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Everything posted by Tezza

  1. That's ok, all opinions welcome. I have not used it, so don't know what it's like in real world use. The "heavy CPU use" turns me off a bit. Don't know if I will try the demo. Put it here to let others know. People have different requirements for what they want out of an amp sim. Some people like fiddling with the BIAS amp. I use S-Gear now, almost exclusively and all for the opposite of the reasons you've stated above. I don't want complexity or large GUI's. Small GUI, with just amp controls and small box underneath for mic placement, cab etc. I can have 4 instances of it on the screen at once if I want and of course no crippled presets or internet connection nagging. Great sound, has a sheen to it that I don't find on others but it is not for heavy metal. There are others better at that. The amp controls respond in a nice way, as you would expect rather than making massive or ugly changes in tone or doing nothing. It's great for my midi guitars as well. Fits into the mix with other instruments really well right out of the box. I can run it raw, with no reverb or effects and it sounds fine, easy to make midi note adjustments when you can hear it that way. Then I always know I am just a tweak away from getting it to sit right. Add effects later.
  2. I have tried Reaper a few times, 3, 4 and 5, just never really got on with it and the name puts me off. It bluescreened my computer a couple of times and also just suddenly disappeared off the desktop, just shut down while I was using it, no windows notifications or anything. I went to the Reaper forum to get some support but was unfortunately just machine gunned with blame.
  3. What is it (guitar VST): https://www.positivegrid.com/bias-fx/ Online store 40% off promotion: https://www.positivegrid.com/promo/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0p6NrsDC6gIVhjUrCh0SdQkeEAAYASAAEgLHTfD_BwE Strengths Enormous library of faithful models of classic amps, effects, cabs, mics and guitars Easy to dial in tones everywhere from clean to molten metal Different editions to fit in every budget Shortfalls Heavier on CPU use, especially when multi-tracked Decent review: https://homestudiotoday.com/positive-grid-bias-fx-2-review/
  4. yeh, the satanic shit is not for me and I'm not even religious, same reason I don't have anything to do with reaper. Don't need darkness in my life.
  5. From what I can see, they update Cubase to a new release every year, so that means about November or December, Cubase 11 will be out which means if you want to buy the update now and use it to upgrade to 11 by delaying activation, you will be waiting 5 to 6 months.
  6. Yummy! I hope they have fixed the GUI "half white" issue that only seems to appear in Cubase.
  7. Don't know if anyone has used these before, just stumbled on it while surfing, never seen them before. Drums, bass, cinematic, vocals etc, I think they are all wavs, loops etc not VSTi's. https://www.ghosthack.de/summer-sale/
  8. But you do have to run these from within Amplitube? They are not standalone amps, so you would have to buy Amplitube first and then the fender packages after that, is that correct.
  9. Yeh, I make my own sounds as well but it's nice to click through the presets to see what they sound like. For what is usually a $149.00 product, it just looks like a marketing exercise to me. It's referred to as an "entry level" product with expectation that you will buy more amps etc. I think I'll just stick with S-Gear for now. Start it, it works, sounds great and without crippled presets and annoying popups. I have my own real pedals and guitar rig 5, THU for other pedals, the THU pedals sound great in my opinion. I'm not really a heavy metal or high distortion player anymore, fendery clean, crunch, rock is about as far as it goes. I also like to keep it simple, I like to just see the amp in the GUI and not much else, twiddle the knobs and for them to respond like a real amp would. I've tried Amplitube on and off but it just doesn't work for me, too much on the screen. I cleaned out my CD's the other day and came across an old Amplitube fender that I used to own, that was just an amp, I loved it, wish they still made them like that. I think it was 32 bit though so I can't use it now.
  10. Can't find out anywhere what amps it comes with, just says the new ones that have been added. When I tried the demo sometime ago, every preset I tried, I was bombarded with nag screens telling me I had to buy a particular thing in order to run the preset. Is this the same? I run an offline DAW and have no interest in products that want to continually phone home, the custom shop feature doesn't appeal to me. I just want to load it and play, without nag screens and crippled presets. EDIT: Sounds like it is from a review: Cons The standard version only comes with a selection of gear Most included presets are useless due to missing gear Annoying warning messages when selecting presets with missing gear
  11. When you guys refer to chromes, do you mean the flatwound ones?
  12. I tried the Polywebs and the Nanowebs. I found the Polywebs were too slippery for me to play, my fingers had difficulty bending the notes, kept slipping off, also the coating started coming off, a bit messy, and I started to get buzzing/ringing on the strings. I thought the tone was a bit deader than I like. I found they lasted longer than normal strings as they claim, not sure how much longer but I only tried one pack as I didn't like them. I think when I took them off, they were still more or less able to be intonated acceptably. I thought the Nanowebs were a bit better but were also slippery, the coating didn't seem to come off and they didn't affect the tone as much. Perhaps I play the guitars too hard. Both the acoustic and the electric get a pounding now and then. I kept them on longer but I came to the conclusion that coated strings are not really for me, especially on the acoustic. They did cut down on the finger squeak a little, which is why I tried them, but only after I had been playing them for a while. I know my sweat is very acidic, when I've played in bands, I've always had more trouble than the other guitarists with burning out strings and other guitar parts, I burnt through 2 bridges on my electric when I was gigging a lot in a heavy metal band. Cleaning hands and wiping down the guitar never seemed to do much. Heat from the stage lights and high energy playing, my guitar was covered in sweat. Phospher Bronze strings on the acoustic turn my finger tips dark green and I can't get rid of the color, have to wait for it to grow out. I've got some DR strings on at the moment, they are a bit mellower, which is ok for the acoustic, not so much the electric and have lasted ok (im not playing all the time currently) but they probably need to be changed.
  13. Here's another one by tone gear but it only goes up and down, never realized they even existed.
  14. yeh, I use a guitar rag as well, apparently, with this thing, you can rub it across the strings, not just up and down. It cleans the fret board while getting the gunk out of the strings between the windings.
  15. Anyone used one of these before? https://www.joyoaudio.com/product/176.html
  16. What's going on? He cannot be in bad health, that's not possible. The King is indestructible. I remember when the King was playing in a band in the desert and was bitten by a very poisonous snake. After 3 days of unbearable agony, the snake finally passed away.
  17. Thanks, I think I understand now, I said a "new" license was required, you said a "separate" license is not required. With the payment for the upgrade, I will get a new license for 10.5 and that will be backwards compatible with 10 or my current license gets upgraded to incorporate 10.5 maybe still not sure, never mind. I just learned that I can install 10.5 together with 10 and then uninstall 10 afterwards, which means I only need to download the 1.6 gig file, transfer it to DAW install it, see how 10.5 runs and then uninstall 10 later. Cubase licensing always confuses me, I guess when I've been through the point upgrade, I will join the elite club that knows how it works. Hopefully, I can just transfer the license to my dongle on my offline DAW and that will be the end of it. I started off with Cubase elements which I put on the laptop, the generated activation codes and soft elicensing process I couldn't understand at first, eventually got there but then it suddenly came up with a license problem and I couldn't fix it, cannot put in a support ticket because that online process is not available to me in Australia, no response from forum, eventually I found out on the Steinberg website I had to go through a different route, contacting local people but that got confused because the elicense had been deleted off the laptop. In the end I just got sick of it so dumped elements and put Mixcraft on the laptop instead. Wanted to put Cakewalk on the laptop but it is too cluttered, then wanted to put Cubase Pro on but the laptop does all sorts of recording, in the field sounds and monitoring video chats etc, don't want to be wandering around a forest or set with a dongle hanging out my laptop. Then tried Studio One V3 which I also own but it doesn't like me switching around from interface to internal etc and gets confused with the video function. Put Mixcraft on and all problems vanished, it just works for everything I do with the laptop and plenty of room on the screen.
  18. Sorry, I don't understand. The patch updates do not install a separate version, they just update the existing one. Is that because they are "updates" as opposed to "upgrades" which are paid point releases. I don't know what you mean by "a license is a license". I have a license for Cubase 10, so your saying that the 10.5 version does not require a new license but will run off the Cubase 10 license, is that the way it works?
  19. My choice would be for it to just update the current installation like the patch updates, which isn't a choice. Have you done the upgrade from 10 to 10.5? I heard people were sent out a new license or is it a serial number that is sent out? I only got Cubase 10 so I've never done a 0.5 update.
  20. That's what I understood from the Steinberg forum when I asked there. I thought it would just be a simple update. Apparently, you can download the update alone (about 1.6gig) but when you run it, it doesn't update Cubase 10, instead, it creates a new 10.5 alongside 10 and requires a separate license on the dongle. This has led to some unpredictable results from what I have read. I resigned myself to downloading the whole thing and installing after first deleting the old Cubase. But that is another whopping 30 something gigs which I cannot download on my connection. I did find out today though that the local Library is back to full functioning with social distancing so I can do it there now. It was about a month ago I asked on the forum and that was the conclusion I came to. I think it's right but the conversation was a bit confusing as I remember. I just thought a clean install would be better, I hate having multiple versions of things on the system. I might check again before I do it. I hope it doesn't require 10 to be on there in order to run being an update.
  21. I understand Cubase 10.5 is like a completely different DAW to Cubase 10 as far as install and license is concerned. You cannot just update your version of Cubase 10. It uses a different license and you have to download the whole thing and can run it alongside Cubase 10. Exactly what I do not want to do. Just want one Cubase on my system.
  22. Sounds like it might be time to download and install, now that they have most of the bugs ironed out.
  23. You could try disconnecting the drive, then running windows with it disconnected and then reconnecting the drive, see what it does. If the DVD is too old, could get a new DVD drive or if it's a laptop, get an external one, they are pretty cheap. To get out from where you are now, you could use the windows 10 disc/USB (if your computer can boot from USB), change the boot sequence in BIOS to DVD/USB and then boot from that and when it starts select the recovery/repair. https://www.thewindowsclub.com/boot-or-repair-windows-10-using-the-installation-media Or the various ways to do a reinstall, there is an option to completely reinstall windows but keep all your stuff: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4000735/windows-10-reinstall You probably just need to do a repair and then upgrade the DVD burner.
  24. Their older program used to be called DXO optics Pro which i had from version 8 to 11, I think it went to version 15. Now they have DXO Photolab 3, same program but new name with added features. The Nik collection are a set of plugins that they also make that can be used with Lightroom and Photoshop. They can also be used with the DXO Photolab 3 photo editor but don't come with it, they have to be bought separately. I've not used the Nik Collection but I've got Viewpoint, another plugin they make, everything they make is top class. Providing your camera and lens is supported by their software, it really is magic. Viewpoint straightens out buildings to the correct perspective regardless of whether you shot it at wide angle or telephoto. It doesn't matter how complex the geometry is in the photo, it just grabs it and presents it exact. I just went to their site and they have discounts on both products until 30th of June. I would grab the upgrade and probably the Nik collection if I were doing some serious photography but I'm not at the moment so I'll stick with DXO optics pro 11 for now. Maybe if that scammer I recently bought a laptop battery off and he didn't deliver, has refunded me on Paypal, I might grab the upgrade.
  25. DXO photolab is another one to look at. I use an older version, DXO 11. It's not much of an image editor and neither is it a lightroom type replacement (although the newer version might be better) but what it does do is fantastic. If you work with RAW and just want to polish photos, it's the best tool for that I've found by a long shot. It will also work with other file types. Lens correction, noise reduction, extracting detail from RAW, HDR, seems to be its strong points.
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