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Everything posted by simon

  1. being totally pedantic - it's a TU-12H I've still got my TU-12 that I bought in 1984, hundreds (thousands ?) of gigs later still works great and gets lots of use.
  2. picked it up at time and space with some loyalty points I've been looking forward to this one 100 gig download - gulp
  3. Anybody seen this discounted anywhere ?
  4. the installer seems to install both 32 and 64 bit - on my win10 system the 32 bit are installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\KORG\Plug-Ins\VST dunno why ? these are the ones you need to jbridge to 64 bit What I did was create a korg subfolder in one of my normal plugin directories and COPIED all the korg plugins ( and that .dll.settings file) to this directory - I think legacycell might want the other plugs in the same directory which is why I copied the lot. Then I ran the jbridger thing on that folder to create a 64bit file ONLY on the Legacycell.dll. This creates an LegacyCell.64.dll in that directory. let me know if that works.......
  5. In my account there was a link to bonus material - basically various presets for the plugs (fxb and .all) there were some m1 ones - have a look on the download page and see if it’s there
  6. thanks for that - are you talking about the artist presets ?
  7. the legacycell just one of the plugs - it's 64 bit but doesn't initialise in cubase
  8. picked this up - as I already had M1le legacycell crashes cubase on load had to wrap the 32 bit version with Jbridge to make it work - looks a bit like abandonware
  9. I think that might have been fixed in a recent update
  10. that maybe true - but you could get samples way better than these for free - plus the player is pretty poor just MO obviously
  11. I picked this up a while ago - I'd really not bother, even at $5
  12. picked this up with my voucher...but wouldn't have bothered otherwise
  13. (larry is on fire this morning ) ?
  14. yes - that's exactly it ?
  15. just ran native access and I notice Berlin Concert Grand seems to have been added to my account ? pleasant surprise
  16. as a round about way of answering your question - I believe SB are now asking for documentary proof of the original purchase of SL
  17. yes, and when does and "update" become a "new version" ? for example I had to pay to update DSM v2 to DSM v3
  18. that's odd - I'm on win10 64 bit and just using VST3 - I looked at a few (the bx_consoles for example as they were definitely said to be updated) couldn't see any problems.
  19. seems to work ok here although I haven't checked every one...... anything specific that didn't update ?
  20. I wonder what the windows 1903 compatibility updates were. I've not seen any other manufacturer release 1903 specific updates ?
  21. a bit odd - I already had 1.2.0 installed, which was from january when I bought it ? edit - the devil is in the details 2018 ! hehe
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