DAW with stuff you like, give a different simpler DAW like Mixcraft a go, get rid of the complexity. Chuck it in the corner with a sheet over it and sell or get rid of everything else. Then if you get the urge to record it's there. If not, it doesn't matter if you start it up in a years time, it will all work with no annoying popups and no need to update anything. I had an old computer with Photoshop 7 on it running windows XP sp2, had it for years always offline, never updated anything worked great. Also, I found that getting rid of a load of real instruments and software that I wasn't using seemed to inspire me to work more because all the choices were simpler and there was less clutter around the place.
  14. In Vo, in Italy, they tested everyone in the town of 3300 whether symptomatic or not. They found 89 tested positive for the virus including a lot of people working in the health system, doctors, nurses etc (which worryingly they classified as a major source of infection) They quarantined the 89 that tested positive and then conducted another mass test, they have not had any subsequent infections since March 13. Mass testing and quarantine seems successful but perhaps not feasible for large country's.
  15. Nothing I say makes sense? how about an example, I'll see if I can make it make sense for you. Please do not comment on my life experience, you know nothing about me. Why do you think I know everything? I have never made that claim. A few personal jabs but nothing to contribute to the conversation. Established norms are dependent upon the society you live in, Americans believe in Christianity and Capitalism, the Chinese believe in Confucius and Communism. Very different yet both would interpret living in their societies as normal. I live in Australia, similar to America but less emphasis on religion and more socialist in it's welfare, healthcare and industrial relations policies. Suits me fine. You seem to like the norms in your society but I bet there would also be many who don't, and many who are trying to change it for the better, not just for themselves but for others as well. Nothing wrong with that at all.
  16. Exactly, this is what will come, there has never been a pandemic with the current number of people on the planet, more people, more mutations, greater chance of it morphing into something else. It won't be long before the dreaded word appears.......PLAGUE!!!
  17. I don't think it's possible for religion and science to coexist. That's a compromise that some religious people like to preach but in reality, it never works out. The two reasons why scientists like the one you mention try to get religion to sit alongside science is either they are religious converts themselves or they are trying to make their audience wider by not offending the religious. The latter in his case, although he compartmentalized them rather than bring them together. Scientologists have tried to attract crowds along that line, sorry, no. Animals do not need to learn mammalian love from humans, they have that capability for their own offspring. That is part of the mammal suite of behaviors. Some humans prefer the love of their pets to human love because it is uncomplicated and honest. "Sin" is not a word I use to describe human behavior. I don't really use "good" or "evil" either. I would agree human behavior can be more complex than animal behavior and have many layers and perspectives attached to it so that it is not always clear what the underlying motives for the behavior was which is an argument in favor of the non-existence of free will. No more from me, others can continue this discussion, I've seen no evidence here that humans have "free will". Can we make decisions within boundaries, some of which are under our control and some are not? yes. That's not free will.
  18. Nope, I support the military, in defense, a necessary evil, they must be well resourced and respected but not worshiped and I don't support invasion of other countries. Here in Australia they are multipurpose now anyway. Fighting bushfires, tsunami's, floods, cyclones and soon the Coronavirus. I think they do a great job. I am not really prepared to "discuss" evolution either because there is nothing to discuss. It is what it is, there is nothing to discuss. It's not open to "belief" anymore than whether the sun exists is open to "belief". When you study it as I have in Biology, the evidence is overwhelming. That's my view anyway, others are free to disagree but unfortunately, others have not been able to come up with anything that is even remotely credible as opposed to Evolution.
  19. It's simple, not everybody believes in invasion. I cannot really continue discussion with you, you won't answer a simple question. Wasting my time.
  20. So you are exercising "free will" in the context of the restraints around you, well it's not really free will then is it? What you are doing is exercising a decision based on available information and constraints. The term "free will" is not needed. What a great idea! Now those people can invade another country putting them in the grave or a prison or commit crimes against them and leave their bombed out country in poverty and despair. It can be done but most cannot and again, you have to be at a certain level to even consider this, let alone actually do it. I would say that limits go beyond what is "freely available" as well. Societal, religious, political programming. I am very often dismayed when talking to people to find all they are really doing in a lot of cases is regurgitating propaganda.
  21. You didn't answer the question and instead posted something unrelated.
  22. Yes it is, if it's not, explain why.
  23. Saying things like many wealthy people came from poor beginnings. You don't know this is true, you just hope it is. My view is that it is extremely rare. I've not said that people cannot, do not and will not act of their own volition. People can act of their own volition or at least what they think is their own volition but very often they are doing things for reasons that are hidden from their consciousness or they are simply reacting to outside stimuli or propaganda, societal or otherwise brainwashing. It depends on the level of insight people have, not all are the same. All of this is subjective, drug addict might think that taking drugs enhances their well being and stop taking drugs causes suffering. Animals are much more than instinct. They can have a complex social hierarchy, just like you. They can have their own languages, a mix of body language and vocalizations, just like you. They can feel emotions like love, hate, fear etc just like you. They also make decisions, just like you. They can work together for a pre-defined outcome, organize and plan, just like you. You are an animal, maybe more complex in your language and ability to physically create but an animal nevertheless. You evolved from an ape, you are a member of their species, the primates, you share about 99% of your DNA with chimpanzees. Certain sectors of our society desperately want to separate us out from animals so we can treat them badly, eat them and use them for our own purposes without feeling guilt. Choice does not distinguish us from animals, they have to make choices as well about all sorts of things. What you have quoted here can be correct under certain circumstances but the relationship between thoughts, emotions and behavior isn't just a one way train. A lot of what you are saying just sounds like some sort of biblical or pop psychological preaching to me. So that I don't waste any further time with this discussion, could you answer just one question for me? Do you believe you evolved from apes? yes or no.
  24. Again, you are completely forgetting health, both mental and physical and you don't seem to acknowledge that people have different levels of functioning and education. Many people have difficulties with decision making. Decision making isn't just a matter of an individual being solely responsible for their good or bad decisions. You don't seem to be able to get past the point where good decision making is only possible if a whole lot of other factors are already in place. You seem to be taking it for granted that these factors are in place, that everyone is like you. All of those things you have mentioned will impact on an individuals ability to make decisions, you can't just list them and then separate out decision making as being separate from them. Many things that are beyond an individuals control can impact on their decision making to the point where their "free will" is so constrained that it's not really free will at all.
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