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Everything posted by BassDaddy

  1. Does anyone have the Insomnia pack for Lounge Lizard? If so what do you think? I hope they make some more.
  2. Fleer told me to get Celestia. I highly recommend it.
  3. I know I got a few Ultra Analog banks(they were free) before I got the Synth. You can still play them with the free AAS Player
  4. I don't have lots of their stuff but I sure do like what I have.
  5. I thought the flutes and reeds pretty nice too.
  6. Sorry I'm late on this. Have been really busy catching up after my wife and I had the virus. This is the first week I know I'm at 100%. I thought I was doing pretty good last week but I really didn't know how far I had to go. Had second shot5 months before I got it. I did not want to use it as an excuse but I figured I needed to say why it took so long. Analog Orchestra. I like it and it's worth $16 something for me. I remember on the forum someone asked me if GForce MTon sounded good and I said, If you want to have something that sounds good you shouldn't get a Melotron. I love them but not because they sound good. Analog Orchestra is the same thing only the sounds are more 2004 not 1972 like the Tron. It's similar to the Sonnivox Orchestra Companion except It doesnt try to fool you into thinking they are real instruments. And I have had so much trouble trying to get the Sonnivox authorized and scanned into the daw I gave up. Not sampled but modeled so it is never going sound like East West or any of the excellent libs out there. Some really detailed modeling in there but the word cheesy keeps coming to mind. But cheesy like a Tron is cheesy. It is completely usable. There are some presets that are not cheesy too. I still like it but it was $16.60, so.... Flear get Humanized. Now I have go and get my Rev Scoring Piano into Kontact.
  7. I will do that as soon as I can. Later today?
  8. I dont know what you mean. Is there some NI info I don't have?
  9. I bought this at Best Service. Got a package Key took it to AAS and registered and am downloading now. So no need for further discussion of ejaculatio incognito or what ever it was.
  10. OH, HELL NO! Nope! No way! You are not bringing Latin terms for wiener problems in here! Not today. You take that upstairs to the Production Techniques forum, where it belongs.
  11. I got in on this one and very glad I did. Thanks to Lars and his work getting the special Cakewalk Forum discount. How cool is that? And thanks to Simeon for the very helpful video. And thanks to Fleer for being the eye candy of the Forum.
  12. Yes Lars, we are a family. And I am really looking forward to Festivus this year. Especially the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people!
  13. iZotope Music Production Suite 4.1 It says (MPS 4 at the site) is $190.02 at Best Service. Since its in Germany there is no sales tax added. As I have been registering with iZotope it has been referred to as MPS 4.1 and includes all the plug ins I expected to get.
  14. TT Hip Hop,R & B EZ Keys midi pack, Alex Ball GForce MTron Pro Expansion, PreSonus Studio One 5 Pro upgrade, iZotope Music Production Suite 4.1 Upgrade and the most important one; Lars' Spock Avatar is back!! it feels so 2014!
  15. That is a good deal. The Dream Machine is real nice. One of my EZ Keys favs. It's lots of fun with EZ Drummer Dream Pop EZX. That is my fav EZX. There is more than drums in that one. GForce Virtual String Machine is way cooler and only about $8-$10 more right now. Really right now. For the rest of today.
  16. He saved me money. It's not his fault if I spent it.
  17. If my wife wants a vintage studio reverb for Christmas I'm going to get this. I hope she lets me use it.
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