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Everything posted by simon

  1. they must have heard me at PA HQ https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/news/article/items/maintenance-update-02.19.html
  2. sigh - beaten by Larry nothing to see here
  3. you've got to be very quick on the draw to beat you !!!
  4. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/news/article/items/maintenance-update-02.19.html there's a long change log - no point in cut-n-pasting it here
  5. chanced upon this on the website https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/10db-bundle/ $39 also the individual plugs are discounted too @ $29 this price doesn't seem to have made it to the discounters yet Anybody any experience with these - I have the original hardware and thought about picking them up ?
  6. back on topic for a bit ? To update this plugin i was told I needed to download the update from the PA website and run it manually. Seems quite a failing if the PA installation manager if it can't do this ? All the other companies installation managers seem to flag if updates are available and install them. Come to think of it I don't know if I've ever seen a PA plugin update before ? is this the first or am I just missing lots of them ? .....that's made me even more angry ?
  7. Yes, if you want to play them without delay. You can get away a bit of latency on strings but on drums I can't stand any latency at all.
  8. .....and oddly they haven't stopped people swapping voucher - they've just applied a minimum spend limit. The 'explanations' were just nonsense IMO I think their motivation is obvious - they are desperate to get people onto the subscription model. We should ask the 'burn them' mob over to this thread too
  9. I think those particular interfaces come with a USB C to USB A cable as default - it was in one of the videos they don't actually supply a C-C cable
  10. @Grem if you'd like to take part in our angry mob please join us over here bring a torch and pitchfork
  11. there's been a lot of these recently - wonder if they are trying patch a particular issue ?
  12. does Koby need a list of your plugins and expiry or can you just let him know your waves email address (just checked the link Larry posted and it looks like he just needs waves registration details) Wonder how that works with GDPR ?
  13. https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/home-page/2019/10/30/dialogue-match-izotopes-new-time-saving-tool-we-have-a-world-exclusive-demo
  14. more info here https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/2019/10/30/synchro-arts-have-made-revoice-pro-better-than-ever-welcome-to-version-42 looks like quite a lot of changes
  15. I had a couple of firewire 828mkii for many years - they were brilliant - and joking apart, the spec of those new M2/M4 boxes looks very good indeed balanced outs - individually switchable phantom power - proper onboard metering - midi - hi-Z inputs My friend just bought a SB uc22mkii and we were laughing about how 1990's it looked, hardware-wise. Looks like MOTU might have a winner .....if the firm/software is good. (edit) of course we haven't seen the price yet
  16. They certainly look amazing - and as somebody who never uses his ears to judge an audio product, it's a win for me plus Mitch Gallagher has a great right hand technique (?) - left hand totally stationary throughout but that right hand is worthy of a TV weatherman.
  17. yep - installing manually is really painful - and doesn't really get you the presets in a usable manner - plus you'll end up having to delete them all if they automatically install them in an update. The user presets are kept in a separate settings file somewhere in your user/appdata so I'm just gonna delete these if they fix it. I'm not totally convinced they will actually fix it but hey, here's hoping.
  18. agreed - when you import manually it saves them as a long list in your user presets - with whatever name it pulled out of the xml(ish) file.
  19. don't worry, they'll be at $299 again very soon - and I don't think they are a bad buy at that price I'm not sure quite what the deal is with these particular mics and PSSL - you can't buy this mic from anywhere else any more, but they are not sitting on a big stock of old ones in a warehouse somewhere - the dates on mine were only a week prior to my order. ?
  20. quick update on the 'missing presets' saga after a bit of backwards and forwards with waves support (including the 'why not reinstall everything' type responses) - they eventually said "Turns out the presets are indeed missing from most plugins - thank you for pointing it out for us. We should release a fix for this in the next few days." here's hoping - although I'll never get those hours I spent manually importing them back
  21. I picked up a pair of these, they are very frequently on sale at pssl If you google them they get amazing reviews with people comparing them to u47 etc etc. That's why I bought them.... Obviously this just my opinion but they are not nearly as good as the reviews suggest. The build quality is much better than most of the cheaper chinese mics, the cable, case and shockmount are very nice too but the sound still has that slightly brittle an scratchy quality you get from cheaper mics - it's a little 'hyped' and tiring. The valves (tubes!) are EHX and one of them was a little 'staticy' - I swapped out valves (tubes) with some very nice NOS mullards but they didn't fix the sound to my liking. The PSU are a little noisy too, that is mechanical hum from the transformer, so you need to keep them well away from the mic. They are definitely worth $299 especially if you don't have a LDC. TLDR: I don't really find much use for them as I have other options that are better but then that's true of most of the things I buy....and that never seems to stop me.
  22. FWIW I gave the examples a listen and I wasn't hugely impressed - I think I could do better with existing tools.
  23. ? I think it directs you to that when you open jamstix too - but these updates don't seem to be on there
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