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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. yES, PLEASE, make it resizable! I just installed it and use a 4K TV... it looks small... even when I click on Double size X) But works great, just as the old one. I don't feel we need more of a player.
  2. I like your positive POV, touché ?
  3. He makes them uglier and uglier,,,
  4. Layout still looks and works great, it's just perfect.
  5. It really feels like a totally different forum without him ?
  6. I love you thank you ???
  7. I just want to know he's doing fine, because I have been following this forum like for 2 or 3 years, and he's very nice (he's given away stuff to me before, and I guess to others?). If he doesn't come back because he doesn't want to, that's just fine to me. It's not like we pay him to post deals.
  8. Thanks so much mate, I love free stuff X)
  9. Small tips straight to the point, I like these X)
  10. Maaaaaaaan! They knock it out of the park, this is insta buy (except all I can do right nouu is buy food and pay utilities... barely... hahaha). Honest this sounds just superb, uff! ?? ? ?
  11. Um, no youtube comments either. This thing is super duper good! ?
  12. I never quoted you (on this thread at least), till now! ? I agree that probably isn't the best name, but beats VST by a mile. But CLAP is musical, I don't know why you (general you, not you MM) don't see that.
  13. It's not a bad choice for a name at all. If you have an std I am sorry for you, hahaha. When you go to a concert or see a comedian, if you like it you CLAP. Clapping s so rooted to the music world. Hey, I clap if my daughter gets straight A's. If the word has such a derogatory meaning in your mind you have issues...
  14. We don't know ofc precisely the situation, but you bet your azz I would send those emails if I felt it was needed to hurt current sales so the other ***** wouldn't get any gains from something I created. IF, that is ?
  15. Wow, you really did work on it? That's so cool, despite the outcome for your company ofc.
  16. I was gonna say it's not me, I swear! But then I read your comment and I couldn't anymore, sad face ?
  17. True. Nevertheless, nobody likes hubs. Specially when going mobile (they are a FORCED necessary evil by the industry). Thank god the MBP comes with more ports, just like back in the old days. Anyway, I won't waste my time writing Neve I won't buy their interface. ?
  18. Just guitar plugins and reverbs use a shitload of CPU, so this update is meh.
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