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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. https://www.amazon.com/JHS-Unicorn-V2-Univibe-Effects/dp/B07983MKNK
  2. hey kakku! yes, head bashing. LOL sounds like a scene from the walking dead. heheh thanks for listening! and please spread the word about the new album! much more head bashing available, as well as gentle songs to heal the deadly wounds. ?
  3. sorry about the migraine, i know folks with this, it aint fun! but when you DON'T have the weight of a thousand dragons sitting on your head.... give it a good loud spin!! LOL, thanks man.
  4. hey david, thanks for the kind words.... i guess i prefer the sung songs, just because that makes them more accessible... i have a back log of about 40 instrumentals i've written, that are more progressive than the 'songs' i've written, but i can't for the life of me think of ANYONE who would even care to hear them!!! LOL the instrumentals probably have more of my 'true' voice, but typically are only enjoyed by musicians, and not normal people. ?
  5. ok, nobody's head bangin' ......... wazzup?!
  6. bumpin' for folks to get their stocking stuffer orders in on time! ?
  7. bumpin' for the weekend, when you can REALLY head bang! ?
  8. hi conga! hey, thanks so much for listening. you know, i was recording as far back as 1979, and pretty much had my thing down by about 1981, and this was a few years before Vai showed up on the scene, and became known... so i really never knew who he was until i got his 'flexable' album, which was just stellar. 'passion and warfare' still ranks as one of my top 10 instrumental albums, desert island kind of thing. so, that's cool that you hear somebody like that in my playing, very cool.
  9. available at Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/Wild-Animals-Bats-Brew/dp/B07ZZKRR6K/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Bats+Brew&qid=1574699997&s=dmusic&search-type=ss&sr=1-1
  10. this tune features the mighty Barber Exacta fuzz pedal! dig that fuzz...
  11. hey chucke! i appreciate the kind words, thanks. yea, the 2 minute fade! ;heheh well, remember: i'm not writing 2 minute radio tunes here, i'm writing pieces of music that HOPEFULLY, will take you on a journey. i don't have any patience for catering to the ADHD crowd.... LOL i guess that means i have ADD for ADHD or sumptin'! ?
  12. HI ANDY! thanks so much for listening... i've got another one off the new album posted, it's a similar flavor, but as an instrumental, is a bit more....free. heheh
  13. hey Makke! thanks for listening! please spread the word about the new album!
  14. another tune from the new bats brew album "The Wild Animals" new album available at cdbaby, itunes, amazon https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/batsbrew13 https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-wild-animals/1486273667
  15. WOW TOM! just saw the review, thank so much man, it helps for folks to see the reviews, gives em a feel for the project better than some snake oil salesman like me! LOL
  16. G, there is always a review option on the amazon page, when logged in, go to your 'recent purchases' and get there quick. usually they send you a reminder some time after the download.... but the BEST place to put a review, is here: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/batsbrew13 login to store, write review below!
  17. way cool gswitz!! thanks hey tom, so glad you dig this stuff, thanks again.
  18. HEY LYNN! thanks for listening.... this song is just a warm up for the rest of the album, since it comes first in line....
  19. thanks hidden!! please spread the word, i need more people to hear it!
  20. frikin' awesome man, thanks! give me a review if you like it enough, that'd be extra cool!
  21. ah, so much snow here, means time for new work that has begun on the next project. but for now, trying to raise some interest in this one is the name of the game.
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