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Bass Guitar

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Everything posted by Bass Guitar

  1. A workaround- I back up all my important projects as Midi files. I learned to always include the tempo in the Title a long time ago because most other Daw's only import midi so you don't get a tempo. Then when I open my Project folders, the midi file is right there and tells me the tempo. There will also be the lyric text file as well as a lot of my set lists have the Name, Tempo and Key so you can at a glance select different stuff. Example: " Bang a Gong- A 127BPM"
  2. Where did you read that Cakewalk was defunct? There's no plans to stop the free version of Cakewalk being available and we now have a fully supported version of Sonar again. The solution is simple. Forget X3 it's very old and full of bugs it's not worth your time. Just install Cakewalk by Bandlabd ( free) and carry on. Yes it's always a bit of work to re build a new DAW. But this is part of life if you fall to far behind. I just upgraded a W10 machine to W11 and I didn't loose any of my stuff. And if you back/clone up your C drive you can keep your main hard drives fresh too.
  3. In all the years I've been signed up to Bandlab/Cakewalk E mails I've never gotten one. They do have it because staff will answer questions via support and if you submit a crash dump. If they don't like you posting the discount code they would have said so in the email. I'm sure that it's fine as this is a users forum where sharing is what it is all about. I seem to remember Noel saying there would be more discounts down the road.
  4. Exactly what the man just said. Always set all your sample rates the same, even in windows. I really like the way this guy covered all the basics about audio.
  5. There's a huge list of free stuff here I have gleaned a lot of good stuff from this web site too- https://plugins4free.com My band likes to play Trop Rock re makes of popular songs. So steel drums defiantly is a must. The only steel drum I found was Papaya https://plugins4free.com/plugin/182/ is 32 bit which sucks. So what I did was I sampled the notes. It had too much low end in it as well so I fixed that and then all you need is a sample player like Kontakt https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-7-player/free-download/ I find the SI Piano can be made to sound real good with a touch of other effects like some phaser or chorus. It's actually well sampled. I also have one I got free called Sweetcase https://noiseash.com/sweetcase-vintage-electric-piano/ I use this one a lot. And don't rule out the guitar patches in the awful TTS-1. They can work in a pinch when you run them through TH3.
  6. You are correct in the fact the information got totally buried in a 30 page thread which was locked I guess because people kept asking the same questions sort of like you are now. Here's what I gleaned from the mess. CbB has now been released as the final update that needs to be installed if you wish to continue using it until the final day it will work. That day has not been set as of yet but we are told it will happen. All other older versions will not re activate so using those versions will result in the time out happening sooner for you. This is to give CbB users time to transition to either Sonar or Next. Or find another DAW. It has been said Sonar will be the continuation of Cakewalk and available in different packages at different price points. Next is a new and much different DAW. At this point 'm waiting for the early access release of Sonar like most everyone else here. Once we have tested that they will probably move forward with it's official release and we will then, and only then know the pricing and terms of use. So myself I'm 100% fine with all this and it would seem I might even have almost a year??? to worry about it. CbB is working great and so music is made regardless. of what their plans are. Not my problem.
  7. This is not a Cakewalk issue it's the ASIO driver and this is normal. I have used probably 6 different interfaces from different companies and they all look like that. Takes 2 seconds to figure it out. And you really need to install the proper driver. I like this video and it saved my butt.
  8. That is a very odd statement? In my world the drums need to sound right acoustically before you'd even think of miking or recording them. They need good shells, good skins and be tuned properly. The mikes are only used to capture that sound and in a live gig make it louder. More or less the same task as recording or amplifying an acoustic guitar or a saxophone. AN instrument is an instrument. And mikes won't fix the sound of any s---ty sounding instrument. I've played plenty of gigs over the year where miking up the the drums was not an option, They would just play a bit harder using 2B's. and the dance floor was still hopping. This one drummer years ago had a friggn 26" kick. That sucker was loud! I've been messing with these VST drums myself lately and to me they sound like something you really don't want to feature in a mix. I hate to bug my drummer about my original songs, But I know if i finish one of these demos and play it to him he'll go" let me do that for you those drums sound awful.!" So they will serve a good purpose in the end. But Glad to see your are making progress in your quest to wrestle with this weird technical stuff just like me. It's a steep learning curve but I refuse to be outsmarted by a computer.
  9. That's interesting you mentioned this. I remember back in like 200? do this to run some software I had demoed and it timed out. My son taught me that one, he was like 20 at the time. He also introduced me the the torrents and lots of free versions of Sonar abounded in those days. But I kinda wonder if the developers don't already know about that trick and now the time outs are "phone home" related?
  10. Just read some of this, All I can say is thank goodness my drummer uses real drums. I'm the guy in the band stuck with the recording task as the others have zero interest in technology. For me the hardest part was learning how to properly mike the drums. Once that was done the process became routine. The recordings are only for us and family so not fussing to much with perfection. I like this little hobby, keeps me occupied.
  11. Bass Guitar


    I mostly record our bands live gigs, No amount of cheating would ever make those recordings something you would release commercially. But we get a kick out of listening to our progress over time. And our friends and families think it just great. Live recordings are what they are and I myself will often listen and enjoy those recordings of well known bands and I could give a S--t about the recording quality and the mistakes. The vibe and energy are way more important to me. A good song is a good song even played on a lo fi cassette player in a 1882 car.
  12. This is why I just export all my songs as wave files and I do a batch conversion in a ( free) Wave editor called Gold Wave. http://www.goldwave.ca/ That way I can do a whole bunch of files at once. It has all the audio formats. The beta info you can add some of it in the Browser view Notes. That seems to transfer over to my Wave files. I will also use it to fix start and endings with fade outs. And then meta data info can usually be added using other free apps . A Google search came up with dozens https://www.mp3tag.de/en/download.html
  13. Trust us. It is not Cakewalk, this totally sounds like the VST effects you are using. Even the Boss guy ( Noel) will tell you that. Thousands of people use Cakewalk and nobody has your issue. After I install Cakewalk I make a new Template to record our band live and I make an audio track template for each instrument and save those as track templates. I only leave the EQ and the PC 2A compressor in the pro channel. I delete all the other crap and check the box shown in my screenshot. In the millions of recordings I've worked on I've never had your issue. Oh and Breverb is a turkey, don't use it I'm pretty sure there are reported issues. I use the Acon verberate, or Sonitus or if you have a Focusrite interface that comes with a free reverb. And don't put your reverb in the track use a send to bus. Having a bunch of different reverbs is a real great way to muddy up a mix. https://acondigital.com/products/verberate-basic
  14. 1983 -Home Studio set up with 8 track Tape machine, mixing board, a few processors and an Amega or Atari computer and few hardware synths for Midi = $10,000. 2023 - Home studio set up with audio interface, headphones, descent mike and near fields =$1,000. This seems contrary to things like the cost of a car or a case of beer and just about everything you purchase, Oh but I forgot, musicians are in a time warp.. 1983 Gig = $100 2023 Gig = $100 So if it takes playing 3 gigs to buy Sonar I'm in.
  15. Just had to give that a thumbs down. Sorry Another( person? ) who must struggle ordering food in a restaurant if the menu is printed in a font they don't personally agree with,, "Waiter, can I please have a menu printed in a different font? And yesterday the dinner was free why are you charging for the food now? "
  16. I get a kick out of people who are given a DAW for free that on the market right now would have been $400-$?? ( go look at the prices of competing DAW's ) and then start complaining 'cuase the company has been working hard to make it as good as possible, is now ready to sell it, And.. at a reasonable price point yet! Reading this thread I see, thank goodness, most people "get it". The complainers are the people who think a bug is when things don't work right in the software. I've read a lot of those threads here like that and it seems to me it is almost 99% user error because they haven't taken the time to actually learn about the software. Seems the people who do learn about the software never complain and never have to ask dumb questions, and they also don't scream "bug" all the time. I've had to learn how to use a few new programs over the last few years, Cakewalk included, and there is endless help including both documents, videos and this forum. It is a slow process to get up to speed especially with complicated software. I don't know 10% of what Microsoft Word can do but I've used it almost everyday for 30? years. The information the Boss has shared with us in the OP and mid thread, is very good news and I'm personally looking forward to seeing what Next or Sonar will be like. Sign me up. I like what someone said about we spend a lot on money on plug ins why not the DAW--Hmm, I haven't actually spent much money on plug ins so paying for a DAW is well with in my small budget. That's what Gig money is for.
  17. Ok I see what you are doing. But here's a ponder then. I hope this is still on topic. You are using a synth for the demo, synths are all stereo, right? But I use mono audio tracks which I think are truly mono. They only become stereo if you add an effect that generates stereo out put? Correct? I only use the pro channel EQ and the PC2A compressor on audio tracks. Do they become stereo? good question. If I add effects I will do this with a send to a bus. Another pondering question, do they send a stereo signal from a mono source? I have actually never noticed the interleave icon before. And so that was why I was wondering about your issue which I see is a legit issue but possibly only for a very few users. Seems like the boss was sort of ignoring your request anyhoo, but he did just say a few things I'll add to my list of what is going to happen sometime soon with CbB.
  18. Sorry I still don't understand 100% and that's all good because I probably don't need to understand it all! And honestly I tried, What you are talking about is performing tasks I have never had to utilize. I mostly record our band live just to mess around with stuff but I am also trying to put down a few of my own original songs so that takes me a little deeper. I'm learning. And I'm finding there's a lot to learn just cruising this forum from time to time. I've read a lot of your posts and you seem like a pretty helpful person so sorry if I seemed like I was arguing or something, no, just trying to learn something new. Thanks.
  19. I see the point. So what Will is actually asking for is a second option for an audio track. A pure mono track that doesn't have a pan? this seems illogical to me. Every DAW I've ever used has a Pan and every mixing board has a pan. And are you guys saying that if I record my Bass track at -10 db as a mono audio track and I export it as a mono stem it will be -7db? I've never noticed this happening.
  20. Workspaces are only for your layout and which modules and dialogue boxes are showing in things like the control bar and track headers. . Only track or project templates have bearing on stuff like Pro Channel set ups. If you don't want a module best to completely remove it. First thing I do after installing Cakewalk. Delete all but the EQ and save as a project template. What is not mentioned is did you accidentally install the early release version?
  21. I'm not following this? You go to Add track, Audio, you select the mono input like 1 of your interface, and create a new audio track. It is most defiantly a mono track?
  22. For free the XLN Addictive Keys is a very good quality piano I have used a lot, defiantly more realistic than the TTS-1. XLN offers demos of both the Piano and the drum kit with no strings attached. The piano is limited in range but I never use those octaves anyhow. The drum kit has a basic kit but is missing the Toms. I just use the SI drums for the Toms and extra stuff if needed. You download and install the Online Installer app and create a free account. And the demos are in the app. Simple. https://www.xlnaudio.com/install?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxuCnBhDLARIsAB-cq1pyIu3ZX0SRZmIHozmwyIyj3FS2fqducqUzIFeT_PvG2heyrnd4vmgaAhG7EALw_wcB Roland sells it's VST instruments on a subscription basis which I find way to expensive. But that is where you would find the Sound Canvas VST which is apparently what the TTS-1 sound engine is built on. Seems there would be plenty of old Sound Canvas hardware units collecting dust out there.
  23. What you will find if you look on the different manufactures support web pages is the serious producers of interfaces keep that support page up to date. So it will say if they have tested the driver on which operating systems. I found an old Fast Track pro at a garage sale for$5. But on the support page it says even W10 is not supported and to use the driver at your own discretion.. I gave it shot and I did sort of work but the SPDIF was missing. on the list in Cakew, The only thing I wanted. So if your shopping for an interface defiantly look at the support page and see how on the ball they are.
  24. Yes. There is an indication from things said in the OP of this thread that CbB will be available indefinitely and activation every so often will still be required. Take note that you should most likely wait for the official release and do not install this early release unless you are willing to be a Guinea pig.
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