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Sridhar Raghavan

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Everything posted by Sridhar Raghavan

  1. Hmmm.. so the documentation on MFX filter is misleading? I was so excited to start using the potential power of those filters. regards
  2. SCOOK above is a screen shot of my UI. It looks quite different and I was not able to map to your screen shot. David Baay your tip helped and I flipped the drop down "Custom" to All and I was able to see the Channel Selection. regards Sri.
  3. scook I looked at MFX the plug-ins and it seems to have a Filter Function for mapping Input Channels to Different Output Channels. Looks like what I was looking for. Thanks also to point out that unlike CAL, this would work in-line in real time. regards
  4. scook CAL cannot process data in real time but drum maps, and MFX plug-in do. If passing data on to hardware, MFX plug-ins may be the simplest solution. Thanks a lot for the above as it will get me going in the right direction. Use the channel drop down in the track header or track inspector to force the channel Can you elaborate on this - as I tried various things, but not able to navigate to this function. May be a screen shot or two?? regards
  5. I am posting this to get a clearer understanding and confirmation of the situation. I have gone through most of the posts and I still not clear about whether the below is possible (without invoking complex pathways) or not. Here is the basic question: 1) I create a MIDI track. 2) Assign its Input to a MIDI Source and a Specific Channel (like RTPMIDI, 3) No issues here. Works fine. I can play Geoshred on iPad and record the events. I an also play the recorded events on my KORG PA600. 3) I want to assign the MIDI Output to a specific/different midi Channel (MIDI Output -> KorgPA600, Out Channel -> 2) I am able to select [a different MIDI] Destination, but unable to select a Channel. Is this the current behavior? and cannot be changed? I would also like to understand why this constraint/situation Moving further on, what are the mechanisms that can be used for doing filtering and transformations of Input MIDI Events before sending to MIDI Output? I feel confident that this may be possible with CAL, but wonder if there are other UI panels for doing this. Thanks in advance regards
  6. User 905133 no worries and please no need for apologies as all of us miss things and also can be blind to the ambiguities we inject into our communications. I imported Korg/Korg Drum INS definitions now, just to rule out possible issues with default INS definitions. Have not checked it out yet. But I have a question. In Cakewalk how does one Mark a Channel as "Drums". Is Channel 10 is fixed/defined to be "Drums" (per MIDI convention) and cannot be changed? regards
  7. User 901533, Mcleod Thanks for your additions to this conversation. I was just away on other fronts for a few days - and so the delayed response. If you read my last carefully, you will see that I have exercised all avenues very rigorously and methodically, including the ones you are suggesting, showing you carefully the results. (I did not pursue SYSEX as this does not belong to that "domain" and warrant invoking those mechanisms). So I concluded that there is something else going on, and is not of my causing. I will resume soon and try to figure out . regards
  8. Update.. Good News: I did find two CAL commands, sendMIDI and INSERT which might do the job. Not so good news.. sendMIDI is ignoring parameters Just putting this out here, in case anyone knows why this is happening.. is it a known issue???. ; --------------------------------------------- ; Sri Style Select CAL. Created this and executed it. Via Process->... ; (do (pause "Starting ") ;(sendMIDI 1 15 PATCH 100) ; takes only one argument. Though DOC says 2 (sendMIDI 1 15 CONTROL 00 00) ; ignores the second 00. See (1) below (sendMIDI 1 15 CONTROL 32 27) ; ignores 27 See (2) below (sendMIDI 1 15 PATCH 8 ) ; ignores 8 See (3) below (pause "Done ") ) ; -------------------------------------- ; executed without visible errors. =============================== Incoming MIDI Events in Midi Ox MIDI commands are coming out.. But they are missing the parameter values... Obviously cannot do the right thing on PA600 Keyboard.. TIMESTAMP IN PORT STATUS DATA1 DATA2 CHAN NOTE EVENT 1) 000EE6B5 3 -- BF 00 00 16 --- CC: Bank MSB Missing the second argument 2) 000EE6B5 3 -- BF 20 00 16 --- CC: Bank LSB Missing the second argument 3) 000EE6B5 3 -- CF 00 -- 16 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano Missing the first argument regards
  9. bvideo I agree - for just name mapping, which is actually quite important for Drums, ins definitions would be sufficient. But if the same ins file can be used for generating drum maps (and possibly adding some more power and flexibility) it is better to go with drum maps (not sure what the cons are). But with percussion and drums, especially Indian, a given named note would require many strokes at the same time -- for example a specific note on the Left Side of the Drum and another on the Right hand side of the drum, Such composites strokes would have a simple Name, but generate multiple MIDI events. Drum Maps provide general mechanisms for doing these. I do use drum maps. I am not yet sure whether Cake Walk Drum Maps are capable of doing this - or one has to resort to Articulation Maps (whose design center in Cakewalk may or may not be suited for One-Logical-Key-Press -> Multiple-Physical-Midi-Events). regards Sri
  10. Chris.r Thanks for your suggestion. Here are my observations: a) I have been using these MIDI Sequences for several years now. They are well tested and are used in my Python Midi Generators/Players. b) Not all the actions one can invoke, pressing various buttons or making selections, on a Hardware Keyboard, like Korg or Technics, are actually emitted on the MIDI-out. This is usually the case for many proprietary command sequences. However, many of them usually have MIDI IN sequences for control. Not sure of the technical rationale for this situation. Sometimes, such actions are sent out as opaque/undocumented Sysex messages - and so does not enable user to create/insert them into MIDI files. This issue should be behind me soon, as I pin down some nuances in Cakewalk. For example, numbering of tracks and channels (0+ based, though UI is 1+). I am more focused on creating a CAL script if it all possible, as it will far more flexible and reliable - than manual entry. The script can perform the calculations, checks and actions. I have not yet figured the CAL command for inserting a MIDI Command into track at a selected time. regards
  11. An update... More on using the Events List (thanks to SCOOK for the reiterating persuasion) to add Style Select/Switch MIDI sequence. I did monitor what is coming out of Cakewalk by routing it to Midi Ox. I can confirm that the specific MIDI sequence is coming out Cakewalk, and is not being filtered out some how (including by some validation checks). This is good news. Now I can focus on what I am doing wrong. regards P.S. Some Look Ahead Questions.... Is there was anyway to add a sequence of [valid] commands which is not one of the canned list. For example, a sequence which has silencing all notes, changing drum kit tuning for a series of drum kit keys, and reenabling all sounds. Or issuing a complex series of portamento sequences, changing start and end points and portamento time etc. Colin/CAL experts: can these insertions be done through CAL scripts? It would be so much more reliable and easier.
  12. Colin Thanks for the pointer and confirm that it is you. I read that a couple of days ago and found it very useful. Very well written. I was wondering whether it is you and now I know. regards
  13. SCOOK - I tried that. I added a Marker on the track - so I have a time reference. I added an event; set channel to 15, kind to Patch Change, Double Clicked the Data Area; Selected Normal, Bank to 15. But cannot enter the Patch Number to 1 (or any number). Can only pick from the drop down list. Looks like I have to load a Custom List there to pick from - or populate using INS definitions. I just picked, just to test, the second item in the drop down list. I set a different Style on my PA600 Keyboard and MIDI to receive. I played the track on Cakewalk - music played, but the Style did not change on my PA600 Keyboard, Stalled on two things: Need to populate the drop down list properly - was skipping it for the test. Second even selecting a patch - is not having any effect. Not sure whether Cakewalk is generating the intended MIDI sequence. Will recheck if I had made some error. Is there a MID IN/OUT monitor utility in Cakewalk? Otherwise I will have to route MIDI Out through Midi Ox or similar, to monitor what MIDI is coming out of Cakewalk, Just more pre/tangential work for what I intended as a quick test. User 905133: Yes CC#0 and CC#32 are in decimals. I meant only 0xBF is in HEX. regards
  14. In the Music I have been creating with/for the Korg PA600 Keyboard, I make generous use of Performances/Styles, changing them a few/many times during the song. Each style is a set of instrument assignments with desired parameter settings, to each of the 16 tracks. (Rhythms as well - but we can keep that out for now). Below is an example of a Style Select MIDI Sequence -- essentially it is a Bank/Program Select sequence. 0xBF,0,0 0xBF,32,15 0xBF,1 (This selects the Style Item: User favorites, Page 1, Entry 2) How do I insert this sequence in the Midi Track at a desired point in the Midi Track? So Styles are changed on the keyboard during playback? I have many MIDI songs created outside Cakewalk, with such style changes and they all play fine on the Keyboard. I thought this would be a simple thing to do. But I am not finding a way to do this. Possibly I have not navigated to the right place yet. My recall from the manual is, that I could insert a sequence of MIDI messages through automation or via events list at any point in a track. I do see two actionable: Menu bar->Insert->Bank/Patch Change.. and Menu bar->Insert->Multiple Controllers.. But neither of them work for this need. What I can insert seems to be limited to a canned list. Strangely that includes RPN, NRPN etc. but does not seem to include Bank/Program Select. I wanted to test this basic thing before I move to explore the power of Articulation Maps. Look forward to your thoughts
  15. scook et al. I am pasting the BOLs of Mridangam of Swar Plug. It is actually a Python code I generated by extracting information from a PDF file. It is not an *.ins file nor a drum map. Just contains all the information needed to generate them. Should be a simple text editing task and running the ins2map. I am posting this, just in case it comes handy to any one else, before I start the work on drum maps. If some one familiar with drum maps (develop, test) can go ahead and create the map - nothing like it. Appreciate your moving this to the right area in the forum - so it is visible to everyone. swpmridangam = { "kum":[36], # C3 , kum "gumsl":[37], # C#3 , sliding gum "toms":[38], # D3 , soft tom "tom":[39], # D#3 , tom "kum5":[40], # E3 , kum low "kum4":[41], # F3 , kum slightly high "kum3":[42], # F#3 , kum higher "kum2":[43], # G3 , kum high pitch "ka":[44], # G#3 , Ka "ke":[45], # A3 , Ke "deem1":[46], # A#3 , deem "deem2":[47], # B3 , syahi deem "deem3":[48], # C4 , syahi deem soft "ki":[49], # C#4 , ki "chap":[50], # D4 , chap "ta":[51], # D#4 , ta "ta2":[52], # E4 , ta variation "na":[53], # F4 , na "nam":[54], # F#4 , nam "kree1":[55], # G4 , kree "kreem":[56], # G#4 , kreem "kresf":[57], # A4 , kree soft "krem2":[58], # A#4 , kreem 2 "deem4":[59], # B4 , deem 4 "dom1":[60], # C5 , dom 1 "dom":[61], # C#5 , dom "domsf":[62], # D5 , dom soft "chapu":[63], # D#5 , chhapu "chpu2":[64], # E5 , Arra chhapu "krans":[65], # F5 , ke and deem "klam":[66], # F#5 , ke and deem 2 "seq1":[67], # G5 , tirekite tam "seq2":[68], # G#5 , tirekite tom } regards
  16. Clovis very nice work. You can add Korg PA600 files to this collection - which I posted earlier and moved to the right place by scook. Would be wonderful if there is a possibility of seeing Technics KN1400 ins files in your collection, in the near future. regards
  17. scook Thanks for the pointer. I picked the .ins from here - will see if there are any augmentations. It was never endorsed by Cakewalk. The old Cakewalk forum had a section for user created software and content. There were a handful of users, including myself who contributed. Revamping drum maps has been on the Cakewalk to-do list for some time. So wonderful to have you and your colleagues here -- with invaluable knowledge and passion, and the heritage.
  18. Understandable. But happy that Cakewalk has endorsed it and has not broken his work. Hopefully not any time soon.
  19. scook Can you point me to any sample/ valid file for use with ins2map, for a quick test and for use a model? regards
  20. scook Thanks so much. This is fantastic. Inspired by your note, I posted a separate post for sharing the INS files of Korg PA600. I downloaded ins2map and looks like it was what I was looking for and would adequately serve my needs. Generating drum maps from [augmented if necessary] INS file is wonderful. Given this, I assume the format of Drum Map files are available some where here. I will read the other thread as well. regards
  21. I am using this topic to post two instrument definition files: Tone map.ins DrumKits.ins Inside the file you will see the name of the creator and links. I got these files from a friend in Korg Forums a few years ago. I used it with some custom code I was writing in Python, a few years ago. This is the first time I will be using it with Cakewalk. Since I have not done it yet - I do not know what issues, if any, are there. But hopefully there are others who can use this as well, even before me. If you do let me know how it goes/went. regards Korg PA600 DrumKits.ins Korg PA600 Tone Map.ins
  22. I have gone through the topics here as well as the net. I will have to create several Drum Maps to work effectively with a range of VSTs/plugins. So far I have seen only processes for creating Drum Maps via UI - which is quite tedious and painful. I find it personally intriguing, as software is supposed to spare Humans of such tedium. I am not faulting Cakewalk at all for starting with the UI approach, but the product & community not moving at all beyond that for years is rather baffling. I have some basic questions: a) Is there any text based specification tool that can generate the Drum Map Files? b) If not, is there a file format description for the *.map files? Those files seem to be in some binary format. It is hard for me to see reasons for keeping that under covers. If (a) is NO, can Cakewalk team provide (b)? I am happy to volunteer and create a tool to create/manage Drum Maps and post it here for everyone to use. Cakewalk team can take it and evolve it as fit. It will make it lot more easier for using [drum VSTs in] Cakewalk. (In line with the stated goal of Cakewalk/CEO). I hate to say this, but that is what I would expect any Engineer or Computer Scientist to do. Define a text file format, so the full power of text processing is available for creating maps. Transform the specs and generate the destination file. This should be a straight forward task - especially here, knowing what the Drum Maps do. This tradition started almost the same time, if not before, the Computers came into vogue. Programming Languages, Specification Languages, Compilers are great manifestations of this, and have a long and mature history. regards
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