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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. Even though it's been updated to this year, I found it kind of a disappointment: I just realized with it Lepou guitar plugins are dead. More so... the blog is DEAD. Wow, after lots of years put into those by the dev, suddenly it went caput! Insult to injury: AU versions, at least, don't work on Macos Moneterey, at least not on my M1 Macbook air. because, you know, silicon chips (and the developer can't be identified or something like that). And I am not going through a massive list to see what works and what not X) Edit: IGNITE Emissary bundle works great on M1 Macs! ?
  2. I hope this year it will support 4k display resolution. ? I say this coz it does look very attractive. Glad you guys enjoy it very much. ?
  3. Definitely I would use only dry, wet would make a mess everywhere ?
  4. Man, I love you every day more! ? User area: Redeem 20 Jammies ?
  5. So, how do you like it guys? Now without the dongle, performance wise? If u have a silicon Mac, leave your insight here (or a PC, I am not that racist).
  6. The end is here!!! (Change to Mac already guys, silicon chips are awesome). ?
  7. You can use ilok in your pc/mac too with these? Glad u found your answer though ( free Orchestra doesn't require Cloud, thank god)?
  8. Look at the date it will be free, love ?
  9. Guys, get the Big Bang Orchestra FREE! https://www.vsl.co.at/en/BBO I just did and already tested it in Reaper. Works and sounds great! Since VSL used the dongle I never bothered even thinking about them, even though arguably they are the best sounding and pro sounding ever. This freebie alone will keep you busy for hours. And this freebie also doesn't use Cloud, it is validated on your mac. They also seem to have great prices, the choirs alone omg, they sound just astonishingly awesome in my M1 Air Mac speakers. Uff uff uff (judging by the demos, I didn't buy it, lol).
  10. Omg, thanks so much! The King posts so much stuff that thread went down too fast I didn't notice it. I guess I gotta download almost all their installers again now (I just tested the FET compressor, its size bug in Logic Pro has been fixed (they all had it)).
  11. Softube finally released M1 Native support? Where did you read this?
  12. But the Max cant have 20 CPU cores, right? That's why I am aiming for the Ultra X)
  13. After using my Macbook Air for over a year, I think, led me to feel I need to save for bigger and better Mac. The Ultra seems to be the perfect target. Not afraid of the asking price. I LOVE the Air. Specially because of the CPU, that's what I was looking for. (I got the Air because that was what was available at the moment, not because I am dirty poor, lol). With it I could use lots of guitar plugins, reverbs, compressors, you name it. GPU? Well, if good games get to the Mac world, I would be ready with it, lol. ?
  14. Wow, you're the best, thanks so much (especially thanks for the Legato Violin) ?
  15. Why do I need this? I am 5 yo. X)
  16. I still love my M1 Macbook Air. Cannot imagine how great that deal you are sitting on will be. Although I myself am waiting for a more CPU oriented silicon Mac, because I am more about Guitar amps emulators and cpu plugins (fx) than libraries (I use them but not 100's of GB in a project).
  17. Weird. I don't know if it helped, but I was on my cell phone and I got a pop up there. In my account no serial (why there is no serial, where is the proof I own it?) Anyway, I logged in Custom Shop as someone else said, and there it was. AWESOME freebie. IK very smart here, I think they want you to love it, use it a lot, so that if you play live you buy the hardware? THANK YOU for the news, and thank you IK MULTIMEDIA! ?
  18. First, site wasn't even loading. But I got no pop up either (sad face). https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/
  19. Yeah dear Jacques, although it's not a biggie. I was just looking forward the freebies, specifically Amplitube 5 SE (I have Amplitube 4 Max but that's it). ?
  20. As I figured, 1st gen doesnt qualify, sad face...
  21. The website I posted is correct, right? If so, I guess my 1st gen doesn't qualify. Thanks.
  22. I go here https://customer.focusritegroup.com/en/my-software and I see nothing about AVID or ProTools. I have a Scarlett first gen. Are these 3 months free or ...?
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