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Bass Guitar

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Everything posted by Bass Guitar

  1. I'm going through issues sort of like this where I can't download the Command Center. I have all my passwords and the old Cakwalk log on stored in a safe place you should have done the same. You can recover your passowrd by contacting Support found in the Tab above. Hopefully you have a copy of the Command Center running.
  2. I'm re doing a laptop I have as a second DAW and as part of this I need to install Cakewalk Command Center to install Splat and the goodies. The download seems to be screwed up. I tried on 2 computers and using both Chrome and Edge. Chrome just sits there going round and round, Edge gives me this warning . I found a thread where people were having same issue. And I see now it would have been smart to have this all backed up. But alas, I didn't, I sure as heck will once I get this working. Is that old server dieing? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/15430-command-centre/
  3. I 100% agree with always redo a part if you screw up. I actually record my tracks from start to finish without punching in if I can help it. I make a mistake, delete and redo until it is the best I can do. I don't keep half baked tracks. I definatly hate Comping. But in some cases that best I can do contains very small errors I didn't notice right away. It might be on projects I'm re mixing a year later. I have no clue what guitar, amp or signal path I used. The track might be the result of 20 takes or one magical moment in 1,000. This is not turd polish but perfecting the almost perfect! And Only I will know that it happened. God bless digital audio workstation recording. Still havn't had time to try it out.
  4. I just upgraded to Editor from I guess it was Assistant for $99 ( I guess that will be $148 Can. ) Just to get the chord editing. Havn't done anything with chords yet just a vocal track which everything seemed the same fars as that went. But looking forward to fixing gutar tracks now. And possibly turning Guitar chords into Midi?? not sure if that works but would be pretty cool. Far as I caan tell the next level, Studio's biggest feature is editing multiple tracks at the same time. I can see that would be great for Harmonies. But that will be nexts years upgrade for me.
  5. There's an Instruments sub form here with a long list of free instruments. Also a lot of the tutorials I watch included links to free VST's that they use to demonstrate stuff. This one for sure Cactus Studio https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIImmMf5qdvYsgRLQvlZlFA and Creative Sauce too. He has them listed on his web page which is linked in all the comments I think. I must have grabbed 40 great new toys from these.
  6. Thanks I'll give it a try. Real dumb he doesn't seem to go over this in the video or the instructions? If it works it might have been the best bet for what Richard was looking for. And free.
  7. The very first video in this series was super helpful to me when I set up my interface. I think they are all the same if it came with a driver.
  8. I couldn't get his to work? Any tips. I downloaded, un zipped and copied all the folder content into my VST folder. I can open the VST and change patches but no sound is generated. I tried 2 computers. I tried Omni as input, I tried the virtual controller, It says it dose not use samples so it can't be a missing library? I downloaded and install a bunch of VST's and all of those work just fine. Just this one. All tested in a Blank Project latest W10 and Cakewalk.
  9. I just watched a video were the instructor opened the events list. They unchecked "notes" and all that is left is the Controllers and stuff. Delete.
  10. Isn't the folk lore of their origin was to terrify the enemy as the Highland warriors marched towards them on the battlefield? And they would have had a bunch of them. Our small town has a Pipe Band. They are a part of many community events and actually very popular. I've often shared the stage with solo pipers and the whole group at events like the fall fair and grand openings. Two of our local drummers are also part of that.
  11. I was told once that the intro to Steve Earls Copperhead Road the Keyboardist used s DX7 to create the bagpipe sound. Not sure if this is true, if he did then he sure must have modified the patch. I have the Free Dexed 1 DX7 VST and way down in Cartridge 25 sound 26 is the only Bagpipe patch I could find. Was way off. I also found this while digging around in Plugins4free. https://plugins4free.com/plugin/3296/ It sounds great in the video demo. But I can't get any sound out of it. Maybe someone else can.
  12. To the OP @luboda2I've only been using Cakewalk for a month or so and I knew the answer to this question already because I've been watching the tutorials in the Tutorial sub forum. Man there's a lot of them. I learned my way around by watching the Cactus videos a few times. The Home Studio ones are also good and some of the Creative Sauce ones but his beginner videos go to fast for me. There's some absolutely terrible ones as well where the guy takes 9 minutes before he starts to teach, I can't figure out why those ones have thousands of subscribers ? There's some official Cakewalk ones as a sticky thread but they are really outdated so I found them a waste of time. Anyhow I highly recommend you spend 20 minutes or so a day watching a few. Reading this forum has also taught me a lot from reading the replies to questions from long time users.
  13. There's a Tutorial sub forum I just found lots of great videos here which are really helping me get started. The one at the top seems to cover your questions. I like the way it's broken down into topics. A lot of the You Tubes are very scattered and most way over my head.
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