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Everything posted by Sridhar Raghavan
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I edited the original post to include a link to the other thread. Will_Kaydo you can read everything in that post. Sorry for pointing you to that instead of giving you a pointed answer here. I will be just repeating things from there. br -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Johnny Tsao Thanks for the wonderful idea, using only Cakewalk features to get the conversion done. Truly appreciate your taking the time to create this elaborate note with screen shots and detailed explanations. I will try this, especially, whether Midi IN/Out on each track is set correctly for recoding and playback. If you or I can create a CAL file for this, so everything happens transparently with a single command - nothing like it. But based on what I am finding CAL is not supported, though it ought to be fully resuscitated (prioritized over other feature additions), and many commands do not work and/or simply not there. regards -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I am putting this topic here, as the contents are buried in a thread related to this topic, elsewhere. I corrected a few issues on this CAL for my needs, which should be of relevance to anyone interested in using it. I am attaching the updated CAL file, so Cakewalk Team can correct that CAL or include my CAL with the install library. Please feel free to clean/tweak the code and, the file and other names, to your Engineering Standards. regards SriTrackSplit1.cal -
Timeline Cursor Tool Tips Regions - Occlusion
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
David Baay That link points to this, and this page is not reachable or does not exist anymore. Have you or anyone got the mentioned CALS? I will post a note in the original thread as well. http://www.collusioninc.org.uk/index.php?page=sonarstuff -
Timeline Cursor Tool Tips Regions - Occlusion
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Will_Kaydo, David Baay Thanks for the tips. Regarding what things are overlapping - I will post a screen shot and/or picture/video asap. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Starship Krupa thanks for the clarifications. I will go ahead with it today. What is TYLIP - I am hearing it for the first time! I was also hoping to get your tips for the Timeline Cursor and Popup Icons/ToolTips crowding issues. Happy to hear the update on your Vision Issues and Welcome. I am sure these Themes and Notes will benefit many others. -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
All I am attaching an MP3 file of the music that goes with the above. It is playing of the original and split tracks all together and everything is order. Hope you enjoy the Indian Music as well - it is an Improv Kalpana in raga Anandha Bhairavi (Carnatic). I have to thank all of you here, for helping me with the initial ramp of Cakewalk and over time progressively complete the migration. regards Sri. SriCakewalk.mp3 -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
RBH I modified the original script in some simple ways to get the Post Split tracks playing exactly the same as the Original Recording. I also changed from Cut/Paste to Copy/Paste -- so the original track is intact. I will attach the Script below. I have been looking for the Cal command sequence for what I can do interactively on the UI: select a track by its track number set the Midi IN to my Korg Keyboard and IN channel to a specific Channel set the MIDI out to my Keyboard and OUT Channel to a specific Channel. Arm it for recording. I have gone through the CAL Reference/Guide and Examples but just cannot find the commands for these. I have tried few of them but they do not work. Or I am unable to recognize them. Given that CAL is not supported and not able to determine what works and what does not, makes it very difficult to say the least. So I ended up creating 16 tracks brute force and saved them as a Starting Point. Gets me going ... but missing the power of a good working Cal Script to do things efficiently and reliably without embracing laborious tedium. I hope others find the Script Useful. Sri, Attachments: Screen Shot of Splitting; SriSplit1.cal the script file; EmptyKorg1.zip containing the base project with 16 tracks with proper setting of Midi IN/out - I will try to make this into a Template when I figure out how. SriTrackSplit1.cal EmptyKorg1.zip -
Timeline Cursor Tool Tips Regions - Occlusion
Sridhar Raghavan posted a topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I am finding it quite difficult to clearly see the Loop Region End Handles for acting on them. Too many Things and Icons popping up around cursor... I am sure they would and supposed to help, but they seem to be occluding things behind them. I am sure there would be tricks/tips for managing them. So I can turn things on/off and make the Loop Region (yellow handles) or selection region (blue colored) clearly visible for action. Related to this, is there a Nudge Function for moving the Selection Line left/right with keyboard arrow keys? I found that there is Process-> Nudge -> .... but it does not show any keyboard shortcuts. I am quite pleased that I can set the Left or Right loop edge to NOW using the UI on the top Area. That is coming handy given the problem I described above. Thanks in advance Sri. -
Where does CAL send "message" output?
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Paul DeRocco's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Mike would love to get it. I am just starting with Cakewalk/Cal and need to change one of the scripts -- Split Channel to Tracks. It is part of the install. Specifically, assign Midi IN and Midi OUT on the Split tracks to the Midi Channel events came from. May be you can do this is in your SLEEP!! and give me the updates to the Script. It may take some time for me to get the names of the objects and functions correctly. There is also an unwanted Shift in the Tracks -- for example post split, Tracks are playing one Mid Channel than what they should. I think this should be easy to change in the code. Does Message function work? Where does the Output Display - is it fleeting and fast to see or it does not display at all. What is the equivalent function for simple Print/Log? Thanks in advance Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Erik/Starship Krupa Thanks for the clarifications. Just to anchor my understanding further, to avoid errors.. Where do the name clashes come from? From the name of the CLR files or from the actual color names/references/contents contained within them? I assume your STH files are referring to those references and not tied to CLR file names. So I am a bit smarter about the filenames and color names and prevent name clashes and over writes. So for this appetite for clarification details. Thanks in advance Sri. P.S. Appreciate sharing of your Vision issues. Sincerely wish you a complete arrest and reversal of the conditions. -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
This is just thinking out aloud -- to get the Split t Channels working correctly. Currently post split has a few issues. So I took a look at the Cal file. I am observing a few things: a) Cal Code split the Track based on Channels. But it is not updating the Midi In/Out Configurations. I do not see that on the UI nor on the code below. May be the author did not consider that as a requirement. b) There may be a bit of Channel numbering 0-15 or 1-16 issue here. Usually Drum is 9 and Percussion 10 (in 1-16 numbering). So there may be a skew relative what the code considers as Drum channel - 10. I need to check. This may be causing a skew of the channels - and causing split tracks not playing exactly as the original non-split track. I will have pin this down to fix this. c) A CAL expert or the original author might be able to do this in a Jiffy. Hope to hear from them. d) What is generated for the last Track also seems quite odd. e) I know I have configured on my Keyboard, channel 15 and 16 as Global and Control Channels respectively. I do not see anything in the code related to handling these. Though not sure that there should be any. Hope some one can point me where on the Cakewalk UI is the menu items for Transposing - a selected Midi Track or all the Tracks together. Thanks in advance for any insights/tips you may have. Sri. ======== the cal code for reference ============= ; Split Channel to Tracks.cal ; ; This takes the current track and splits it by channel into 16 other tracks. ; It is up to the user to: ; - position the cursor on the desired track to be split ; - make sure only that track is selected ; - set From and Thru to cover whatever portion of it they wish split ; (do (include "need20.cal") ; Require version 2.0 or higher of CAL (int nTrk 1) (getInt nTrk "First destination track?" 1 256) (-- nTrk) ; CAL uses 0..255 (int nChannel 0) (while (< nChannel 16) (do ; Provide some progress information on the message line (message "Channel " (+ 1 nChannel) " --> Track " (+ 1 nTrk)) ; Set the event filter 0 to include everything (ResetFilter 0 1) ; Restrict item 10, Channel, to be in the range nChannel..nChannel (SetFilterRange 0 10 TRUE nChannel nChannel) ; Now use that to cut the events meeting the criteria (EditCut From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE) ; Paste them to the destination track, nTrk (EditPasteToTrack From TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE nTrk) ; Give track an informative name (TrackName (format "Split Chan " (+ 1 nChannel)) nTrk) ; Set the forced channel, although that's redundant because all the events ; in the track have that channel (TrackChannel nChannel nTrk) ; Un-mute the track (TrackActive TRUE nTrk) (++ nChannel) (++ nTrk) ) ) ) -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Starship Krupa Thanks for the above note. Sorry to know that you too have vision issues and hope to pick all you insights about how you have customized Cakewalk for dealing with related issues. Wonderful to know the names of Themes you and Colin have created. I will take a good look, pun intended, at all of them. I have already downloaded the Primer to Theme, as Matthew or Colin pointed me to that. I am going to hold reading that for a bit to catch up on the Themes you all have already created, and also few other Task Idioms I want to get ironed out. I got introduced to Cal by SCOOK and I am eager to get user-level grasp of a few programs there. I just downloaded ~8 themes in a Zip file from your drop box. I am finding that .sth and .clr and .txt files are nicely packaged one level nested below. A quick question about CLR files. Should I just go and install them, following your instructions? rather than worry about possible backtracking issues? Thanks again for the pointers and look forward to any other tips you may have developed of mutual interest for vision challenges of Cakewalk. Sri. -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
SCOOK/BDICKENS I was able to navigate to running that Cal program. Ran it and got the tracks created. So nice for further actions. I now have to figure out why these tracks are not playing same thing as the original. I will look in the usual places, as I have faced similar things before in other situations. Possibly Drum/Percussion channel numbers and GM/Midi initial sequences. If you have any ready pointers it would be great. Thanks again Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Thanks Matthew - these are very helpful pointers. I will pursue them. Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
No worries Matthews. You have covered lot of ground already for me. I am going through your themes. I switched to your Orange Theme. It has made a nice difference to the ease of reading, by putting Orange Background behind some of the texts. But not all. I am going through other Themes of yours, hoping to see others which do bold white Text on Darker Background for all the Menu Bar items. So they all standout nicely with better contrast. May be you can point me to one, or give me some tips for which I can use as a Base and some directions for the kind of edits I should be doing. The background to the text should also be different from general background -- and black is very nice for it - as it keep the amount of light/glare to the eyes to a minimum. Thanks and regards Sri. -
Split Channels to Tracks CAL
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Sridhar Raghavan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
SCOOK you hit the bulls eye for me. That is precisely the thing I was looking for. Since I am still new in terms of installing running such CAL files, appreciate your doing a bit more handwaving for me, to get to the point of running it. I assume this would be a simple step/procedure but I have not navigated to it to yet. Also curiosity is there a utility which will do the opposite? I will add possible reasons at the end. BDICKENS I agree that this would work. That was also what I was planning to do. Make those tracks and set them up Midi In/Out and use them for [such] Projects. I also have other utilities which can take a Format-0 Midi files and create Format-1 Midi files. I can do the export/import process. These were the approaches I was calling brute force method. Thanks both for the quick responses. Sri. P.S. SCOOK/BDICKENS one thing I want to be able to do is to switch between 2-3 external keyboards and iPad (coming via RTP). I want to do this SIMPLY and RELIABLY rather than having to change midi in/out device in each and every track. I like SEIKAJU DAW for many things, especially for this ease of switching MIDI IN/OUT device for all tracks [and of course selected tracks]. May be Cakewalk would do this as well, but I have not gotten there yet. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
I wonder which of these C drive locations I can move/point to a location on my D drive? I can create those D drive locations and copy the original/current contents from their corresponding C drive locations. I have already DONE this now. I will not try to do anything with THEMES given the known issues -- it is working fine now. It is taking about 260MB of storage. Not too big but not small either. "Cakewalk Content" is the large one ~1.86GB. Thanks in Advance. Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Matthews/Colin et al. Thanks for your attention and actions.. they were a great help in ways you would never know.. I uninstalled and reinstalled, and this time used the Advanced Custom Install procedure, so I could customize the locations wherever possible. Thereon, I copied all the Custom Themes [unzipped form] downloaded from Matthews into the C drive Themes location. Started Cakewalk and Viola... I can see all the Custom Themes and laying with them right now. So the problem has Vanished. My feeling is that I might have used Preferences to change the Location of Cakewalk Projects and Video location(s). I did not touch other locations, as I had little understanding about them, and as a precaution left them as-is and did not dare to change them. Somehow this had some side-effects on Themes and Probably on some other things, which I can no longer create/reproduce. Something can investigate using "Clean Room" techniques. But some points of observation with Custom Installing: a) Only some folder locations can be changed. I think this should be updated so all folder locations can be customized, for the reason that C drives typically have far little space than other drives. Also it is left with plenty of space for System, Page Sys, Logs and O/S Caches. Here is what I was able to change/customize for installation: D:\0CakeWalk <--- I was able to change this. I think this is some kind of main location? I use a zero prefix for simply pushing it ahead in sorting order. VST Plugins: D:\AAMusicWork\VST64 <-- obvious. I was able to change this. This is where I keep all my VST64. I wonder whether is for all VST types: 32, 64, VSTi, VST3 etc. Shared Components: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk <-- did not give me an option or was predefined. Content & Projects: C:\Cakewalk Content <- same here. C:\Cakewalk Projects <- same here. Interestingly Themes folder is buried one level below the above location(s). I might try changing some of the C drive folders to D drive under 0CakeWalk folder using Preferences -> Folders. I am seeing that it has many more Location Names, that was presented to me during Custom Install. I will not tamper with the Themes Folder here, as Matthews had forewarned me that Cakewalk may that location somehow hardwired and will not look at other places. Thanks again as this can make things easier on my eyes and usage and ramp up faster. regards Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Matthews thanks for the forewarning tip. Very timely and handy so I can keep away from known/Phantom issues. I cannot wait to explore and use your Themes!! to make things easier for usage and for eyes. br Sri. -
All I was able to connect my Korg PA600 Arranger keyboard, and receive/record all the 16 channels to a Track in Cakewalk. I can play these back on PA600. All working nicely. I am now trying to figure out how view/edit the midi channels events on the track on the Piano Roll? Including Show/Hide filters for specific channels etc. Also, is there a way to take the track contents and create/generate separate tracks so each track is for a Single Midi Channel? I know a few general non-Cakewalk ways to do this, and so I am not looking for those solutions. I just want to get educated on features/capabilities of Cakewalk for doing these tasks. As my goal is to migrate to Cakewalk as my main staple. Thanks in advance Sri.
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Colin Appreciate your taking the time to post and offering to help. I will spend some time creating screen shots and post them for you here asap. But I might uninstall and reinstall, with all the default locations pointing to my D drive. I know I can configure things via Preferences, but it might open me to the risk of being on less travelled paths and potential of lurking issues. D drive is where I have lot of space; the default C location is usually a NO-NO, as like most people, I have formatted/partitioned as smaller drive for System/DLLS etc. and not for large amounts of Data. This is not an issue for now, as I still have plenty of space there as well - just do not prefer to have it there for too long. regards Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Starship Krupa The tone of your comment is INTRIGUING. It is not a question of how long I have been with Cakewalk, it is how long I have been with DAWS, how long I have existed on this planet, what all things I have done in my career. I will restrain myself from going further on that Self-Glorification speech. As a piece of advice, this may sound uncalled for, but is necessary for me to say this, as you are posting on a community forum. Do not mindlessly condescend and denigrate others based on your judgmental skews, however sound it might feel to you. It does not bode well. By default, assume that everyone is very intelligent, rigorous, respectful of others, especially value everyone's time. Treat them accordingly until you have accrued other substantiated reasons to diverge from it. All I would say is, I am extremely rigorous, detailed oriented and immersed in advanced technology development in very deep and broader ways. People like me, and I do not consider myself anything exceptional, just a norm, can surface issues in a jiffy just because of their experiential heritage. The reason I need to change colors, fonts, contrast etc.. is because of cloudiness in my eyes and the need for better contrast. It is not for "let me surface what flaws are there". I have already said that I have done thorough diligence on my side, driven by the need, and also explained them clearly, including reasons for my inference. I have also expressed by inability, at least for now, for diagnosing this problem, and seeking other wisdom. I understand and respect Voluntary Labor of Love, Goodwill orientation of this forum. All help is on an free will and optional basis. But operating with personal and professional collegiality, courtesies are not optional. Sri. -
themes All M-Themes and Splash Screens Pack (Updated for 2021.12)
Sridhar Raghavan replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Matthews Thanks or your note and expressed thoughts. As I mentioned this does not make any logical sense. I am convinced that this is some kind of "buggy behavior" originating in the Cakewalk code and naturally defies sound logic. Black box testing, like the one you are suggesting cannot take me/you much far. Some one familiar with Cakewalk code, should accept this behavior and postulate a theory to drive testing and confirmation. Yes, I am storing all the *.sth files individually. The file system is seeing/showing it without any issues - and any new theme I create using the Theme Editor also goes into the SAME directory and shows up later in the drop down list. In Fact, I am even able to open one of your *.sth file from that directory in the Theme Editor. BUt those files just do not SHOW UP in the Preferences Panel. I hope you are able to find a pathway for diagnosis and redress. regards Sri.