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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Or Sononym, I think that one has the most sophisticated algorithm
  2. IMO it needs: Better articulations Snappier/cleaner GUI that doesn't use CPU inefficiently (I think it redraws too often or inefficiently) No fee to download samples after 6 months Better control over what instruments to install/uninstall
  3. A case could probably be made that the person owns their voice, but how could they prove that their voice was used to train the AI? Btw, totally unrelated but these short video formats (such as YouTube shorts) seem to be getting progressively worse. Maybe it's just my brain lol, but I can barely follow the video in the original post. Too many cuts.
  4. Everybody is different - I prefer a utilitarian interface with low resource requirements. I do use a third party theme for REAPER, but mostly because I prefer flat, dark UIs, but this is also entirely subjective.
  5. What kind of authorization do Ample Sound libraries use? I see that some Chinese instruments use iLok, but what about their guitars? I agree about them being really good, I wish they were a bit more affordable to a hobbyist like me
  6. The effects, LUA scripting support. This looks like a lot!
  7. Thanks! So, to get to 500 orange slices, from 270 (170 from the survey + 100 from the first purchase), one would need to buy something that costs $230 after the discount, and then upgrade later to the bundle at 50% off with the 500 orange slices? That's the most cost effective way to buy a bundle starting from scratch, correct?
  8. How many Orange Slices do you get for buying an item on sale?
  9. How do you use Scaler? Do you just load a scale and then drag the chords and then edit the inversions and voicings afterwards? I like using Feel Your Sound Sundog, it gives you a chord page with a grid with different inversions and you can hear and select the inversion you want right away. In Reaper, there's a Chord Gun script that does something similar to this. But I know that Scaler is very powerful, so I'm interested in hearing how you use it. Another tool that's very powerful, but unfortunately not too intuitive is Rapid Composer. It's worth checking out.
  10. Looks very similar to TEOTE, although TEOTE appears to have many more options regarding the slope, threshold, range etc
  11. Any recommendations for chillout/ambient? Modern Nylon/Stratosphere?
  12. I think he was talking about people that are poor, or living in poor countries, where a plugin might cost a disproportionate amount in their currency. Those people probably wouldn't ever pay, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I think the point is that those types of pirates wouldn't make too much difference to the developer, as no sales were lost. In addition, like you mentioned, some people use cracked software as a demo, especially if the company doesn't provide a legitimate trial or a money back guarantee. Those people buy the license once they test the software out. It's not only big studios that do this, individuals do it too. On the other hand, there are people who could afford the license, but they don't want to pay for it because they can get it for free. Sometimes even people with a legitimate license use cracked software if the official software has an intrusive/unreliable copy protection. I have no idea what the distribution between these different categories of pirates is since under the law, they are all illegal and it doesn't get talked about much.
  13. They have a problem with one of the speakers going in and out after some time. I recommend Presonus.
  14. Yes, I bought from them a couple of times and haven't had any issues
  15. Reaper, Logic, FL Studio and Studio One Artist are good and don't cost too much to keep up to date. At least some of those should be proper DAWs. ?
  16. This is a little off topic, but how do you get white noise from the noise oscillator in Surge? No matter what I do I end up with crackles, instead of the uniform noise, even if I add multiple voices.
  17. Does having Novum make Abyss redundant?
  18. They do have it here: https://pae-web.presonusmusic.com/uploads/bronto/files/presonus-so6-compare-versions_1_.pdf
  19. I think you can use any Izotope product, even Ozone elements, which has been offered for free in the past for the crossgrade. But it's best to check.
  20. Rapid Composer is very deep (but can be a bit intimidating in the beginning)
  21. Yes, you can update Artist here for $42 https://www.bestservice.com/en/studio_one_6_artist_update.html
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