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Everything posted by Tezza

  1. Not true, the bacon and the cheese is.
  2. Wow! thanks for that, didn't even know Seitan existed.
  3. What do you expect? You just want to laugh and joke about vegans on a "vegan bullying" forum and when they don't like that you categorize them as "self righteous". Incredibly ignorant and backward. Perhaps if you minded your own business, the world would be a better place. I don't see how me standing up for vegans is giving vegans a bad name. All your arguments are pathetic.
  4. Not picking fights with everybody at all, just arrogant meateaters like you who believe it's funny to insult vegans but if vegans complain about that, they are being "self righteous" or "playing the victim". It's your logic that is faulty, but I see it is pointless pointing that out because you don't have the intelligence or insight to continue a reasonable argument.
  5. No I don't wear leather shoes or have a leather belt or have a leather guitar strap and my car does not have leather seats and I buy accordingly. There is no need for these things as substitute is just as good so your smart comeback has fallen dead. All my shoes are substitute leather, even my hiking boots. What I do is go over them with dark brown polish and that makes them look leathery, most people think they are leather boots but they are not. I gave up leather belts 10 years ago. The only benefit of leather belt is that they don't age as quick on the buckle and substitute belts will age and paint coming off within a week. Solution? don't buy buckle belts. I buy the slide in type where the belt slides behind a sqaure buckle and clicks to tighten. You press a lever and it comes out. Had them for years. Black leather seats on your car in Australia? Great, if you want to incinerate your ***** everytime you sit down. I have fabric seats with psudo sheepskin covers, works great. Non leather guitar straps are easy to find. Your right though, I am wasting my time. Ignorant, arrogant meat eating dinosaurs like you don't give a damn about anything but your own needs and wants, I hope you choke on a sausage, but it is more likely you will pass from cancer from all the bacon and red meat you shovel down your prehistoric throat.
  6. Yes it could, Rules of the Coffee House: "Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. No religion. All love. Enjoy!" Your currently engaged in an insulting way, in a topic of conversation that does not comply with the rules of the forum, so again, don't lecture me on forum rules.
  7. Tough luck, your on a forum that encourages and promotes bullying so eat it up. I personally don't find anything funny about meat eaters ridiculing and bullying Vegans but it is what it is.
  8. Why is there this bullying thread then? How is that humorous to Vegans? Also, I don't see moderator under your name so don't lecture me on the rules either, thanks very much. Posts to the Coffee House are supposed to be music related as it says in the forum description but I don't see you complaining about that. This could be regarded as a personal insult to all who don't eat Becan so you are hardly in a position to lecture.
  9. Your on a bullying thread and your complaining about light hearted criticism? Don't worry, you'll get the hang of this eventually.
  10. Bad news for Becan eaters: https://www.bustle.com/articles/137865-8-reasons-meat-is-bad-for-you-yes-even-chicken
  11. I feel great! because I eat a mainly vegetarian diet. She looks more like your type Kenny, just think what you could do with all those curlers in your beard.
  12. Plants in fact make the majority of oxygen that you are breathing right now. Keeping you alive is probably one bad thing that can be said about plants. When you eat animals, you create the massive commercial market for them, thereby contributing to methane expulsion.
  13. Are you sure you are on the right "fred"? maybe ask fred. Perhaps if you ate more vegetables than meat, your eyesight and general intellect might improve, and subsequently, your spelling....
  14. I'm not in humor mode, remember this is the vegan bullying forum, bullying is never humorous, I am happy to continue bullying meat eaters in response to their bullying of Vegans, just keeping on topic as per forum rules . In any event Vegans or mainly vegetarians are happier and more productive than meat eaters. Eat a mincemeat bolognaise, sit down for 2 hours afterwards slumped in front of the TV. Eat a vegetarian bolognaise, energy boost in 20 minutes that lasts for 2 hours, you can go and do something useful.
  15. Millions of Koalas being burned alive in Australia's bush fires and you post a picture saying you want to eat one? not funny.
  16. I don't see how any of these things are "virtue signalling". People who have concerns about these things do so because they have genuine and justified concerns in many cases. People like gluten free because they may have celiacs disease, something that can make them sick and even kill them if they don't eat gluten free products. People like organic because they are rightfully concerned about chemicals in their food and some are more reactive to those than others, especially children. Non GMO is also an issue with food modified by humans and who knows what may happen from that. Similarly hormones in food is something to be concerned about, just look at all the big titted, meat eating men. likewise keeping a bird in a small cage all its life where it cannot even turn around, just to get it's eggs is disgustingly cruel. Once again, I think you are choosing to live in blissful ignorance and being somewhat unempathetic and discompassionate towards both other humans and also animals by simply labeling these things as "virtue signalling". That's a very poor argument that says much more about your lack of empathy than anything else. I think if you were allergic to gluten and pumped full of it and also pumped full of chemicals in food that you are allergic to, then pumped full of hormones and then stuck in a small cage for the rest of your life, you might develop a different perspective. But there is plenty of time left in your life for you to personally experience the very things you are laughing about here. You won't be laughing then. So sad that many humans are so selfish that they don't really care about anything until it happens to them.
  17. Well done Simeon. In BIOS I generally disable everything on the motherboard that I am not using, LAN, Audio, Serial Ports etc Depends if it is an on-line or off-line DAW for you I guess. My rule, if you are not going to use it, get rid of it off the motherboard in BIOS so the OS doesn't even see it.
  18. How can you tell that a person you have only just met is a Becan eater? easy, They look like a pig, are as fat as a pig, have the intelligence of a pig, but only three quarters of the lifespan of an ordinary human.
  19. Well, the title of the thread is Vegan Bullying so that is what I am doing, being a Vegan Bully. Just staying on topic as per forum rules. Anyone who eats meat must give up now, or else.....
  20. You don't need to do that. Lentils and red beans boiled together and then part mashed, leave the thick paste to dry for an hour or so then fry in a pan as you would mincemeat, add a little soy sauce, that's your base for a bolognaise, then just add chopped vegetables and tomato paste. I successfully tricked avid meat eaters into believing they were eating a mincemeat bolognaise. What you like based on taste can change drastically but most are not aware of this. They say they like things because of the taste but that is just learned and can be unlearned. When I was forced due to illness, to go vegan, it was difficult at first and I tried to make dishes that tasted like meat. As I learned to properly cook a range of vegetables and various sauces to compliment I stopped trying to make things taste like meat and much prefer the taste of vegetables now. The only reason they are trying to make vegie concoctions that taste like meat is to try to provide a bridge for meat eaters because the majority still eat meat of some sort, so they are appealing to a bigger market. To me vegetable dishes have much more flavor and texture than meat dishes but this would sound strange to meat eaters who have been brainwashed into thinking vegetables are flavourless. What I am going to eat right now: Brown rice (that has been sitting in water for 2 hours so it takes less time to cook) Chopped carrots Chopped cauliflower and Brocolli Red beans and lentils Chopped capsicum triangles Sultanas and nuts Zucchini and onions Curry base Hardest vegetables into the pan first or cut smaller so they cook quicker. Ingredients are cheap, easy to source and will last a long time in fridge or can. (no smelly meat to go off) Cooking time under 15 minutes (easy to make) Low heat gas (cheap gas bill) No washing up because the frying pan and saucepan are rinsed and ready to dry before eating, minimal detergent, if any at all (no animal fat to clean) Tastes fantastic with all vegetables retaining their original taste. No animals killed or forced to live tortured lives.
  21. You must have liked it, you obviously listened to it. It's not my favorite song by the way, it is an iconic song. You obviously have not tasted my vegan gravy and you can have a roast without meat, that is easy.
  22. You just keep saying the same stuff. I call myself "mainly vegetarian" not vegetarian. I will call myself what I want. Did you hear this time???? Show me where I called myself a vegetarian....nowhere, so stop making up rubbish. The reason I call myself that is because it reminds me of where I stand in relation to my diet and where I want to go, it isn't about political correctness, but I don't have to explain that to you. You seem most intolerant to others opinions while at the same time claiming that your opinions are being put upon. I happen to think that removing red meat from the diet and lowering or removing meat intake altogether are good goals to achieve and that is what my opinion is and I will voice it if asked. You have created a delusion that supports your stance on meat. Happy cows on a big green ranch that have big families and live long happy lives and then the rancher gives them a painless injection and they fall asleep smiling and painlessly drift off into death and on to your plate. Factory farming, slaughter houses, the live transport trade, these are disgusting, cruel industries where that meat on your plate comes from. Give up meat NOW! When I go out with meat eaters, I will have a go at them about it sometimes, it's my right to express my opinion. They are also entitled to tell me to F%#k off if they want, it's the Australian way. The truth is, I don't know anyone anymore who is not concerned about the treatment of animals and how that relates to eating meat. The restaurants and fast food places are changing their menus accordingly. So you are on the side of the doomed, enjoy your meat while you still can. "Live and let live. Let each person pursue his or her happiness." "peace". A shame you don't apply those same principles to animals.
  23. You can do whatever scientific study you like, but I was strict Vegan for 2 years and I never had any problems, in fact it cured my problems. I don't like the term Omnivore, I don't eat red meat at all and there are other things I don't eat. I eat free range chicken once or twice every 2 - 3 weeks sometimes less, it's not something that is necessary for me. Thinking about when I last had fish, that would be over 6 months ago. I describe myself as "mainly vegetarian", as I lean that way and intend to move more in that direction. Please don't dictate to me what I should call my own eating habits. Just because you know one good rancher is not an indication of the rest. You don't seem to understand how bad commercial farming practices really are. Because commercial farming practices are so bad, I at least try to get my meat eating mates to reduce red meat intake. Just because your 73 and a meat eater doesn't mean anything. I've got a grandfather that was 98 when he died, he smoked like a train, he used to brag about how smoking had extended his life. However, there were 4 others in the family that died from cancer from smoking....36 to 60. You have to look at the overall statistics which say red meat and especially processed red meat kills. If they are Vegans, it is amazing they can stand the smell of meat on your plate. My experience with other Vegans is that they are a different social group, If I go out with them then we will go to a vegan or mainly vegetarian restaurant like Mexican for example where there are good vegan alternative meals. I personally won't go out to places where people are sitting there eating large slabs of meat, the smell disgusts me and watching them eat it and chew it is also disgusting. I would say over time I have drifted away from full on meat eaters because I can't enjoy things with them. I won't go to family barbeques where there are sausages on the grill for example.
  24. I don't agree with this at all. All you are doing is regurgitating propaganda from the meat industry. It is complete rubbish. Being Vegan isn't about eating plants and grass. You can be Vegan and have a very healthy diet, in fact, it is on the rise which is why the meat industry is responding with utter rubbish dressed up as "facts". The first thing is that it is not about Vegans vs Meateaters. This is what is being put out there in an attempt to portray Vegans as left wing loonies etc. to alienate them, to set up a "war" with them as the enemy. It's just typical capitalist rubbish where any threat to currently established industries is demonized and it seems you've fallen for it. I am predominantly vegetarian although I do have dairy like milk and cheese, no red meat of any kind, occasional fish or chicken. I have been Vegan and was quite healthy with that diet but you do have to supplement with various nuts, beans and grains, cereals and yogurt and no you don't run deficient on nutrients if you do this. Most people are deficient in something any way unless they have a perfect diet, whether meat eaters or vegans. If you run low on B12, you can take a supplement but I never had a problem with it. A much greater threat to health is the relationship between red meat, processed carbohydrates and cancer. I used to be a meat eater but was forced on to a Vegan diet for 2 years because I got a guts ache that wouldn't go away. It was like someone had punched me in the stomach and their fist remained pushed up under my diaphragm, unbearable situation that just sits there while useless doctors run tests but are unable to diagnose anything other than Irritable Bowel Syndrome. That is all rubbish. I stopped eating for a long time and found my stomach would only accept certain Vegan foods, no meat, no dairy, no processed foods like bread or cake etc So I stayed on that diet and got better. Then my tastes changed so I never went back to a full meat, dairy or processed foods diet. If I get a guts ache, I know what to do. The only reason I went from Vegan to mainly vegetarian was more about the availability of foods and cooking preparation times etc As more Vegan foods come on the market and are readily available at a good price I buy them. For example, I gave up fast food 20 years ago but now I am happy to have a Hungry Jacks vegan burger or rebel burger with orange juice occasionally and there are more vegan products coming on to the supermarkets that I buy. It is also nice knowing that some poor tortured animal has not had to suffer or at least I am trying to minimize that in my diet. It's not just about what happens at the abbatoirs. The farming of animals is torture for them their whole lives. I live in a regional area, sheep and cows left out in dry paddocks in mid 40 degree heat day after day with no shade and sometimes no water. Farmers only care about them when they start dying because they are losing "product". Put on ships in small cages and shipped overseas where many die before they get there. And when they get there they are stabbed in the eyes with knives, have their legs broken with sledge hammers and shoved into the boot of a car still alive (to keep them fresh) while they are driven to the family home where they then have their throats slit and are chopped up.
  25. She probably has improved or likes to think she has improved since singing on the old song so doesn't want to give it too much praise. She is probably listening more to her own voice and the lyrics rather than to your songwriting and commenting on that. If you are working on a new song with her, concentrate on that. Don't let muddled memories and polluted perceptions of the past spoil a new endeavor. I agree with Christian, "cute" is usually a good word from women. No you shouldn't feel insulted. I think you are being over sensitive as you say you might be.
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