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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hey john! ha, not naughty, just thoughtful... i don't think anyone cares if i bump a missed cause... glad you dig this one!
  2. thanks kurt! yea, chunky.... i was trying to get some 'knock' out of some of the new IR's i was experimenting with... the recording was great to do that with, and i learned a lot about what i like, don't like, and will totally keep using of the IR business...
  3. thanks Harry, that's cool of you to say, glad you dig this one... i'm working on a new batch of songs right now, that are in this flavor, but with vocals. 3 in, so far...
  4. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/headin-eastwest Headin’ Eastwest- there is a little eastern intrigue happening in this slow heavy rock tune. It is a hopeful feeling song about taking journeys, long sojourns, to places you’ve never been before, and hoping for the best outcomes. You don’t need to know exactly what direction you are going, only that you are going. Could be east, could be west. guitar geek stuff: for cabinet impulse responses i used 1.Celestion G12m in 2x12 closed back cab 2. Celestion 2x12 blues cab 3. York Audio Friedman 4x12 w/V30's cab. 4. York Audio Mesa 2x12 V30 LTD (this only cost $1, and is so good) marshall super lead and vox ac30 amp models in the strymon iridium for all these parts. i used everything on this pedalboard as well:
  5. thanks so much david! i did several acoustic only versions of this, and they sound just like you would imagine, but i wanted a 'rock' version of it, without being too overblown, the middle section is probably pushing it!! LOL
  6. thanks so much kurt!! def check out the ballad i posted... it's cool, getting new toys (the strymon iridium) and drums (toontracks rooms of hansa) because, it affords me new perspectives of what i'm hearing in my head, vs. what i can actually pull off in a recording. thanks for the comment
  7. thanks jack. yea, appropriate, there has to be some positive light at the end of this weird @ss year.
  8. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/spring-morning Spring Morning: this is a song I wrote 20 years ago, but never actually recorded properly. It is supposed to capture the feeling of the first true spring morning after a long cold winter, where you stand outside in the early morning light, looking towards the sunrise, and realize it’s not quite as cold anymore. It’s a nice feeling. from the new bats brew album "Elemental"
  9. bert, album here: Bandcamp: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/ also apple music and amazon
  10. hi bert!! where've you been?! i post stuff ALL the time! heheh i've got an entire new album of instrumentals, that are all over the place, including some real nice acoustic based pieces and some ballads... posting some more shortly... yea, the 7/8 thing was just..... fun. just fun. and i can roll with these kinds of grooves all day long, but try to do so sparingly on song formats...
  11. hi fred! thanks so much, i love syncopation, and going 7/8 is a cool way to groove it. definitely try it!
  12. as a side note, i just got toontrack's 'the rooms of hansa' and man, what great sounding kits and rooms... already 3 songs into the next album!
  13. hi treesha! thanks for listening... yea, the unexpected, that's kinda the vibe with an old school bank robbery, i think... the modern ones are all slick and smooth.. this one is more like a cluster fffook!
  14. well, soundcloud allows you to upload huge files... but whatever you upload, they still downgrade it to 128kbps streaming audio, which sounds like dooky! that's why i start with as high of a definition file as i can upload, which in this case, is 24bit 48khz.
  15. thanks jack!! these files that stream from soundcloud, were uploaded as 24 bit/48khz files, mastered for about -14 LUFS. the actual cd files were mastered a bit hotter.
  16. hi barry! glad you dig this tune... drums are superior drummer 3.0. heavily edited. low fi, it's super hi fi here, that is probably just the stupid downgrading of the wonderful 24 bit 48khz files i uploaded to soundcloud, playing them at 128 kpbs! the track needs the weight of the low end, IMHO, and needs to be played back on a full range system to really enjoy what's going on.
  17. thanks tom... leslie west, now THERE is a name drop! maybe not so much with the wah work, but yea i get that appreciate the thoughts there T
  18. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/neon-blues Neon Blues: this is the only song on the new album that was directly influenced by the Covid Pandemic. The name of the album is Elemental; Neon is the 10th element on the periodic table of elements; Neon blues is the 10th song of the album. The 1st half of the song, is to represent the lockdowns, the social pull back, the fear of the future, the heartbreak of the relentless wave of bad news… the 2nd half represents the pushback of science, the battle against the virus, the struggle to get back to a fully functioning society. The Battle is not won yet. Hence the vibe of the song is both sad and hopeful at the same time. album here: Bandcamp: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/
  19. hi michael! hey, thanks for the comments, yea, the entire album was special... it's all instrumentals, 1st one in 5 albums. if you can get through THIS one, you would dig them all, i think.
  20. i guess folks are busy but you werent! thanks man..
  21. it wasn't zep, i was thinking kashmir, and that's 6/8...
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