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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. Hey Luke, OT, but why don't you go for the full free version of Cakewalk? This is really old, but look at the feature difference using Platinum. Other than the plug-ins, that's what Cakewalk is now--mostly take note of the 64-bit feature.
  2. I got the high ohm version, and man it's scary having to crank the volume up almost all the way (80%). I feel like if there's a system pop or something, they're gonna blow. Also, be advised, they accentuate the low end. If you want accurate headphones for mixing, these might not be the ones for you. I use various references for mixing/mastering, so I know how to judge the bass--but wanted to point that out. They are really good headphones. They are comfortable and have cloth instead of that flaky peely rubber stuff that gets all over your ears after a couple years. Maybe you saw this, but here is how they recommend you decide.
  3. Yes @Noel Borthwick The algorithm doesn't kick it automagically once a region is selected for Melodyne. I'm sure there are other issues too, but that's the one that was most important to me. Sounds like a patch/update is on the horizon. Great news!
  4. Great!! I'll get working on this and email you directly.
  5. Hey All I know there was a bug with the last paid version of Melodyne and many of you reverted back to the older version as a workaround. Do we have an update on when the bug will be fixed? Last I heard directly from Celemony, they were working with the Cakewalk engineers on a fix. Thanks!
  6. I'm not in front of my DAW right now, but something in the dialog box after you choose to export, check the source to make sure it's not set to track. You'll want your hardware device, 'entire mix' etc.
  7. I guess the OP didn't expect too much success since they haven't posted back since all of these excellent replies.
  8. Although that's the answer you were looking for, I also find using folders to be a great help in de-cluttering my workspace - FYI.
  9. Oh, wait. You're right. The 'X' started at what would have been 10. So X2 would have been 12 not 2. My bad. Funny thing is, I might have Sonar 2.2 CD's. I'll check when I get home. --Still, any EULA issues?--
  10. Hey there-- I'm a past and current Echo Layla and Layla 3G user. RIP for sure! They are the only PCI audio interface with that many I/O's that I could afford. My concern is the day I can no longer use my Layla 3G and have to purchase a USB interface for the exact same reason your posting here...latency. Have you considered looking at another PCIe interface? I know they're pricey, but maybe a sale, or used?
  11. Hey @chrismohr You know, I just might have the DVD's to Sonar 2.2. (I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to software). Let me check when I get home. I see that my purchase history on Cakewalk.com has SONAR X2 Producer. Would that work in case I don't have 2.2? BTW--is there anything I need to be concerned about breaking my EULA if I make a copy?
  12. Yes, thanks. My interest is if by resampling a wav file that was created at 44.1k to 48k are you increasing the file size? I know an original file, with all other parameters being equal, recrded at 48k will be larger than one recorded at 44.1k. It's the conversion that would be interesting to know. For me, increasing a file size with no other purpose than Soundcloud said so, would be a negative--especially when uploading (if indeed that happens).
  13. It would be an interesting experiment to see if "resampling" a 44.1k audio file to 48k changes the file size. Hmm...
  14. Oh, yes. I don't deny I'm being lazy on this one. It's just that I did find an alternative that gives me what I was looking for AND, I might not have liked the increasing velocity any better even if it was possible. I spent the better part of my music career pursuits on experimentation. I thought I would discover the next great "thing". I didn't, but I did find that in most cases, if there is something I hear in my head, I can create it in my DAW. Someone told me once that was a great skill to have. I guess all those years with experimentation amounted to something!
  15. OK, thanks. I kind of thought that was the issue since there were no MIDI events to increase velocity on beyond the initial note! ? I'll try a volume increase to see if I get the effect I want. I like the sustain progression of a particular patch and only want that and not the attack to increase in one particular part of the track. I do, however, want the attack everywhere else in the track, so I don't really want to take the time to change the patch parameters for something so small. Can't see the ROI! ?
  16. Hey Folks-- I tried messing with this function the other night and couldn't figure it out, so I went with something else. I would still like to know if this can be done and how. I would like to create an envelope for velocity where I can draw a steady increase in the velocity of a single sustained note. I've got several synths on the project I'm working on now, and I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall which one I want to apply this envelope to. I can post that as an edit tonight once I get back to my studio. Can this be done? Thanks!
  17. Update: I downloaded Rapture Sessions and the multi-gigbytes of content and now it and regular Rapture is available in Cakewalk. I had Rapture v 1.22 -- which has a completely different interface. Sessions is more of a lite version, that has a link "upgrade to pro". I believe the regular version of Rapture I picked up from Sonar X2 where it was included--at least that's what my old notes say. Good tools to have.
  18. Yeah, I had Rapture v 1.23 (I think, not at DAW right now) and Rapture Sessions. I couldn't tell which was in the "glass" search results from the file path.
  19. Hello So, I'm searching on my DAW for a sort of glass/wind chime sound and I find a file name with the word glass in it. I open the file location and it's from a backup from a previous DAW. What do I see in the file path, but Rapture! I guess I didn't reinstall it or something because it's not in Cakewalk. I went to my Cakewalk account and there is Rapture Sessions with the SN and download link. I really don't know how I missed it. I'm going to install it tomorrow. Should I just install into the default folder location and then recan my VST folder for it to show up in CW, or is there anything special I need to do at this stage?
  20. I would double check you don't have any hidden tracks routed to nothing in track manager in console view and also track view in case they are not synced.
  21. If you know how many guitars you have, you don't have enough!
  22. I see. So what this app does beyond just the device manager in Windows, is show you what's actually connected to a particular USB hub. Is that right?
  23. If it ain't broke, don't upgrade it! All my computers at home and work are on W10 except my DAW. That's on W7 and is very stable! It still gets MS security patches--for now.
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