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Everything posted by simon

  1. I'd say go for it - bear in mind that ARA isn't here yet and has been delayed once already.....and will probably be full of bugs when it does appear (although I'm sure you knew that !) Also there's never been a cheaper way to get Nuendo if you need the extra post features, or simply like extended surround sound formats. SB are claiming that cubase/nuendo will be more or less in feature sync from now on. Previously there was a loooonnng delay for Nuendo to get the latest Cubase features.
  2. already done and thanks again Larry - and to answer my own question from previously, the samples are different. You can tell at low velocities but at higher velocities the difference is very subtle
  3. anybody tried this yet ? I'm just having a play but I'm noticing some odd things eg - select brushes/mallets for the yamaha toms in OP1 and you still get sticks part presets for mallets/brushes in OP1 also have no toms, implying that those articulations don't exist.
  4. FWIW toontrack product manager also installed an update to SD3 (3.1.4) - can't see a change log on the website anywhere
  5. Thanks Larry - it's a monster I'm also looking forward to to that Al Schmitt SDX later this year.
  6. just pulled the trigger on this - not at my audio pc at the moment....how big is the download ?
  7. it's kind of crazy that it's better to give stuff away than get it under support I also like the fact they say "full, regular list price" - I mean, when have waves ever sold at the "full, regular list price" ? making that phrase a little meaningless IMO try emailing them first before giving stuff away, you might reach somebody more sensible who'll cut you a proper deal on the whole lot (think they have phone support too)
  8. can you do a licence transfer to another account ?
  9. AND if they have ALL expired Mine expire slowly over the course of the year so I have to wait for them all to expire to take advantage of the cap on the lot - otherwise I pay full (capped) price on every time I update. So I need to wait until they have all expired so that they are all in sync
  10. update - just had it confirmed to take advantage of the cap all products you are updating need to have WUP already expired. That's really not very good that means I'm best to hold off buying any more waves stuff until ALL my waves products expire, then I can co-term them all and take advantage of the cap. seems like they are doing themselves out of selling products ?
  11. I'm in the same boat - I (mis) understood there was a $240 cap - but you're right you need to wait until everything is out of date. Means I can't/won't buy any more waves stuff for the foreseeable future. I'll email them because I can't imagine this is what was intended ?
  12. ...now I've done the maths nuendo full price (currently around half price compared to nuendo ) = £841 cubase = £248 and it's £343 to upgrade to nuendo = £591 (uk prices obvs) quite a saving (edit - those prices are direct from SB - you may get these even cheaper elsewhere) I shudder when I think of how much I have spent on upgrading cubase and nuendo over the years (every bloomin' version !!!!)
  13. I haven't done the maths but the crossgrade price from cubase to nuendo was heavily discounted too. If you wanted nuendo it 'might' be cheaper to buy cubase at 50% off and then buy nuendo rather than buy nuendo direct.
  14. Steinberg are certainly being very aggressive on pricing at the moment FWIW I run cubase/nuendo as my main DAW and I think it's amazing....but then I've been with it since the beginning (feel very old !)
  15. I think it's a difficult comparison to make - gullfoss seems a bit more subtle, at least at the more reasonable settings. It claims to auto eq more than 300 times per second and at a very large number of frequencies, They imply there is some kind of secret sauce to exactly how it's deciding what the ideal curve is. Gullfoss is also dynamic, in that it you can change the way it responds depending on the level of the input. It defines the two modes as "recover" and "tame". thirtyone is just a 31 band graphic eq - that can auto eq to an auto generated or user tweaked curve at a maximum of every 1/4 second. I'm not saying that thirtyone is bad - but it's not trying to do exactly the same thing as gullfoss and is seem much more basic. Still seems effective - and worth a try. Ultimately most of these kind of "auto fixing" type tools are great fun at first, but are often fixes to problems that probably shouldn't be audio in the first place. There is also a great temptation to apply these type of FX and assume it's improving the track...but different isn't always better. (just my opinion obviously) Of course playing with these plugins is much more fun that actually doing some bloomin' work
  16. just been having a play with it and it's pretty good - especially considering the price. After the initial honeymoon period I'm not sure how much use it will actually get of course
  17. thanks - I've already got that ?, in fact the recommendation came from the other way round people suggested I should try thirtyone also the zynaptiq stuff has a bit of an overlap in this area and are also highly recommended. I love the idea of a 'magic button' type solution ?
  18. I'm a total hypocrite just picked up "thirty one"
  19. worth having a few "burner" emails for those type of things IMO
  20. nothing here - don't they come in the 2nd week of the month ?
  21. I've unsubscribed from the hornet newsletter - is there ever a time when they are not on sale ?
  22. got it (I'm sure that wasn't there a moment ago !!) thanks Larry - you're number one on my christmas card list this year
  23. Hi Larry not seeing that deal on the site ? did that come via email ? thanks
  24. Yes, cubase/nuendo blacklists the 32bit version and it's not a problem as it then doesn't bother to load it - this wasn't the issue here. Lots of plugins don't even give you the choice ! you HAVE to install the 32 bit version if you want to run it in standalone mode - plus the original v2 install MADE you install the 32bit version before it allowed you to install the 64 bit version, so I already had both on my system. From what I can tell the problem is that the resource files for the various versions get messed up during the 32bit/64bit upgrades. I've been in touch with support and they are now recommending what I suggested as the best method for 'upgrading' I've never known cubase to blacklist a 64bit plug just because the 32bit version is also on the system - it blacklists by "path/filename.dll/filename.vst3" not by plugin name.
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